The Third Reich

Chapter 1169: Queuing to shoot

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When the German fleet came under pressure, the entire Red Flag Baltic fleet was stunned.

The bombers in the sky are terrible, but the number of bombers is insufficient. If the Germans fly in dozens of bombers, they can destroy all of their fleet.

But now, it can be counted with one hand. The sporadic bombers are all going to deal with large targets, and they can't even see small targets.

On the side of the formation, a Tashkent-class destroyer immediately sprinted to full force, trying to squeeze toward the narrow channel.

The Tashkent-class destroyer is also evidence of the friendship between Germany and the Soviet Union, because this class of destroyer was completely built by the Germans, and the Soviet Union used agricultural products and iron ore in exchange for it from Germany.

The performance of this destroyer is quite excellent. German-made warships are more refined than those made by the Soviet Union itself. Due to the excellent engine performance, this warship can reach a high speed of 42 knots.

Originally it was behind the fleet. Now, after running at full power, it quickly moved forward, surpassing a fleet of warships, crowded into the channel in the bell mouth, and passed by the sinking Mara.

The German warship is here, and only through the channel can it be absolutely safe. It is impossible for the Germans to pass through here quickly. The waterway here is the passage of life and death.

Anyway, there is no commander of the fleet now, and it is not a violation of the rules for them to run away like this.

Thick black smoke came out from the chimney at the top, and the Tashkent-class destroyer moved quickly toward the channel, causing dissatisfaction from the surrounding ships.

"No, stop, you idiot!" On the Kirov cruiser, Captain Aleksandrov shouted loudly: "The waterway is only 20 meters deep. You will hit the sinking Mara! "

As an experienced cruiser captain, Aleksandrov knew that the purpose of the German attack was to block the waterway. What he did not expect was that there were people on his side to aggravate the chaos.

The water depth of the channel is insufficient, and the Mara has sunk, but if you look closely, you can find that the Mara has almost never passed. If you start it at this time, it will be like hitting a reef. Number.

"No, we will go from the side." The Tashkent-class captain said: "Right rudder one, we go around."

"Boom!" At this moment, a heavy impact sounded, and the bow of the ship had hit the rear propeller of the Mara.

The Mara was sunk in two stages, the tail bulged, and the propeller was almost at a depth of about one meter. Now, the bow of the ship hits at a speed of more than 40 knots, and it can’t hold the blow. A big hole was broken.

Just when I was in a hurry to escape, the German fleet had already started the first round of shooting. No one saw it. In the sky above my head, the ship-borne water plane flew over. Undertake the task of artillery shooting.

"Scharnhorst", this is an outstanding warship that once sank the British aircraft carrier in a naval battle, but now it is completing another mission to destroy the Soviet Baltic fleet.

On the bridge, Captain Claude had joy in his eyes, looking at the Soviet warship in the distance.

"Target, the Soviet cruiser right in front, after the test fire, two rounds of volleys." The command issued by Captain Claude was quite detailed.

Before becoming the captain, he was the gun commander of this warship. He was most familiar with how to control the cannon of the warship. Now they are heading towards the Soviet warship, 15 nautical miles away.

If it is in a fast pursuit, the accuracy of the shelling at this distance will not be very high, but it is different now.

The Soviet warships are all gathering towards the narrow channel, but unfortunately the channel has been blocked. Therefore, those warships can only stay there. In this way, it is almost like waiting in line for shooting.

When they decided to attack with naval guns, the commander of the fleet ordered the aviation to destroy the shore gun positions. This was a pretty wise decision.

For them, the current Soviet Baltic Fleet is a piece of fat. Waiting for them to speak, the only threat is the shore artillery position.

At the same time, they are now shooting at a distance of 15 nautical miles. They also have this consideration. Although the maximum caliber of the Soviets’ shore artillery is 305 mm, those shore artillery have been through for too long. They are dozens of Krupp. The cannon of years ago, this cannon has no long-range attack capability.

Now, the warship is still sailing forward, so the four 380mm naval guns in front are used. At this time, the naval gun in the middle of the No. 1 turret raised its elevation angle. Then, there was a loud bang and a black sound. Smoke filled the entire warship.

The first test fire has already begun.

The shells whizzed fiercely and flew towards the Soviet warship on the opposite side.

The 380mm naval gun is used to deal with enemy battleships of tens of thousands of tons. Now it is used to fight cruisers with a displacement of less than 10,000 tons.

What’s more terrifying is the high precision of this naval gun. It used to have a hit record at 25,135 meters in moving-to-moving shots. Now, its first test-fired shell is even more amazing. .

The goal is static.

The Soviet fleet has no way to retreat.

In front, the German fleet lined up in a circular arc, forming an encircling circle, coming towards Kronstadt. In their encircling circle, close to the waterway, there are nearly twenty large and small Soviet warships. They are in There, shivering.

At this time, if the Baltic Fleet had enough courage, they could actually rush out.

The encirclement of the Germans has terrible battleships and thick barrels that make people feel irritating, but at the same time, they also have destroyers and frigates. Their half-circle encirclement has many weaknesses.

At this time, if they make up their minds and fight to kill the net, they can rush out part of it, and it is even possible to save half of the warship.

But they didn't. They just leaned on the waterway, hoping to lean on the shore artillery group on the shore to drive away these terrible German fleets.

It was like a gang fight in school. A group of people surrounded a few younger brothers, and the rest were beaten up.

The first shell pierced the air and made a terrible neigh. Because the Soviet fleet was too concentrated among each other, although the shell hit far away and did not hit the target cruiser, it hit the ship in front of it. , The Tashkent-class destroyer blocking the channel.


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