The Third Reich

Chapter 1172: Destiny and Petersburg in 1


After the start of the Great Patriotic War, Marshal Voroshinov was appointed as a member of the National Defense Council, a member of the headquarters of the Supreme Command, and the commander-in-chief of the northwest.

And his main task is to protect the great October Revolution resort, Petersburg.

But now, the situation seems to be quite unfavorable.

At this time, in the northwest headquarters, Voroshinov was constantly nodding to the phone, and on the other side of the phone was a roaring lion.

"Why did Pskov lost? Where are you going to withdraw? To the Arctic Ocean?" The voice was familiar to him, it belonged to Stalin, and now Voroshinov was sweating profusely.

On the northern front, things have not been smooth.

As the marshal of the Soviets, Voroshinov had outstanding military exploits. From the beginning of the civil war, he had come together with Lenin and Stalin. In the Great Purge, Voroshinov stood in line with a high flag and became The most obedient person under Stalin.

It is also because of this that he was able to come all the way and was entrusted with important tasks by Stalin.

Voroshinov is the **** of war under propaganda, but now in the war, no one seems to have good luck in the Soviets.

Stalin was quite dissatisfied with them.

The fall of Daugavpils made the Pskov-Leningrad line completely exposed to the Germans because of the loss of its natural barrier.

Stalin was very angry at that time and ordered the abolition of General Kuznetsov's post of commander of the Northwest Front Army, and the 8th Army Commander Major General Sobinnikov took over, and appointed Vatutin as Chief of Staff of the Front Army.

However, this obviously had no effect. The German commander drove straight in and occupied Riga, the capital of Latvia, and broke through the Soviet defense on the Latvia-Russian border. What made Stalin even more unbearable was that the Soviet army took the initiative to abandon Pskov and opened the pass. The gate to Leningrad.

When he got the news, Stalin was very angry. He called Marshal Voroshilov, the commander-in-chief of the northwest, and personally asked him.

Comrade Stalin was angry, and the consequences were serious.

Voroshinov knew that although he was constantly flattering Stalin, Stalin didn't need a flatterer now. What he needed was a firm fighter and an excellent commander.

On the phone, Voroshilov solemnly said: "Comrade Stalin, I know my responsibilities, and I will spare no effort to fulfill the entrustment of the party and the people to me."

With the occupation of Pskov, Petersburg has been exposed. Voroshinov now knows that his destiny is linked to Petersburg, and he must not fall here.

Putting down the phone, he felt his back soaked.

"Immediately mobilize all the residents of Petersburg, and build three lines of defense around Petersburg day and night. We have to keep the German tanks out." Voroshinov looked at the map and said to the others.

Now, he must mobilize the masses. This is what the Soviets have always done. Now, it is still very cold outside and the sky is freezing. The task of constructing fortifications is very difficult.

"At the outermost point, we take Luga city as the center, from Simsk on the west bank of Lake Ilmen in the south, along the Luga River, and north to the Luga River estuary Jinguishep. Strengthen the line of defense, and deploy 4 infantry divisions and 3 militia divisions on this line."

Voroshinov came out of the civil war with a certain amount of experience. He looked at the map, and his mind began to turn quickly.

Arrange three lines of defense, dig deep trenches, hinder the attack of German tanks, consume the vital force of the Germans, and force the Germans to abandon the attack on Petersburg. Now Voroshinov, the brain has entered the moment of full-speed operation. Little by little time passed.

When he saw what his deputy wanted to say for the third time, Voroshinov finally became impatient: "Vatutin, what do you want to say?"

Just when Vatutin wanted to speak, he was stopped by Voroshinov. Now he finally had the opportunity to speak, and said to Voroshinov quickly: "Marshal, it’s not good, our Baltic Sea The fleet was attacked by German bombers, and the fleet asked us to be escorted by fighter jets."

German bomber? They also come to Petersburg often, what's so scary? These sailors are really too weak. Voroshinov waved his hand: "Okay, send out the fighters of the previous squadron to help them expel the bombers. Well, pay attention, not too many. We have to protect our Petersburg. of."

Vatutin breathed a sigh of relief and hurried out to give orders, but just after he went out, he turned around and came in again.

More than an hour has passed since I just requested a fighter jet. Now, the situation on the sea has changed drastically, and Vatutin's face is pale.

Voroshinov was obviously aware of the special situation of his assistant. He had already talked about the three lines of defense. Now he frowned: "Vatutin, are we?"

"Marshal Baltic Fleet, it's over." Vatutin's words out of his mouth shocked all the people present.

Finished? What do you mean?

"The two battleships, the Mara and the October Revolution, were sunk, and the remaining battleships were also under German artillery fire. They couldn't hold on."

In Voroshinov's plan, the Baltic Fleet is still useful. They can use their naval guns to support defensive battles on the ground. Now, these warships have sunk.

If Stalin knew this news, he would definitely be even more angry.

Voroshinov's face was pale, and his hands began to tremble involuntarily: "Take off the fighter plane, take off the fighter plane immediately, and help the Baltic Fleet. Save our warship."

"Vatutin, you bastard, why didn't you report earlier?"

Voroshinov had just finished speaking, and the air defense sirens suddenly sounded over the entire city.

Damn it!

The German air strikes came again. All fighter jets needed to take off to meet the enemy. The Germans often formed dozens of planes to bomb them. Their fighter force had always been stretched.

Can you help the Baltic Fleet?

At this time, Voroshinov's heart had sunk to the bottom. He actually forgot to ask the important point, where was the Baltic Fleet attacked?

Kronstadt, there is the west gate of Petersburg!

Those sunk warships were blocked in the navigation channel, and the sea channel of Petersburg was completely blocked, and if necessary, the German navy could even use their large-caliber naval guns from Kronstadt. Hit the grenade directly to Petersburg. ()

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