The Third Reich

Chapter 1091: 1 kick

Finally returned to Italy!

Thinking of the sky full of yellow sand in the Middle East and the desolation of the area where he was stationed, Italo Garibaldi yearned for a warm and moist Italy. If he did not return, he would even forget the taste of authentic spaghetti.

Now, standing outside the city of Rome, he was a little worried.

Behind him, followed by a unit, several units of the Italian Tenth Army that had just retreated from the Middle East.

Originally, they followed Rommel to conquer the city. Later, when Germany stopped to attack, they also followed the station, but now, Mussolini's order hurriedly summoned them back!

The 10th Italian Army was the main force of Italy in Egypt. At its largest, it had a dozen infantry divisions under its jurisdiction.

And now, following Garibaldi are the Maleti Armored Group, the Libyan 1st Division and the Black Shirts 3rd Division, with a total strength of 40,000. Among them, the Armored Group is the most combative force. It started last year. They are all the most advanced tanks in Italy. In the Middle East, they used to charge together with German tanks.

But now, they have been transferred back to Italy. There is no doubt that this shows that there is a big problem in Italy.

"General, shall we go in with you?" said General Pietro Maletti, the commander of the armored group, Garibaldi's men.

"No, you all stay in the army, I can go in alone." Garibaldi said: "If there is a situation, then follow my orders."

Garibaldi was a little nervous. He left his troops outside and entered the city of Rome with only a few guards.

There was a lively scene in the city. Returning from the desolate Middle East, this kind of scene seemed like a world away, but Garibal was not in the mood to appreciate it all. He watched his car and drove outside the party leader's residence.

"General Garibaldi, the leader of the party is waiting for you inside." An officer of the mansion said to Garibaldi, leading him along the corridor of the mansion, and soon came outside Mussolini's office.

Before entering, Garibaldi heard Mussolini's loud voice.

"The defeat in Greece this time is mainly due to the incompetence of the army's command! Someone must be responsible for this! Badoglio, as the chief of the army's general staff, you cannot escape the responsibility for the defeat." Mussolini was very angry. .

After Badoglio returned from Germany, he reported to Mussolini. Germany did not provide any support. When he heard the news, Mussolini became angry and pushed all the responsibilities. Badoglio.

"Originally, I asked you to go to Germany. I planned that you could move in the army from Germany and fight with us, so that you can make up for it. Who knows, you can't even complete such a task. What use is you staying in the army? I suggest you quit the army immediately!"

Sure enough, Mussolini put all the responsibility for the defeat on Bagdoglio. Bagdoglio's face was pale. He looked at Mussolini and wanted to argue a few words, but finally did not say. come out.

Sure enough, as the head of Cyric said, Mussolini will only shirk responsibility. What has he done in all these years in Italy!

"Okay, I can leave the army." After speaking, Badoglio turned around, and when he went out, he looked back and saw a sharp cold light in his eyes.

For the sake of the Kingdom of Italy, such a person must never be allowed to rule Italy anymore. He has no talent for leading Italy at all!

The door opened and Badoglio left. At this time, Garibaldi's shadow appeared at the door.

"Garibaldi, when did you come in, and when did you come back to Rome?" Mussolini put on a new face and said to Garibaldi.

Garibaldi hurriedly walked in, saluted Mussolini, and then said: "I just arrived today. I have to call the party leader. I didn't delay, I arrived immediately."

"Garibaldi, in the Middle East, you have won glory for our Italian army. After discussion, I decided to promote your rank to marshal, and at the same time, appoint you as the chief of staff of the army." Mussolini said: "You must be good. Do it, don't live up to my expectations of you."

Just kicking Badoglio away, Mussolini appointed a new chief of staff of the army, which is also quite fast.

Since Rommel went to North Africa, the Italian army has changed its old appearance. Under the training of German instructors, they have been built into a steel army, and together with the German army, they have continuously established combat exploits.

As the commander of the Tenth Army, Garibaldi was also considered the best general, and it is reasonable to be promoted now.

Just thinking about Bagdoglio who had just been driven Garibaldi felt speechless for a while.

There are several kilograms, he himself knows that if there was no German army, no Rommel, he would have entered the British army prisoner of war camp.

When the Italian army was fighting with Greece, it did not mobilize the North African army. After all, Mussolini still wanted to carve up some land with Germany. These troops must be stationed in the Middle East and North Africa.

But now, the failure of the Greek war has made Mussolini no longer care about so much. He must first clean up Greece. Therefore, he must choose to mobilize the elite African army back.

"Why, don't you want it?" Garibaldi prolonged the event after thinking about this, and Mussolini's face suddenly became straightened.

"Of course not. Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers." Garibaldi said: "I am very honored to be the chief of staff of the kingdom's army. It's just that the news came too suddenly and I'm not mentally prepared yet."

"We are running out of time." Mussolini said to Garibaldi: "The army was repaired in Rome for a week, and then went to Albania. We must conquer Greece. Now, let's discuss tactics specifically. To achieve suddenness, after we landed in Rome, we immediately began to attack.

Garibaldi was shocked when he heard that, he went up and attacked? What a joke!

Even if it is the German army, during this kind of national war, it will have to prepare for several months. Moreover, its main force is still in North Africa waiting for the transportation of subsequent ships, and the transportation of various supplies and so on. It will take at least two months for the African Legion to fight Greece!

"The Greeks are also clamoring to cross the sea to land in Italy, let him taste the power of our true elite troops!" Mussolini was already excited again.

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