The Third Reich

Chapter 1138: Battle of tanks

If the cannonball can talk, then it must speak at its mother, right?

I originally thought that even if it couldn't tear off the opponent's armor, it would at least cause the opponent's armor to suffer a lot of damage. As a result, it encountered something particularly strange.

It's hard, and I smashed it away with all my energy, and as a result, new armor appeared in front of it. What is going on?

All the last energy was consumed, but the shells only left a shallow pit on the front armor of the Tiger tank. When the battle is over, for the German tankers, the main armor is simply No need to move, just replace the additional composite armor that was fixed by the bolts on the front!

In short, the facts have proved that the 76mm shell is ineffective against German tanks. For all armored soldiers, this is quite frustrating. It can't be penetrated, it can't be penetrated at all!

Although both sides are shooting, but now, there is a situation that makes the Soviet armored soldiers extremely embarrassed. Their tank guns can’t tear off the opponent’s armor, but every shot of the opponent can bring great effects to their tanks. Threatened.

Especially now, as the distance gets closer, the Germans' shooting accuracy is getting higher and higher. The dense tank formations have intensive firepower. Sometimes there may even be two shells falling on the same tank!

Now, the commanders of the 35th Tank Division finally found out that they had made an amazing mistake. In fact, as early as on the Finnish battlefield, they had discovered that their tanks could not penetrate the latest German tanks.

Therefore, KV-2 and IS tanks appeared, using 122mm tank guns and 152mm howitzers to deal with German tanks, but his tank unit did not have such heavy tanks.

The medium-sized T-34 tank is not suitable for battle at all, it is more suitable for sneak attacks by bypassing the opponent's troops! Taking advantage of maneuverability, it is the right way to go to the side of the opponent. This kind of direct collision between the two armies like a knight is not good for Soviet tanks.

Although he has realized his mistake, but now, he has no time to correct this mistake.

The two sides are about to face each other. At this time, he can't retreat at all. If the troops are withdrawn at this time, it will definitely be a catastrophic result, and his troops will be wiped out.

You can only continue to rush forward with the spirit of not being afraid of death. As long as you can rush to the German tank queue, there is hope!

Punch, punch, punch!

The Soviet tank soldiers, relying on a fearless spirit, launched a desperate charge against the German tank troops.

There are constant explosions around them, and their comrades in arms are constantly making sacrifices. Those who stay behind must avenge them!

If you look from the sky, you can see that the German tank queue is like a wedge, while the Soviet Union is like a wooden plank. These wedges gradually approach and get closer to the plank, and finally plunge into it!

At this time, the formation of the planks was sparse.

The two sides were still advancing with each other. At this time, the German tank troops began to turn their turrets.

In the bell-shaped queue, the eight tanks in the shape of eight on both sides turned their guns to the sides, so that they can protect their entire formation flanks, and at the same time have enough ability to strike each other!

In contrast, Soviet tanks are like a herd. Without any formation, no tank can protect its sides.

After all, they want to attack the two wings of German tanks, and German tanks are also attacking their two wings!

"Boom!" A Panther 3 tank on the side of the formation fired during the march. When the two sides passed by, the projected area was the largest, and the distance was only 300 meters, even if it fired in this way. , Also has a very high hit rate!

The side of the turret of this T-34 tank was smashed open by the armor-piercing projectile in an instant. In the huge explosion, the tank gave out black smoke and the ammunition exploded!

Fight, fight! A Soviet gunner bravely turned his turret and aimed at the German tank formation.

At this time, he suddenly found that the situation was a bit tricky.

In this German formation, the turrets are all facing outwards. That is to say, although they have already circled to the side of the German tank unit, they still need to face the front turret of the German tank, which is still the thickest. The part, their tank guns, even at zero distance, could not penetrate the main armor of the opponent's turret!

Hit the opponent's car?

No, as the distance gets closer, hitting the car body becomes unrealistic, because the depression angle of the tank gun is not enough.

While he was still hesitating, he saw in horror that the tank he was aiming at had already opened fire!

At this distance, almost aiming will be killed. The quality of German tank soldiers is unimaginable! Sure enough, next, he heard the sound of the armor-piercing projectile hitting his tank armor.

Goodbye, motherland!


In the Soviet Union’s shock formation, the number of T-34 tanks became scarce. T-26 tanks and BT-7 tanks were almost unscathed so far. It can be seen that the German tank soldiers had no plans at all. Greet them.

The two sides passed by quickly. At this time, the tankers of the T-26 and BT-7 tanks who had already rushed through the German tank queue were a little at a loss. What should I do next?

They charged together behind the T-34. As a result, they survived. Next, will they continue to charge forward and attack the German encirclement position, or retreat back and hit the Germans?

Due to the lack of radio, many tank soldiers fell into chaos. Some tanks continued to move forward, wanting to attack the German infantry positions, and others wanted to turn around. In this way, their formation became chaotic.

And at this moment, the formation of the German tank troops also changed. Compared with the Soviets, the formation of the Germans changed, which is simply pleasing to the eye!

The main tanks in front of the formation were still advancing at the speed just now. In the middle of the formation, the infantry fighting vehicles that were protected by layers withdrew from the middle, bypassing the tail of the figure eight, and quickly passed from both sides. Your tank, rush forward at high speed!

In the bell-shaped formation, it is useless to use tanks in the middle, because the firepower cannot be exerted and it is blocked by the front, and with infantry fighting vehicles in the middle, tanks can be accompanied by infantry at any time, and now, they are even more useful.

At a distance of two to three kilometers behind the Soviet tank charge formation, there are Soviet infantrymen advancing in the skirmish line!

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