The Third Reich

Chapter 1095: Roman unrest

Mussolini’s greatest military force is the black shirt army. In addition to the black shirt army, Mussolini also has his personal guard, code-named "the leader's musketeer." (also known as the Italian military police)

This is Mussolini's personal guard. Eight thousand people were selected from the armed forces of the country. After many levels of screening, only four thousand people remained.

It can be said that the title of the noodle army of the Italian army is an ordinary army, while the current Mussolini's guard is definitely a steel army.

They only listened to Mussolini's orders, and no one had the right to mobilize them. Now, for the benefit of the whole party, Ciano personally came to the guard station.

"Our leader has been assassinated." Ciano said to Cannavaro, the brigade commander of the guard, "Now, we are at the most dangerous moment. Now I ask the guard to listen to my orders and work together to safeguard Rome. Stability."

As Mussolini's son-in-law, Ciano's relationship with Cannavaro is pretty good. At this juncture, he must win Cannavaro's support.

At the same time, Ciano also knew that although the guards were powerful, their loyalty was not so high. To impress them, they could not rely on loyalty to the leader, but on enough benefits.

"When this incident is over, the army will go through a purification." Ciano said: "Cannavaro, you will become the chief of staff of our Italian army."

Originally Mussolini had designated Garibaldi, but at this most critical time, Garibaldi was actually absent, preventing the powerful Tenth Army from being mobilized. When this matter passed, Garibaldi would definitely not be moderated. Cannavaro's position as chief of staff is reassuring.

Sure enough, Cannavaro was tempted.

"What are we going to do?"

"Set up guard posts in the city of Rome, martial the city, arrest Badoglio and his accomplices." Ciano thought for a while, and continued to add one: "Protect the safety of the king."

"Okay, then we will dispatch immediately to avenge the party leader!" Cannavaro said.

Gather, go!

Soon, the leader's musketeers moved out of the troop station. In their hands, they held a submachine gun made in Germany. This is the most elite force!

Ciano originally planned to act with Cannavaro, but when he came out with the troops, his mind suddenly became sober when he was blown by the cool breeze outside.

At this time, it is not him, Bardoglio, or even the King of Italy that can determine the entire situation in Italy. It is Germany and Cyric that can really determine the fate of Italy!

"Quickly, take me to the German Embassy!" Ciano said to his driver.

be quick!

Royal Palace of Italy.

Emmanuele III was pacing back and forth, and occasionally he raised his head to look at the map on the wall.

In the western part of Europe, all the **** flags have been inserted, Rome and Berlin are on the same warp loop, belonging to the axis, but now, Germany has started with Mussolini.

Looking at the essence through the phenomenon, the current chaos in Rome is the result of secretly provoking by the Germans. The Germans want to find a suitable agent in Italy.

Mussolini's qualifications are too old, such an old guy will not die well, Cyric is not a good thing. As for Bagdoglio, I am afraid that he will not end well. He actually obeyed the Germans and came back to start the conflict.

The biggest shortcoming of Badoglio is that he is not a party member! Looking at the countries currently controlled by Germany, which one is not in power by the Workers’ Party? The Germans are not at ease with such a nonpartisan person like Badoglio.

Emmanuel III’s eyes were full of vicissitudes. The Kingdom of Italy belonged to him. But now, when he looks at the chaos in Rome, he has to stay out of it!

At this time, no matter what he did, it was all wrong. He only needs to watch quietly, see who wins in the end, and then come over to show allegiance to himself and appoint him as prime minister, that's it.

Emmanuele III felt a little sad.

"Your Majesty, Marshal Badoglio was ambushed by the leader's musketeers and was seriously injured."

"The leader's musketeers, controlled the northern part of Rome, and the Roman garrison controlled the southern part of Rome. The two sides are fighting."

The gunfire outside was not very loud, and these fighting forces deliberately avoided the palace so as not to disturb the king.

Emmanuel III did not speak, he knew that this result was what the Berliner wanted most.

However, when he looked at the other corner of the map, he still shook his heart. Rome is in chaos, and the top of Italy is in turmoil. At this time, Italy is still invaded by foreign enemies!

The Greeks will not miss this opportunity!

Greece was the most excited after learning that Rome was in chaos. Their army almost drove the Italian army in Albania into the sea. At the same time, they were arranging ships around preparing to cross the sea. In the past, the Italians were taught severely, no matter whether they could gnaw a piece of land in the end, let the flames of war burn in the mainland of Italy!

At this time, the situation suddenly changed.

The Mediterranean Sea is calm.

For ships sailing on the sea, no wind is not good news. On this flat-deck Goethe-class aircraft carrier, deck operators are busy.

When Germany completely occupied the Mediterranean, and when Rommel continued to develop in the Middle East, the Mediterranean route became one of the busiest routes in Germany. Therefore, German **** aircraft carriers are often active in this generation and are responsible for their own cargo ships. The task of escort.

"Ready to eject." In the middle of the deck, the nose gear of an FW190 fighter hooked the piston of the catapult, and the power of the engine was turned to the maximum. Following the command of the ejection to take off, a stream of steam drifted across the deck and the carrier aircraft It was ejected easily.

Although it is a fighter, there is a bomb hung under the belly. This FW190 is already a gold oil fighter of the naval aviation. For the small Goethe-class aircraft carrier, it is only equipped with such an aircraft, which can facilitate maintenance and other operations. .

Due to the low speed of the Goethe-class aircraft carrier, if you want to take off, you need to use a catapult. Germany has been investing money in the development of aircraft carrier catapults. In addition to the old hydraulic catapults, this steam catapult also It has already begun to try to enter the service state, and even for this Goethe-class aircraft carrier has added a boiler to provide steam pressure.

The pilot pulled the joystick, and the fighter quickly climbed after takeoff and flew towards Greece.

Behind him, planes ejected one after another, and soon dozens of planes flew to Greece in formation. ()

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