The Third Reich

Chapter 1080: 1st generation composite armor

In terms of tanks, Germany must make tit-for-tat improvements. On the tank guns, Germany’s existing 88mm guns can penetrate the so-called heavy tanks of the Soviets. No matter how he designs a good anti-ballistic shape, its The weight is always there!

However, the Soviets' use of 152mm guns and 122mm guns would pose a serious threat to German tanks. Therefore, compared with firepower, protection capabilities are more important to Germany.

Historically, German armored steel is a very good nickel-chromium alloy steel armor. The Soviet T-34, even if it is a model with an 85mm tank gun, can have a penetration depth of 120mm, but even the German 100mm The armor cannot be penetrated because of the quality of the armor steel.

But in history, in the later period, due to the lack of resources, the Germans could not obtain these rare elements. They could only use the surface carburizing process to increase the quality of the armor, which resulted in the later tank protection power being significantly lower than before.

Now that Germany has controlled Western Europe and the origin of various raw materials, there is no need to worry about the issue of resources for the time being. However, only nickel-chromium alloy steel armor is not enough.

After all, it is still a kind of steel armor. If you want to continue to increase its protection, you must take the road of increasing thickness. This will allow the tank's self-weight to continue to increase and become a repeated cycle of no return.

Moreover, in the development of tanks, the firepower is always the easiest to break through. The 105mm tank gun has a penetration depth of almost 500mm. The model of the China Magic Modification is said to reach 700mm.

What about the tank? Could it be more than 700 mm thick? This is of course a kind of delusion, this kind of iron bump is definitely a nightmare for power designers.

Therefore, it can only be solved from the structure and materials, which is composite armor!

The structure of ceramic composite armor is similar to that of cream sandwich biscuits. The panel layer is made of alloy steel with high hardness, and the bottom layer is made of alloy steel with strong toughness. The middle layer is composed of many small ceramic balls. The gaps between the **** are filled with glass. Fiber reinforced resin.

In this way, when a menacing armor-piercing projectile passes through the layer of the "sandwich biscuit", the warhead has become blunt and consumes a lot of energy. Then, the harder ceramic ball in the middle layer decomposed and dissipated the main impact of the warhead. Finally, when the armor-piercing projectile, which lost a large part of its energy, hits the high-toughness inner bottom plate, it has no armor-piercing ability. This is the bulletproof principle of composite armor.

In contrast, ordinary alloy steel armor is purely hard-to-hard, without any technical features, it is harder than anyone else! If the armor is hard, if it blocks, the armor will win, and the warhead will be hard. If it passes through, then destroy the tank. It's that simple.

From this point of view, under the same thickness, the bullet-proof capability of composite armor exceeds that of ordinary armor steel, and among them, the most important thing is the ceramic ball.

The earliest application of ceramic armor can be traced back to 1918 after the end of World War I. At that time, Major Newell Monroe Hopkins found through experiments that a 1.6mm thick enamel on the surface of steel armor can greatly enhance the protective performance. .

However, ceramic armor did not enter practical applications. Until after World War II, with the rapid development of tank gun penetration and the lagging protection capability, some people thought of ceramic armor and studied in depth. In the 1960s, finally entered The application stage.

The first application is alumina ceramics, which have excellent performance and relatively low manufacturing cost. A very thin ceramic layer can defend against small arms and ammunition.

Therefore, in Cyric’s proposal, alumina ceramics is put first, it is easier to achieve breakthroughs, and its weight is very light and the cost is low.

In this way, it can be used as a human body armor, and can also be used to improve the tank's protective ability.

In addition to these, what tungsten carbide, boron carbide, silicon carbide, etc., have various advantages and disadvantages. Krupp’s technicians are still studying, while alumina ceramics have come out. The development results!

Composite armor is now more needed by the German armored forces! Hearing this news, Cyric was immediately very happy: "A layer of additional armor can be bolted to the front of our tank hull and turret to achieve higher protection capabilities! Well, before March next year, we must All the Tiger tanks we have produced will be rebuilt!"

No matter how thick the tank's armor is, additional armor makes sense. Historically, many German tanks have reserved additional armor positions.

For example, after the invasion of the Soviet Union, Germany found that its existing tanks had insufficient protection, and immediately used bolts on the front of the hull and turret to install additional armor in millimeters to a thickness of millimeters to help resist the British, Soviet millimeter and American millimeter anti-tank guns and Tiger tanks have been reserved when they were produced.

As he said, Cyric suddenly got inspiration again: "When adding this layer of composite armor, we can design it into a wedge shape, um, like a bra. In this way, not only can it resist armor-piercing bullets, but also It has a very good protective effect against armor-piercing bullets."

Cyric remembered the Leopard 2 tanks of later generations. The addition of this bra was very clever. Now, armor-piercing bullets have also appeared. For the metal jet, the interstitial armor is very suitable.

When Cyric heard the word bra, some designers in the room wanted to laugh. After that, Cyric took the pen and began to outline the plan on the spot. They focused and sounded it seriously.

Soon, they nodded frequently, Cyric's idea was quite good!

After talking about this plan, Cyric stood up: "Okay, now that we have said so much, let's go to the factory and have a look!"

Compared to empty reports in the conference room, Cyric prefers to inspect the factory in person. It is more meaningful to be with frontline workers.

However, when Cyric just stood up, he saw Graf coming over. He leaned on Cyric’s ear and whispered: "Head of Cyric, the leader of Mussolini’s party is here. He wants See you."

Mussolini? Cyric certainly knew what Mussolini meant to find himself. The battle in Greece had failed, and he wanted the German army to help him find his place.

For the pig teammates, dragged down their pace of attacking the Soviet Union? Of course not, he is not Hitler, and he has great respect for Mussolini, a mentor.

"Let him wait." Cyric said: "I have more important work." ()

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