The Third Reich

Chapter 1063: Forgot the weather forecast

The capital of Greece, Athens.

This is an ancient cultural city with a history of more than 3,000 years. It was once the oldest slavery city-state. Now, in this precarious age, Athens is just an ordinary city that cannot be ordinary.

After entering modern society, Greece was left behind. The biggest fact is that Greece does not have a modern industry, especially a military industry. All the weapons in Greece are purchased. (Baidu arrived, don’t know if it’s right.)

Now, in the early morning, the first ray of sunlight softly shines on this historic ancient city. The Balkan Peninsula will always be such a soft look. The Mediterranean climate makes it warm in all seasons.

Now, in the building of the Greek government, the atmosphere is somewhat depressed.

"On behalf of the Italian government, I formally submit an ultimatum to you. Only the last three hours are left. If you do not agree to our request to allow our troops to enter the territory of Greece, then we will declare war on Greece! "Italian ambassador, Gazas-Erunumar, said proudly to the Greek government officials.

The other party was also very angry at this time: "The last three hours? Our border has sent a war report, and the Italian army has crossed our border! What is the difference between you and the island country's attack on Pearl Harbor?"

The Italian army is really untrustworthy. It hasn't waited until the deadline is reached!

To be precise, the Italian army had already set off before dawn!

All the troops are full, and Visconti’s men are 85,000 people! He was impatient for a long time. Today is the greatest day in Italy. He wants to send a good news to Rome on this day!

The P26 tank, as the most powerful tank in the entire army, walks at the forefront of the entire army. The gasoline engine at the tail roars, and the 47mm gun barrel stands tall. This model produced in Italy is replaced by the Italians themselves. The 47mm cannon instead of the original 50mm tank gun.

At least from the appearance, it is no different from the German Panther 2 tank. This powerful tank has an annual output of less than 80 vehicles. The 131 Armored Division has more than 30 vehicles on hand, an absolute troop!

Just now, the tank fired only a few symbolic shots, destroying the Greek army’s outposts and defense lines on the border. They drove straight in and entered the mountainous area of ​​Epirus in Greece, pointing their finger at Ban near the city of Ioannina. The Duss Mountains, as long as they cross the mountains, there will be a Pingchuan, a huge army that can rush directly to the Peloponnese coast!

Behind the armored division were the 23rd and 51st Infantry Divisions. Visconti was in the 23rd Infantry Division in the middle of the team. At this time, his heart was extremely excited.

The Greek army, like a layer of paper, can be stabbed open with one finger!

"General, we got a report from the Coastal Combat Brigade. They are advancing south along the Adriatic coastline. The journey is very smooth." The adjutant reported to him.

The main force of the offensive was the 25th Army under Visconti. At the same time, the Coastal Combat Brigade protected their right flank. At the same time, the 3rd Alpine Division was ordered to attack from the direction of Bandos Mountain, preparing to detour back to Greece. Behind the 8th Division, Metzowung was occupied and the Greek army assembled in Epirus was separated from the second-line army.

Completely divide and encircle, and then annihilate them!

Visconti is most afraid of the Italian army running away without a fight.

Now, all the situations are very favorable. He triumphantly said to his adjutant: "Telegraph to Rome, saying that all our Italian troops are full of bravery and dedication. They rushed to Ioannina in the competition."

Just after he finished speaking, he felt a chill.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, he was sitting in an open-top command vehicle. The temperature here was still very high, and his feudal mouths were released, but now, the little cool breeze made him feel all over It's chilly.

what happened?

Huh? The sky seems to darken too? He couldn't help but raised his head, his face changed suddenly, and a large cloud of dark clouds floated over the top of the mountain! Coming over here in the dark!

That's the rhythm of raining!

When I saw the sky overhead, Visconti already had a bad feeling. He shouted to his men: "Quickly, give the order, find a high place to hide from the rain!"

Although Visconti is a bit arrogant, basic common sense is still there. This is a valley and low-lying land. Once there is a heavy rain, mountain torrents may erupt at any time. No matter how powerful you are, in front of nature. It is extremely weak.

Visconti is very anxious. The soldiers under are also very anxious. They are surrounded by bare mountains and there is no place to hide from the rain. Moreover, they can't get their equipment up. .

As a result, they could only find a rain cloth, put it on the rain cloth, and ran towards the hillside, and then ran to the half of the hillside.

"Crack!" A thunder blasted, and the dark sky suddenly gleamed, followed by a heavy raindrop.

"Wow, wow." The rain was tight with a sound. Under the blow of the wind, the raindrops got into the clothes of the Italian soldiers, even if they were wearing the raincloth, it didn't work. Don't rush over like money like crazy.

On the ground, a small stream quickly converged, and this small stream continued to converge and grow bigger.

"Quickly, climb up to the top of the mountain, be quick!" Someone kept yelling to the ears, and anyone with experience knew that the mountain torrents were coming soon!

Everyone is the same, Visconti is also running his legs towards the hillside. The rain wet his precious military uniform with gold trim. He feels his whole body is poured into a soup chicken. The cold, from the body to the heart.

It was really a miscalculation to not watch the weather forecast before setting off!

It's a pity that nothing is useless now.

The torrential rain was still falling, and in the far valley, there was a shaking noise. All the Italian soldiers opened their eyes and looked at the place where the noise was coming. There seemed to be a demon about to appear. same.

At this time, the sky is not so dark anymore, and dimly, you can see a huge flood in the distance, surging!

The flood was tumbling and flowing forward, taking away everything along the way. The huge stones were actually like leaves in the wind, being swept away by the flood.

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