The Third Reich

Chapter 1116: Hope of victory

"Comrades, come on!" The female propaganda soldier yelled from the side with a loudspeaker, but the four of them were carrying a heavy machine gun, or jogging all the way. In this case, who can be happy?

Although the weather is still very cold, sweat is coming out of the soldiers' backs, and their physical strength has been overdrawn.

Army Commander Rokosovsky was also anxious in his heart. He knew that the front line was in a fierce stalemate at this time, and his unit must be on time to the front line!

"Let the tank troops advance faster." The infantry can't advance quickly, so the tank troops can only go up first.

The far north, Finland.

The war between Finland and the Soviet Union continued. Due to the continuous support of Germany, the Soviet Union could not conquer the Finnish capital until now, but recently, the Soviets have fought more than 100 kilometers away from the capital.

Now Finland finally sees the hope of victory.

"Now, we must immediately launch a counterattack against the Soviet Union and completely expel the Soviet troops from our territory!" Marshal Karl Gustav Emil Mannerheim said enthusiastically on the train.

Due to the continuous attacks of the Soviets, the Finnish capital is not safe. In order not to be killed by the Soviets, the Finnish command organization is set up on a train.

This is a special train for Marshal Mannerheim. In many cases, the president is with Mannerheim. They move back and forth on the Finnish railway line, so that the enemy cannot find their whereabouts. At the same time, they can Command the army to fight.

From the outside, this special train is no different from ordinary trains, but it has various living rooms, study rooms, kitchens, living rooms and guest rooms.

Now, this special train stops in the city of Mikkeli in southeastern Finland.

President Kayander was also elated. Finland has been resisting the invasion of the Soviets, and until now, it has not allowed the Soviet Union to succeed. However, Finland has also suffered huge losses. It can be said that the entire country of Finland is already in pain. With a hundred holes, the national power is almost exhausted. After all, there are not many people in Finland.

Without the support of Germany, Finland would have surrendered because it could not hold on.

And now, the hope of victory can finally be seen.

"Marshal Mannerheim, are you pursuing this?" General Loeb said dissatisfiedly when he heard Mannerheim's words.

General Loeb, the German military adviser, and the commander of the volunteers from all over the world, on the surface has nothing to do with Berlin, but in fact, Loeb represents Germany.

Loeb is a straight-line soldier. From a personal point of view, he does not want Germany and the Soviet Union to enter a state of war, but when the war really comes, he knows that he must make a choice and he must not drag the motherland. Hind legs.

Therefore, he has to convince the Finns.

Only planning to regain lost ground? Of course this is not enough!

Hearing Loeb's words, the smile on Mannerheim's face solidified: "Your Excellency, what is your opinion?"

"When you treat your enemies, you must be as cold and ruthless as winter, and you can't let them have any chance to fight back. If you only intend to drive the jackal out of your home, the jackal will come again at any time. The best way is to chase the wolf's den. , Kill them all!" Loeb said straightforwardly: "Only expel the Soviets from the territory of Finland, your marshal, how can you be so naive."

In history, Finland, like Spain, were both white-eyed wolves.

Germany also helped in the war between Finland and the Soviet Union, but when the war between Germany and the Soviet Union started, the Finns remained neutral.

During World War II, Mannerheim also repeatedly refused to assist Germany in attacking the Soviet Union and confined the war to only defending sovereignty and independence and recovering the land occupied by the Soviet Union. This action did not lead to the deep hatred of the Soviet Union, but also avoided direct conflict with Germany.

Although, objectively, Finland helped Germany in fighting against the Soviet Union, Hitler was speechless, but in fact, Finland’s precious soldiers familiar with winter operations did not cause much harm to the Soviet Union.

Now, Cyrenk certainly wouldn't watch this happen. Germany has helped Finland so much, and the Finns are still planning to stay out of the matter? In this world, it is the most difficult to repay a favor debt!

Hearing Loeb’s words, President Kayander also looked embarrassed. His lips squirmed a few times before finally speaking: “In recent years, we in Finland have also been beaten hard. We have killed tens of thousands of people in the war. We really don’t have the ability to continue to attack the Soviet Union. Finland is a small country and we don’t have to fight!"

"Mr. President, this idea of ​​yours is wrong." Behind Loeb, the Air Force Commander of the Volunteer Army, a blond and blue-eyed authentic American, a descendant of Britain, who has now faithfully followed the Empire's Bruce, said: "I want to make up for Finland. The loss of the country Then there is only one way to seize the Soviets' land, grab their food, and various resources, and Finland can recover."

"If only to regain the Finnish land, then Finland will not gain any benefit in the subsequent war against the Soviet Union." Loeb supported Bruce's words: "Regardless of whether the Soviet Union surrenders or is destroyed, the wealth in the Soviet treasury, The resources of the entire country of the Soviet Union will not be allocated to Finland. If Finland wants to settle for the status quo, Germany will not pursue it."

Although Loeb said that he will not be held accountable, the dissatisfaction in his words is already clear.

Finland continued to send troops to attack the Soviet Union and gained enough benefits in the process of dividing up the Soviet Union. Either Finland would just drive away the invaders. However, Germany would definitely not give Finland any more support.

In this world, if you annoy Germany, Finland will not end well. Needless to say, as long as Germany winks, other countries will no longer trade with Finland. Finland will be trapped in the cold north. .

Unlike later generations, Finland now has no choice at all!

"Now, under our German army's offensive, the Soviet Union will surely lose ground. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Finland can expand its territory and build your own ideal Greater Finland. Isn't it good?" Bruce continued on the sidelines. Instigate.

Greater Finland is the idea of ​​all Finns, drawing the compatriots of the Ural nation from the Soviet Union to their big family.

Now, after hearing this statement, finally, both of them are not calm.

"Well, when we drive away the invaders, we can continue to fight for the liberation of our Ural compatriots," Mannerheim said. ()

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