The Third Reich

Chapter 1128: Stalker tank destroyer

In the German army, the armored units are undoubtedly the most powerful. Their terrible mobility and impact make it impossible for the enemy to cope with ten times the strength of the enemy, and they will be easily destroyed.

However, the armored units are in the minority, and most of the organization is still ordinary infantry. In the history of later generations, all resources are concentrated in the armored units, resulting in poorer equipment of ordinary units. The front is advanced tanks. Behind, a large number of infantrymen walked onto the Soviet battlefield on foot.

Now, compared with history, the equipment of the German troops has been greatly updated.

When the 10-ton off-road truck was jointly developed with Ford, Cyrenk prepared for now. Now, this 10-ton truck has been heavily equipped in the German army.

Tank troops need a large number of vehicles as a logistic transportation force, and consume a lot of ammunition and fuel, while ordinary motorized troops also need to use trucks to transport soldiers.

Fighting in a truck is completely different from fighting on foot. Soldiers can save their energy and stay on the battlefield to fight the enemy.

The roads in the Soviet Union are basically dirt roads, unhardened, with potholes and bumps, and ten-ton Ford trucks are moving along the road.

The engine of the truck was rumbling, and behind the carriage were German soldiers who were waiting in battle. At their feet, there were boxes of ammunition.

Behind the truck, there are still various artillery towing, they are the real motorized infantry division.

In front of the convoy, there are scouts. They are a mixed reconnaissance battalion of motorcycles and wheeled infantry fighting vehicles. They are walking in the front of the entire army, fanning out, searching the area ahead, so as to have a fight with the Soviet army. Before contact, you can find out the first time.

Conrad twisted the throttle of his motorcycle. This BMW R75 motorcycle is very cool to ride, and, in the hands of experienced riders, it runs even faster than a wheeled infantry fighting vehicle. .

On his right seat is his squad leader Tross. On the back seat, a MG40 machine gun is mounted. It is their most powerful firepower. They can strangle the infantry squad or even the infantry platoon. they.

Motorbikes were racing quickly across the field, and behind them, there were several motorcycles running along with them.

Tross was sitting in a bumpy sidecar, and he could steadily pull out his binoculars to look forward. Suddenly, his face became tense.

"Found the opposing tank unit, model number, T-26 and T-34, about fifty in number. They are advancing towards us. Quickly, inform our rear units to prepare for anti-tank operations!"

No one thought that the Soviet tank troops would actually rush from this direction. Instead of confronting the German tank troops, they would do useless work here instead?

It just happened!

After Tross finished speaking, Conrad made a dashing tail flick and completed a 180-degree turn. The sidecars of the motorcycles were all tilted up and Tross was still sitting firmly.

They drove back several tens of meters and merged with a motorcycle in the rear. This motorcycle had radio equipment. They contacted the troops behind and reported the situation!

The 42nd Corps had two infantry divisions. After the 87th Infantry Division received the report from the scouts in front, the anti-tank battalion under the division immediately began to act.

Although it is a motorized infantry division, the division's anti-tank battalion still uses self-propelled chassis weapons. This is the obscure hunter tank destroyer.

At the beginning, after fighting in the Czech Republic, Cyric inspected the most important Czech skoda arsenal, which was transformed by German engineers and began to produce the same Panther tank.

However, the Skoda Arsenal still left behind a large number of 38t tanks and unfinished tank chassis. This type of tank seems to be completely outdated by the German armored forces and is vulnerable to the Panther tank.

But if these tanks are returned directly to the furnace, it would be too wasteful. When the head of Cyric was inspecting, this contradiction was unresolved. Finally, the head of Cyric had an idea and suggested to change the chassis of these tanks into tanks. Destroyer vehicle, and later the head of state named it the stalker.

This stalker tank destroyer is an excellent anti-tank weapon based on a 38t tank chassis, simply using large-angle armor and erecting a long-barreled 75mm tank gun.

In later generations, this thing was so famous that even the Allies admired it.

But now, German armored forces are not rare such weapons, so after they were manufactured, they were assigned to motorized infantry divisions. After they got them, it was definitely a treasure.

The division in the Motorized Infantry Division is an anti-tank battalion. The standard equipment is a towed 75mm anti-tank gun. Now, with a self-propelled chassis, the anti-tank gun is equipped with an engine to run faster and fight. It's more effective!

Unfortunately, in the past they were useless. Whether it was fighting France or Britain, those weak troops trembled in front of the German armored forces, and the motorized infantry division followed behind. The main task is to capture prisoners and engage in public security. They have not fought a decent frontline battle.

This made every soldier in the infantry division suffocate, and now, the opportunity finally came.

Four large road wheels allow the destroyer tank destroyer to run quickly in the wilderness, but the bumps are not very severe. The track width on both sides is large, and the body weight of the car body is small. This type of tank destroyer is the best The outstanding data is that the pressure on the ground is the smallest in all equipment, even in the mud, you can easily climb out.

There is no turret on it, and it is surrounded by large sloping armors, which makes its profile quite low, which brings great benefits. Under a small dead weight, it can maximize the weapon. As for the disadvantage, it is its Aiming is very difficult, and the crew must cooperate closely.

Battalion Commander Shute sat in his stalker. He stretched out half of his body and looked ahead with a binoculars. At this time, the camouflage-painted stalker tank destroyer almost merged with the ground. Only at close range can be observed by the opponent, and as long as one kilometer, the stalker has a very powerful high-precision shooting, enough to kill the opponent.

Following the directions given by the scouts, they continued to advance for a few kilometers, and soon they saw a group of tanks coming by in the distance.

"Attention, find the target, look for a suitable cover, prepare to ambush the Soviets." Shute shouted over the radio.

A low-profile hunter can quickly search for his own shelter, a small soil slope, small bushes, and even grass can make it camouflage. ()

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