The Third Reich

Chapter 1023: Field artillery of battle 1

The movement speed of towed artillery is very slow, they need to be towed by the car to reach the position, and after reaching the position, it takes time to deploy.

Now, the Iraqi artillery are preparing nervously.

The Iraqi Mechanized Artillery Brigade, carrying 13 94mm howitzers, the Iraqi Infantry Division’s field artillery brigade, has 12 8.16kg cannons, and 4 114mm howitzers. At this time, they are spreading out their fields.

In addition to these, there are also some tribal armed forces in Iraq who also participated in this operation. They were also angry with the British occupying forces, and they had other purposes. Once they captured the position of the British army , They can go in and grab things!

At this moment, everyone was arrogantly moving. The gunner shook the handle vigorously to prop up the barrel. At this moment, the sharp-eyed gunner looked forward: "The British take off the fighter plane again!"

They fought around the British airport, but the British could take off a fighter plane to bomb them. This is simply falling in love and killing each other.

Artillery is definitely not a bayonet-fighting unit. They prefer to hide behind and fire secretly. When they see those planes taking off from the runway, they panic.

"Where is the anti-aircraft artillery? Where's our anti-aircraft artillery?" the brigade commander of the artillery brigade asked loudly. At this time, they urgently need the antiaircraft artillery to protect themselves.

However, no one answered him. The establishment of the Iraqi army was originally incomplete, and the high artillery was not in their army at all!

The Hataki fighter took off again, still full of bombs and rockets. At this critical juncture, the British Air Force must defend itself with fearless courage!

The cockpit of the P-40 fighter has a good view. From here, he can clearly see the Iraqi artillery positions in front. After taking off, he can dive down and attack as long as he turns around!

However, just when he wanted to turn around, he found a few bright spots in the east sky, and immediately attracted his attention. What is that?

The bright spots are rapidly zooming in, and Hatach quickly sees it clearly, an aircraft he is familiar with, the MC200 Thunderbolt produced in Italy! Of course, it is not the Italian Air Force that is flying here, but the Iraqi Air Force that bought this fighter!

Only then did he remember something. He actually ignored an important factor. Being surrounded by these Iraqis, he only thought about the battle in front of him. He had no long-term vision at all!

The Iraqi Air Force’s bases should have been bombed first, and their planes should be bombed on the runway. Now, the Iraqi Air Force has come to attack our own side instead!

On the ground, the artillery cheered. At the beginning, they were still worried about being bombed by British planes. Now they finally don't use it!

"The Iraqi fighter was found, and the Kingfisher is about to intercept it." Khataki yelled quickly from the radio, and then he pressed the button.

The bomb wandered down to the open space outside the airport, making an explosion. This 1,000-pound bomb would severely limit his mobility. He had to throw the bomb to be able to fight against the Iraqi fighters.

After all, the Italian MC200 fighter is the latest advanced fighter developed by Italy. It has an all-metal structure and a good-powered engine. The aircraft has a speed of 500 kilometers per hour, which is already the first in this era.

Hatach, who dropped the bomb, flew toward the Iraqi plane. At the same time, the fighters behind him made the same choice. They had to deal with the biggest threat first.

Because it is behind the Iraqi Air Force fighter jets, bombers have already appeared. They are here to bomb the airport!

And seizing this opportunity, the Iraqi artillery can finally fire!

"Boom, boom!" Black smoke came out from the muzzle of the howitzer. The entire artillery position was shrouded in black smoke, and the shells flew towards the British air base on the opposite side.

The shells exploded in the lawn, and the soil was flying, but it was almost like deliberate release of water. The first round of shelling by the Iraqi army did not hit the tarmac at all. Only one hit the runway and only wiped it. side!

"Take off, continue to take off!" General Smart kept giving orders. The fighter planes that took off early were going to intercept the Iraqi Air Force, and then they continued to take off the fighter planes to bomb the artillery positions over there!

Today, this day is destined to be an extremely difficult day.

The fearless British pilot continued to brave the gunfire and forcefully take off.

At this moment, Smart saw an adjutant and hurriedly ran to him: "General, General, our reinforcements are here!"

Raising the telescope, Smart looked at a Douglas DC-2 transport plane, braving the fierce fire from the Iraqi army, forcibly landing on the runway, the pilot is good!

"Go, go and see!" Smart was also extremely excited. He jumped into his jeep and headed towards the runway of the airport On the runway, the transport plane that forcibly landed has already begun. Sliding to the tarmac, this transport plane from India took off in the early hours of the morning. After several hours of flying, the pilot was extremely tired. However, he was still waving his arms and instructed to come and move. Soldiers with weapons.

"The shell is behind, unload it from the back first!" he shouted loudly.

So, a famous soldier, carrying a box of heavy shells, lifted the shells down.

"Quick, quick, quick, take it to the cafeteria!" a British officer shouted loudly. He looked at these shells and was extremely excited.

The base officer’s cafeteria, at this time, it was also a tense scene. Soldiers were operating the artillery in front.

The 18-pound field artillery was the main British artillery during World War I. However, after World War I, it was completely outdated and replaced by the 25-pound field artillery, so this type of artillery was eliminated.

Now, in front of the canteen here, there are more than a dozen cannons, at least for display, without any practical significance.

And now, these cannons are about to radiate the second spring of their lives!

Last night, because there was no heavy firepower, the officers in the base immediately noticed these old cannons in desperation. After inspection, they found that despite years of wind and sun, these wild cannons were still in good condition. Therefore, they urgently contacted the rear and mobilized a batch of shells!

"Strong charge, let's show some colors for the Iraqi artillery!" The British officer shouted. He quickly measured the shooting yuan, and then gave instructions to the gunners.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Soon, these wooden one-man high gun wheels and short wild cannons roared loudly. ()

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