The Third Reich

Chapter 1147: Can't hold

"Our other data is not wrong. The loading of this tank is very slow, and it takes more than a minute." Modlin said quickly: "So, let us now rush through the Soviet tank queue, from behind them. Attack them!"

The first armor-piercing projectile was ineffective, which made Modlin immediately change his tactics. Originally, Modlin planned to continue attacking after approaching, but now that I think about it, this is not appropriate.

Although the effective penetration depth of the armor-piercing projectile can be increased after being approached, the main principle is that the closer the distance, the higher the storage speed of the armor-piercing projectile. For the shelling armor-piercing projectile, the air resistance is small due to the slender body of the projectile. , So the speed does not drop much, that is to say, the penetration depth of one kilometer and five hundred meters is not much.

If the distance penetrates the opponent, it's almost a point of depth, that's okay, but the problem now is that it seems that the opponent's tank is not affected at all after one's attack.

If this is the case, it is better to simply intersperse behind the other party.

At the same time, one's own tank is now advancing at a high speed. The higher the speed, the less likely the opponent will hit. After all, this advance is the absolute test of the gunner's level.

What’s more useful is that the opponent’s reloading speed is too slow. Just like in the intelligence report, the opponent’s tank gun must use split ammunition, so it takes a long time to reload. Now, the opponent has fired again. Then, by the time the opponent shoots the next time, your side has already crossed the opponent!

On the battlefield of tank battles, every second of time is very precious. You must act decisively and choose the most suitable tactics. For example, now, Modlin has immediately changed his tactics at a critical time.

Since the front can't be penetrated, just go from behind!

The entire bell-shaped formation continued to advance at high speed.

"Boom!" Just after Modlin gave the order, there was a huge impact behind his tank. The 122 mm armor-piercing projectile that flew from the opponent almost flew against the top edge of his turret. The past, hit the air behind his tank.

The armor-piercing projectile has no explosives. Its impact with the ground created a large crater, and dust flew everywhere, but it did not cause any casualties.

The distance was so close that the Soviet tank guns hadn't even hit it. This was all because the opponent suddenly accelerated!

Berokov clenched his fists. With just this shot, it would be great if it could kill the Tiger tank! Who could have imagined that because the elevation angle was too high, and because the opponent suddenly accelerated, his shell missed a hit.

"Quickly, continue loading!" he said loudly to the loader.

In order to pursue the streamline too much, the space inside the Stalin tank was quite narrow. For this reason, the Soviet tank soldiers recruited some small men. The loader was a small man from Central Asia, who was only 1.5 meters tall.

Such a small man can reduce congestion in a tank, but a small man also has disadvantages, for example, his strength is small.

On the fierce battlefield, the loader’s labor intensity is the highest. He has just loaded twice, and he is out of breath. Now, smelling the choking inside the turret, the loader is full of strength and starts to move third. The warhead of an armor-piercing projectile.

The weight of this capped armor-piercing bullet has reached 25 kilograms! When the first two were loaded, there was nothing. When the third was loaded, the loader felt that both arms were sore. He gritted his teeth and slammed the shell into the barrel.

At this moment, the car body suddenly shook.

On the battlefield, there is no tank stupidly staying in place, it will only make itself a target for others. Only when the fire is fired will it stop. Once the shooting is completed, it must be started.

In air combat, if you keep flying in a straight line for three seconds, you may be shot down, while on the ground, if you keep still for three seconds, you may be shot down!

Therefore, after firing the shells just now, the driver in front began to start the tank, but his start was a bit fierce this time. Just after accelerating, the front track was crushed on a stone, the car body It shook.

In the tank, shaking is normal, but now, the loader felt that he could no longer stand it, his hands were shaking, and suddenly, he let go.

The 25-kilogram armor-piercing warhead fell down like this, rolled under his feet, and hit Berokov's feet just right.

In an instant, Berokov felt a huge pain coming. In the rumbling sound of the engine, he seemed to hear the cracking sound of broken bones. Maybe, the foot bones were already comminuted fractures.

Sweat oozes out of his forehead.

"You stupid, hurry up and reload!" he loader realized that there was something wrong. It seemed that his body was full of strength again. He quickly bent over and stuffed the bullet of the armor-piercing bullet. Go in.

If it is a German tank, such an accident may also occur. After all, although the German tank gun has a small caliber, the shell is integral and not light.

However, it will certainly not cause such consequences.

Because the German tank turret is a hanging basket, the commander and the gunner are both sitting in the tank, and their feet are not on the floor at all.

To smash it, at most it would smash the foot of the loader, not on the feet of others.

The Soviet tanks had their feet directly on the floor. When the turret was rotating, the three people in the turret followed their feet on the ground.

In this way, the structure can be simplified, and the weight can be reduced to facilitate production. Soviet tanks have never considered humanity, and people must adapt to machines.

Now that Berokov knew that his foot was injured, he still endured the pain and continued to command the battle.

However, when he put his eyes back on the observation hole, his face changed a little.

The Germans rushed too fast. Now they have rushed to the front. The Germans are not slowing down?

No, the Germans are going to attack!

"Quickly, turn the turret and go to the back!" Berokov suddenly noticed the intention of the German armored soldiers and immediately shouted.

The loader was dumbfounded: "Captain, I haven't loaded it yet!"

He just picked up the cannonball.

However, Berokov ignored him, endured the pain, his feet stomped on the floor, and at the same time, the turret began to slowly turn.

Therefore, the loader could only carry the cannonball and turn it along with it, which made him even more strenuous. Seeing that the cannonball could not be held again.

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