The Third Reich

Chapter 1111: Steel collision

"Quick, fast, go forward!" Behind Kobrin, the Soviet 14th Mechanized Army was being ordered to advance quickly.

In order to implement the heavy thunderstorm plan, the Soviets are also reorganizing their own army. They plan to equip the entire army with 29 mechanized troops to achieve their strategic goals.

At present, the organization of such a mechanized army is 36,000 soldiers, 1031 tanks, 258 artillery and mortars, 5,000 cars, 350 tractors, and 1,700 motorcycles.

In theory, it is a combination of two tank divisions and one mechanized division. The mechanized division has two infantry regiments.

However, this kind of organization is simply not possible. If all tanks are equipped with T-34 and KV-1, Stalin tanks, they will also be equipped by 45 years. Uneven.

Therefore, almost all mechanized forces are made up of dissatisfaction.

At the same time, in history, due to the 41-year disastrous defeat, the stimulating Soviet Union completely changed the large-scale armored army establishment and reduced its overall establishment. Throughout World War II, the Soviet Union also created six tank corps.

The current 14th Mechanized Army, in theory, is governed by the 22nd and 30th Tank Division, the 205th Mechanized Division, and the 20th Mechanized Regiment, with a total number of more than 30,000.

But in fact, up to now, they have only 18,000 soldiers, which is less than half of the number of establishments. At the same time, their tanks are only more than 300.

Fortunately, in the previous 22nd Tank Division, there is a heavy tank battalion of KV-2 tanks and a tank regiment of T-34 medium tanks. If you are facing the Germans, these two tank units are them. Sharp knife.

In particular, only the KV-2’s 152mm tank gun can knock off the opponent’s Panther tank. That is their only sustenance. As for the T-34, it must rely on its quantitative advantage to maneuver to the opponent’s side. Have the opportunity.

The commander, Major General Oberlin, was thinking deeply about a tank of the mechanized division behind.

They were attacking forward. At the same time, he saw many people moving in the opposite direction. Many people were still wearing military uniforms. They were all retreats from the front!

"Hey, what happened before?" he shouted to a retreating soldier.

"Tanks, there are German tanks everywhere, I just got out of the encirclement by luck." The soldier was already scared and stupid, his mouth was always talking about tanks, German tanks!

"Order the frontline troops, the German tanks will soon appear, to withstand the German tank attack, and persist until reinforcements arrive!" Major General Oberlin shouted, he already had a foreboding that a cruel battle would be coming.

He ignored the deserters. Now, these deserters don't need him to deal with them. On the whole front, I don't know how many troops have withdrawn from the front. Comrade Stalin will consider these issues.

When the KV-2 tank passed on the parade ground, it also surprised many military observers.

This tank is a hasty emergency product. The big head of the toilet, which was obviously disproportionate to the car body, and the thick and short tank gun, all made people laugh.

However, the combat effectiveness of this thing is very strong. In history, on the second day of Operation Barbarossa, the KV-2 tank unit had forcibly blocked the German armored division’s attack for several days.

At this time, in the heavy armored battalion, Battalion Commander Kurilenko was showing half of his body, observing the distant wilderness.

There was a puff of black smoke floating there, it was as if a tank troop was advancing at high speed, his brows gradually frowned, and then he took out a small red flag in his hand and waved it twice on the turret.

Offense, offense!

Due to the lack of radio, many Soviet tank units are commanded by this semaphore, and even in many cases, they do not need to command, as long as they charge along with the tanks in front.

Therefore, the tank battalion commander’s tank is at the forefront. Based on this consideration, in their consciousness, they feel that their tank cannot be destroyed.

He got into the tank turret and closed the hatch.

The battle is about to begin.

The KV-2 tanks did not move fast. Their power was overwhelmed due to the increase in their own weight. What was even more frustrating was that the center of gravity moved up due to the tall turret.

This is a tank that can easily roll over. Every driver has to be cautious, especially now, they can't just charge and forget that their tank is passing through the canal or something. It is easy to overturn suddenly.

Behind them, there are hundreds of T-34 tanks. Compared with KV-2, they are more flexible.

This medium-sized tank has light weight and large diesel engine torque, allowing them to travel in the wilderness with ease. Now, after receiving the news about the upcoming encounter with the German tank, they immediately increased the throttle, starting from the two wings of the KV-2 tank. Rush over.

No tank can be The sides and back are weak places. The mission of a large number of T-34 tanks is to protect the wings of heavy tanks.

In the wilderness, the charge of the tank troops is quite spectacular. This powerful impact scene will make everyone excited. Fight, we are the proudest tank soldiers!

A puff of black smoke emerged from the tail of each tank, and the crawler tracks rolled up the dust on the ground. The army was advancing, and the collision of steel was about to begin!

In the field of vision, the silhouette of the opposite tank gradually appeared.

Germany's latest Tiger tank!

Karl Bowman’s Tiger tank is still at the forefront. In recent months, his tank has undergone a modification. In front of the turret and car body, a layer of additional armor was bolted to fix the tank. The weight has increased by two tons.

But even so, his tank is still able to move with ease. The 780-horsepower diesel engine has been working at high speed. The supercharger blew out a whistle-like whistle. Inside the tank, Karl Bowman was sitting in the tank’s gondola. Inside, the body was shaking with the tank.

"A Soviet tank unit appeared in the front, visually inspecting the model KV-2, requesting the use of a sub-caliber armor-piercing projectile." Bowman shouted from the radio.

At this time, the distance between the two parties is at least three kilometers.

If it is an ordinary armor-piercing projectile, then he can use it directly. This sub-caliber armor-piercing projectile is quite precious, and it is temporarily kept secret. When using it, it must be reported in advance.

The entire warhead is made of tungsten alloy. Such a shell costs eight thousand euros!

"It can be used, pay attention, and the hit rate must be guaranteed." The battalion commander's answer came from the radio. ()

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