The Third Reich

Chapter 1161: Kronstadt

From the distance, after entering the Baltic Sea, the German naval formation seems to be able to be attacked by Soviet naval aviation at any time.

Although the Soviet navy is not taken seriously, after all, they are also capable of combat, and in the Baltic Sea environment, they are really vulnerable.

In fact, the Soviet Navy did not have this capability at all.

Although Germany did not care about packing up the Baltic Fleet, it had no mercy against their naval aviation and wiped out their power on the ground on the first day of the war.

The Soviet Air Force can still mobilize aircraft from the rear, but the naval aviation is different. They can't always mobilize from another naval base, right? In this way, the Soviet naval aviation was temporarily disabled.

Therefore, the German fleet can enter the Baltic Sea mightily, it is also safe, even if there are a few planes flying, the fleet's dense air defense artillery, the fleet's **** fighters, are enough to make the opponent drink a pot.

Moreover, the current Baltic Fleet did not find the German fleet's offensive at all. They lacked maritime patrol aircraft, not to mention that they had to run back in one mind.

In Tallinn, the Baltic Fleet base, thick smoke billowed everywhere. The smoke was artificially placed. Of course, there was also the factor of the fleet's own boiler. Now, the black smoke in the boiler is even denser.

In the black smoke, the flagship Mara first started out of the berth.

The Mara is of the Gangut class and is the only first-class battleship in the Soviet Union. In fact, its armor is not thick and it is a compromise for the high speed.

Although it is very old and has undergone a modernization a few years ago, it can still accelerate to 30 knots when its boiler is running at full power.

On the bridge, Captain Peter's face was very solemn.

The war on the ground is too fast, the German offensive is so fast, what will happen to their Soviets?

Peter shook his head and put those thoughts behind him. Now they have received the task of returning to Petersburg, assisting the ground forces and blocking the attacking German troops.

No matter how powerful those armored soldiers are, they are all scum in front of the battleship's guns.

The huge battleships lined out waves on the sea. After a few hours of sailing, they could see the naval port of Kronstadt, which is also the main naval port of the Baltic Fleet.

This place originally belonged to Finland. A few hundred years ago, Peter the Great at that time had noticed this Kotlin Island that emerged from the Gulf of Finland. It is only 29 kilometers away from Petersburg and belongs to the position of Russia’s gateway. Is very important.

Therefore, after the island was snatched from Finland, in 1703, at the same time as the construction of Petersburg began, it was also built as an important military port.

Kronstadt means the royal city.

The Gulf of Finland itself is not very deep, and it is completely frozen in winter. Therefore, the construction of the Soviets was quite simple. They drove the workers to use horses to transport thousands of oak boxes full of stones from the ice to the local area, sink them into the ice caves, and build several artificial islands. Fortresses were built on these islands.

These fortresses completely blocked the waterway to Petersburg. There are only two very narrow waterways that can still be sailed. The strong fortresses on both sides can guard this waterway tightly and solidly.

The five fortresses formed in this way are the main defense facilities at the mouth of the Gulf of Finland. After it was built, it played its due role in history. For example, they successfully repelled the combined fleet of Britain and France in the Crimean War.

In the 19th century, the fortress of Kronstadt was enlarged and strengthened again. From 1856 to 1871, four new fortresses were built. They controlled the main entrance to the Gulf of Finland, and the other seven fortresses controlled the relatively shallow North Passage. All these forts are very low, protected by extremely thick armor, and equipped with Krupp turrets.

This was originally the base of the Baltic Fleet. It was not until the three Baltic States were conquered by the Soviet Union that the Baltic Fleet moved its fleet base to Tallinn. In less than a year, they returned.

After visiting the old place again, Peter's heart was filled with mixed feelings.

The central waterway and the artillery on both sides are so clear. I remembered that when I joined the army a few decades ago, I became an artilleryman of coastal defense artillery here. I remembered the cruel battle before Peter's eyes. , As if there was a scene of continuous artillery fire.

Behind the Mara, the October Revolution followed into the waterway. In a hurry, the two warships each took a waterway. The two warships of exactly the same model were racing at high speed.

Behind them, there are warships large and small, gathering toward the waterway.

In the sky, there are many white clouds. Although the weather is very cold, the air is quite good. The fresh cold wind makes the watchers on the Mara very comfortable.

He put his hand to his mouth and sighed twice, then continued to raise the telescope, observing the sky above his head.

When he twisted the telescope into the clouds, suddenly, a light blue navy-painted plane emerged from the clouds, and the black cross on the back of the fuselage was so striking.

In an instant, he became anxious: "Stuka, the German Stuka, has jumped out of the clouds, quick, quick!"

Although the relationship between Germany and the Soviet Union was very good in the past, due to the geographical position, the main enemy of the Baltic Fleet is the Germans. Therefore, the fleet's watchpoints are quite clear about the German weapons and equipment. .

Now, seeing the aircraft rushing out of the clouds, he judged the model at the first time, and the battleship that was waiting for it immediately sounded the air defense alarm.

Found the German dive bomber!

As the largest warship in the Tsarist era, the Gangut-class weapons actually have a lot of weapons. For example, he has four triple-mounted 305mm 52-caliber guns as main guns, and 16 120mm 50-caliber guns as secondary guns. It's just that the secondary gun does not have the function of shooting against the air.

Its anti-aircraft weapons are pitiful, with only 2 76mm antiaircraft guns and 4 47mm antiaircraft guns, and 8 antiaircraft machine guns.

Although it has been observed that in recent naval battles, dive bombers have become the biggest threat to the fleet, and the Baltic Fleet has also submitted a report to install more anti-aircraft guns on this battleship, but the improvement project has not been approved. It started.

At the stern of the ship, the anti-aircraft artillery with 47mm anti-aircraft guns immediately became busy.

When they came out of the port and couldn’t use the smoke to evade, they were ready and waited on their gun positions. Now they suddenly discovered the situation. The gunner immediately shook the high-low machine. The commander of the anti-aircraft artillery was already The order was given.

"The distance is two zero, the direction is 009 to the left, the height is 75, adjust a close position, five bursts, release!"

"Tom, tom, tom tom tom..." A puff of black smoke came out of the muzzle, and a yellow-orange-orange cartridge was thrown from one end, and the 47mm anti-aircraft shells had already flown into the sky.

At this time, Soviet naval soldiers showed their high quality, but unfortunately, compared with them, the quality of German soldiers is higher. ()

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