The Third Reich

Chapter 1155: Advice from Marshal Shaboshnikov

Pavlov made his fortune from tank soldiers and went to the Spanish battlefield. He knew well about the mobility of tank troops, but now, in his mind, he did not tighten this string, because he was thinking about everything. How to not let yourself fail, how to save the current situation and keep his position.

"General Pavlov, we are now in the third, fourth, and tenth armies of the Białystok salient. They are about to be surrounded by the Germans. We must consider the future of these three armies." At this time, he accepted Stalin’s order and hurried from Moscow to Marshal Shaboshnikov, the representative of the Western Special Military Region. He had just entered the headquarters for half an hour and had already figured out the current situation. He turned to Pav. Love expressed his suggestion.

"We should withdraw the army to prevent being surrounded by the Germans," Marshal Shaboshnikov said.

Hearing his words, Pavlov immediately shook his head: "No, they absolutely can't withdraw. We must organize a new counterattack, and we still have enough capacity. Well, we must mobilize more troops to the front to convey me. Orders to mobilize all the reserve teams to the front and organize a greater counterattack. We will kill all the Germans who invaded our territory."

Pavlov calmly said that it is absolutely impossible for him to withdraw the army. He must now mobilize more troops to organize a new counterattack.

It seems that the Germans attacked fiercely. In fact, the Germans went deep alone, but it was more likely to be interrupted by their own logistics supply lines, and then they were calmly eliminated.

Right, that is it!

Pavlov was quite confident.

Hearing what he said, Marshal Shaboshnikov shook his head.

When he came, Marshal Shaboshnikov had a secret order from Stalin. If necessary, he could even take over for Pavlov to command the entire Western Special Military Region.

However, Moscow didn't know how bad the situation here was, and when he got here, he deeply realized how dangerous it was. At the same time, he decided not to go to this muddy water.

Up to now, everything is under Pavlov’s command. If he fails in the end, Pavlov will also take the responsibility, but if he succeeds halfway and ultimately fails, the responsibility is hard to say. Both parties Will accuse the other party of mistakes.

Therefore, Marshal Shaboshnikov was just a reminder, and now Pavlov is still going his own way, so Marshal Shaboshnikov can only do his best from another aspect and report all this to Moscow. , Let Moscow come to give the order to retreat.

This should be the best choice.

Marshal Shaboshnikov didn't know. Because of his delay, the entire Western Special Military Region had lost the opportunity to jump out of the German encirclement. What they lacked was this time.

In the headquarters of the Thirteenth Army, the incoming intelligence is not comprehensive. Therefore, in the eyes of Pavlov, his three army groups are still complete units with complete equipment and sufficient logistics supplies, and they still have strong counterattacks. It is so strong that it can even drive the German army that has been deep into the strategic depth of the salient back to its original starting point.

But now Marshal Shaboshnikov has realized that the three armies in the front protrusion may have lost their ability to fight back. If they don’t retreat, they will be surrounded and destroyed by the Germans. Now let them fight back. It is suicidal behavior.

Marshal Shaboshnikov transmitted these judgments to Moscow along with the airwaves.

Following the German invasion of the Soviet Union, in order to better command the front-line war, Stalin drastically reorganized the command organization and established the headquarters of the command headquarters.

This base camp is the highest organization for strategic leadership of the military operations of the Soviet armed forces. Its main tasks are: determining strategic reconnaissance tasks, issuing preparation suggestions to the General Staff, formulating battle plans and campaign plans, forming strategic groups and reserves, Plan the strategic transportation of campaigns, develop the theater command system, etc.; organize the coordinated actions between the strategic groups of the various services, between the campaign corps, and between the guerrillas; coordinate the actions of the Soviet armed forces and allied forces; supervise the execution of the tasks assigned; determine the development of the rear , Measures to establish material reserves and establish mechanical animal materials, etc.

In other words, this base camp is the highest command of the Soviets during the war, and Stalin himself served as the Soviet People’s Commissar for Defense. In the next few days, he was appointed as the supreme commander of the Soviet armed forces and became the supreme leader of the Soviets, taking all power into his hands.

After the base camp was established, they quickly dispatched base camp representatives to the front, and now they are most concerned about the situation in the west, which has been reported by the base camp representative Marshal Shaboshnikov.

Stalin was not present when the news came back. At this time, he was speaking to the whole country.

The Germans whitewashed this war as a counterattack war launched because the Soviet Union wanted to invade Soviets certainly would not agree with it.

"We always look at the countries around us in a friendly mood. We never thought about invading any country." Stalin's words were low: "It's just that we didn't expect the Germans to fake rumors and treachery. Suddenly launched a military attack on us."

Stalin's broadcast was spread to the whole world, and it was heard not only by the Soviets but also by people from other countries.

The Finns took off their hats and the expressions on their faces were angry. The Soviets, never invaded other countries? What happened to the Soviet-Finnish war that lasted more than a year?

The Poles also shed tears. Poland is gone. It was divided between the Soviet Union and Germany. Now, the Soviets still say they are friendly?

The three Baltic countries, Central Asia...the countries that have been invaded by the Soviet Union and the countries that have been invaded by Tsarist Russia are cursing on the radio.

But Stalin, who was speaking on the radio, could never hear him. He took his speech and continued to say the following.

"This is the question of the survival of the Soviet state, the question of the survival of the people of all ethnic groups in the Soviet Union, the question of whether the people of all ethnic groups in the Soviet Union enjoy freedom or become slaves"

"All the people of the Soviet Union must resolutely overcome the calm and indifferent mentality, overcome the mood of peace building, make everything subject to the organizational task of smashing the enemy, and turn all of their work to a new, wartime track. Our country, Formally enter the wartime system, our people must actively join the army, contribute your property to support the country, and we must also transfer civilian projects to the military industry. Let us use our own actions to defend our freedom and ourselves. The honor of our country, my own country.)

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