The Third Reich

Chapter 1058: Escort carrier

Germany and the United States have a hostile relationship, and its shipyard actually produced a large number of **** aircraft carriers for Germany. How can this make Roosevelt not depressed?

However, depressed go to depressed, blame goes to blame, this thing is really not to blame on my special head.

"At that time, the Germans placed an order for container ships. Various explanations were reasonable. Moreover, the contract was approved by Congress. We followed the normal procedures at the time. To blame, we can only blame the Germans for being too Cunning." Walter said: "Not only us, there are many other companies that cooperate with Germans. If we know the current situation, we would never cooperate with Germans."

Those who have business dealings with Germans are not the only one of their own. All companies in the United States had business dealings with Germans. They depended on German orders to feed so many American companies. Now Roosevelt has to complain. That is also invalid.

Who didn't know that the Germans made the best money?

At that time, the isolationist United States liked to make money in European wars. Even if it knew it was used for military purposes, it would give the green light without hesitation.

Now, it doesn’t matter to them, they have already earned enough. The most depressing thing is the loans to the Germans. Once Germany and the United States go to war, those loans will not be collected. Now, the lenders on Wall Street have long been Regret it.

What's more terrifying is that the original development of the euro turned US foreign exchange reserves into waste paper. Those who have listened to Roosevelt's words and did not exchange for the euro do not know how much they regret now.

When Walter said this, Roosevelt had no other rhetoric. He continued to fix his eyes on the drawing and listened to Walter's introduction.

"Standardization is the prerequisite for streamlined operations. All our **** aircraft carriers use the same standard size. Then, we can construct the sections in advance, and then close the standard sections, which can greatly increase the construction speed." Walter Speaking very seriously, after all, this is the first time for the streamlined production of aircraft carriers, because there was no such large demand before!

"The German container ship uses marine diesel engines?" Nimitz squinted, looking at one of the drawings, and asked Walter.

As long as you look at the schematic diagram of the engine installation, Nimitz, who is familiar with naval equipment, knows what is painted in it. Nimitz was surprised by this.

"Yes, they require a design speed of 18 knots. In order to reduce the size of the engine compartment, they use a diesel engine."

Marine diesel engines, which start fast and are small in size, can greatly reduce the volume occupied by power, which is very important for such a pocket-sized aircraft carrier.

However, Nimitz does not like this design.

Compared with steam engines, marine diesel engines consume too much energy. One or two ships are okay. If dozens or even hundreds of ships are built, it will put a heavy burden on the US Navy. After all, steam engine boilers can Burn the most inferior heavy oil fuel, but diesel engines will not work, it must be high-quality light diesel.

Germany doesn't need to worry about oil now. They have a large number of oil fields, but the United States is different. Even if the domestic oil fields in the United States are sufficient to meet their own needs and can be exported, the cost issue must be considered.

"Change to a steam engine, we can't use this gold swallowing monster." Nimitz said.

"However, if it is changed to a steam engine, then we have to modify the design drawings a lot." Walter said: "This is more than just plugging the steam engine in. The volume of the steam engine plus the boiler is much larger, and, The chimney will also occupy a larger space on the bridge. It will take us at least half a month to complete the new design, and then it will take about two months to understand the assembly process in order to improve our production efficiency."

A key issue raised by the U.S. Navy is to be fast, but now if it is redesigned, time is too late.

"I think we should place orders for a few diesel engines first. The factory can start production immediately, and then make improvements while producing, and then steam engines can be used in the follow-up." Roosevelt said on the side.

The navy can't wait.

Nimitz can only agree to this compromise plan, which looks pretty good.

At the same time, Roosevelt’s decision also means that the shipyard can start construction immediately and enter the production stage. This makes Walter excited. The shipyard will enter a new glory. The war is really great!

Then, Roosevelt and Nimitz and others inspected the shipyard. They looked at the huge electric spark, the outline of a ship has gradually been revealed. Here, they will build their own escorts in batches. Aircraft carrier, think about that scene, it is really spectacular.

While walking and watching, an aide hurried over and said to Roosevelt: "Mr. President, at the Democratic Party meeting in Chicago, you have passed the nomination will participate in the new round of president. General election. We all look forward to your leading the United States to victory!"

This news made Roosevelt extremely excited. As long as he can pass the nomination in the party, Roosevelt will have the confidence to win the election. The war has begun. In Roosevelt's eyes, the peak of his life is about to begin. .

In the past, it was nothing to pull the American economy out of the crisis. Leading the United States to win this world war and establishing the hegemony of the United States after the war was the greatest cause Roosevelt wanted to accomplish!

"Immediately give me an appointment with the person in charge of the eight largest consortia in the United States, I want to talk to them." Roosevelt said.

Now that he has been nominated, Roosevelt will go all out to welcome the presidential election. For Roosevelt, the first problem of the election is of course to raise campaign funds. He needs to search around.

The US consortiums before World War II mainly refer to eight consortia including Morgan, Rockefeller, Kuhn-Lobb, Chicago, Mellon, DuPont, Boston, and Cleveland.

In addition to the eight major consortia mentioned above, the United States also had some minor consortia before World War II, such as the Dillon-Reid consortium, the Brown Brothers-Harriman consortium, the Ford consortium, and several smaller local consortia such as the Detroit consortium. .

The funds for the Roosevelt campaign were of course raised from their hands.

"President Roosevelt, if we want this campaign to succeed, I suggest that we can use the Jews." When Roosevelt returned to the White House, his campaign think tank had already been formed, and the director of the think tank was his. Old friend Raymond Molly.

Using Jews? Roosevelt looked at his old friend with puzzled eyes. ()

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