The Third Reich

Chapter 1167: Pay attention to the clouds

In 1935, the Soviet Navy purchased the M1932 25mm machine gun of the Swedish Bofors Company, which began the development of the Soviet anti-aircraft gun.

Prior to this, the Soviet anti-aircraft artillery was also used for ammunition. It can only be called an anti-aircraft gun, not a machine gun. Its weak burst of firepower is incapable of dealing with fast aircraft.

After getting it, the Soviet Navy has tested and proved that this type of machine gun has excellent performance. However, from the point of view of the Soviet Union that likes to use the caliber, the 25mm antiaircraft gun has a slightly smaller caliber, which does not meet the Soviet demand for antiaircraft guns. Therefore, in accordance with the structure of this anti-aircraft gun, they developed a 45mm anti-aircraft gun, called "72-K".

After the caliber is large, the power is indeed high, but it also means that the weight of the antiaircraft gun has increased, the amount of ammunition carried has been reduced, and other drawbacks, so it was modified. The caliber of the new type of machine gun was reduced to 37 mm, codenamed "61-k. The "61-K" anti-aircraft gun was manufactured in October 1938.

In 1939, this type of anti-aircraft gun began to be mass-produced, named M1939 37mm anti-aircraft gun.

Since 39 years, this anti-aircraft artillery has been continuously produced from the Kalinin factory and equipped with Soviet troops. At this time, it was also stimulated by the Luftwaffe. The Luftwaffe’s classic battles were all suppressed in the Soviet Union. The burden on the shoulders of the army.

This kind of anti-aircraft artillery, the effect of a single door is not very good, after groping, four antiaircraft cannons are put together to form an antiaircraft artillery company, that is the most exaggerated. With these types of firepower shooting, it can defend the surrounding area of ​​7,000 meters, which is enough to protect the shore defense gun position.

At this time, the antiaircraft artillery company was nervously staring at the distant sky, where the German Stuka bomber had flown over.

An anti-aircraft artillery requires eight artillerymen, and each of them is bound to shoot at various yuan, and if there is a slight deviation, it will be missed. Now, everyone is highly concentrated.

Suddenly, a shooter with the best eyesight discovered the situation: "This Stuka does not carry a bomb!"

The Stuka bomber is light and has no built-in bomb bay. The bombs can only be hung outside, while the current Stuka is empty under the belly and there is nothing.

Oops, it won!

The commander of the artillery company turned his head, and at this moment, from the clouds behind him, a roaring Stuka suddenly emerged.

"Quick, quick, quick, turn around!"

Almost without a command from the company commander, a gunner began to hurriedly turn the steering wheel.

The entire anti-aircraft artillery weighs two tons, and now it needs to be turned by a hand-cranked turntable. Of course, the speed will not be particularly fast.

The entire anti-aircraft artillery position was arranged in two places, each with four antiaircraft guns, and the firepower density was definitely not low, enough for them to protect the coastal defense guns here.

But just now, they made a serious mistake. The anti-aircraft guns on these two positions were all attracted by the flying Stuka. Now they have to turn the gun body 180 degrees. , It takes time.

Although the Soviets had a good position, they still lacked actual combat experience.

At this time, Franz, who was responsible for attracting attention, pulled the control stick, kicked the rudder, and flew in the other direction when approaching the opponent's firepower area.

While the Soviet high artillery was nervously turning the cannon, the terrifying Stuka bomber had already dived down.

If it is attacking an enemy warship, the Stuka bomber must be as close as possible, even several hundred meters away from the target. Only in this case, the accuracy of the attack will be high enough.

However, shore defense artillery is different.

Because shore defense guns cannot move.

The Stuka bomber dived down at a height of 1,500 meters. When it dived to a height of 1,000 meters, the pilot had already pressed the launch button with great confidence.

Under the belly of the plane, a one-ton bomb flew away from the pylon, dragging a tongue of flame, toward the huge shore defense gun, and at this time, Stuka increased the throttle and pulled it up again, drilling into the clouds. in.

This is war, the cruelest war. Only after a few battles will these people mature in the battle. Don’t look at the large-scale flying planes. The clouds that hover over their heads are the most terrifying. of.

The gunners were still turning hard, and finally turned the body of the gun. At this time, one of the gunners was exhausted and panting, and in the sky, the Stuka bomber that dropped the bomb was burrowing hard toward the top of the clouds. Going, they didn't have time to bind and shoot the Yuan, they just stepped on the trigger blankly.

"Tom tom, tom tom tom." The shell was still far away from Stuka and couldn't hit at all.

That terrible bomb, dragging a fiery flame, swooped down from the sky quickly, it was almost vertical, and it almost didn't deviate from any direction under the boost of the tail rocket, Toward the top of the shore defense gun, it slammed up.

The warhead penetrated the thick concrete shell of the coastal defense gun turret and went all the way into it. When the shock of the impact reached the ground, everyone turned pale.

"Boom!" A louder explosion sounded like this. Below the base of the entire shore defense artillery, a hot flame surged, and the air current carried countless fragments and flew towards this side.

"Ah." A gunner screamed. A piece of concrete hit his chest. He was surprised to see that the piece hit his body like a bullet. He didn't feel the pain, only saw Blood gurgled out from inside.

The entire antiaircraft artillery position has been affected, and as the protagonist of the attacked shore defense artillery, it is naturally not much better.

The 305mm gun barrel was built by Krupp for Tsarist Russia before World War I. Over the past few decades, it has experienced ups and downs, but now, it is a huge explosion from the turret. Separated on the pedestal.

The curved barrel fell more than ten meters away from the turret and was completely scrapped.

The barrel in the middle barely supported it and didn't fall, but hot flames emerged from the inside of the barrel, which looked so strange.

One Stuka caught attention in front, and the other came out of the clouds and attacked. A successful sneak attack by the German naval aviation killed an important Soviet coastal defense gun and made the Soviets aware of their and the Germans. gap.

The other shore defense artillery positions immediately changed their tactics in a brief shock. Their antiaircraft artillery aimed at the clouds in the sky, and even fired mercilessly toward the clouds.

There was gunpowder everywhere. ()

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