The Third Reich

Chapter 1177: Minsk Union

At this moment, on the opposite side, inside the tank, the tankers were also surprised. Tanks, do the Soviets have tanks? Moreover, that tank seems to be able to breathe fire?

"Attention, three hundred meters ahead, a tank is loaded with armor-piercing ammunition." The commander shouted.

Along the way, they almost used grenades, and basically they didn't encounter any targets that needed armor-piercing bombs. They didn't expect that they encountered a hard stubble here.

"Yes, the armor-piercing projectile is loaded." The loader took out an armor-piercing projectile and stuffed it into the barrel, shouting loudly: "The loading is complete."

The gunner had already started aiming at the target. As the magnification of his sight was gradually enlarged, he could see clearly, and suddenly he was a jealous soul. Why did he look so familiar?

"Report, the target tank is suspected to be Panther 3." the gunner shouted.

Panther 3? Isn’t that the same as your own tank? When I saw the target just now, it was no wonder that he looked so familiar, and the captain took a closer look at it, but no, the Panther 3 tank, his own!

They rushed in from the South Road, and the opposite one rushed in from the North Road. Unknowingly, they had already met in Minsk, which also marked that they had occupied the city!

At this time, the tanker on the Spitfire tank also recognized the opponent's model, and the two sides hugged each other, quite excited.

I really didn't expect that I would meet up in victory here! They almost made a mistake just now.

In this case, a misfire is possible. This is also in the history of later generations. Facing the Soviet T-34 crisis, German tank designers came up with a quick implementation plan, the German version. The T-34 was almost copied T-34 as it was, but Hitler was very dissatisfied.

One of the big reasons is the misfire on the battlefield.

In the absence of an advanced identification friend or foe system, it is very important to see the opponent visually and to identify the model. If the enemy or foe is the same, it will bring a lot of inconvenience.

With the meeting of the two armies, the city of Minsk, within a day, even if it was captured by the German army, at this time, the huge German Central Army, the two armies had already achieved an encirclement. In their encirclement, there were Hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops.

This encircling circle is quite huge, so there will be a big gap in the encirclement circle. After all, the German army cannot make the encirclement circle airtight. If the encirclement is organized by people in the wilderness, then Germany Five million troops in the Central Army Corps are not enough.

Only need to control the strategic location, you can construct an encirclement, and then use the mobility of the tank to block possible openings at any time. At the same time, there are also a group of troops, which are firmly in the rear of the Soviet army. put.

This large encirclement will be divided into several smaller encirclements, and the Soviet army will be eaten up in one bite.

New Grodok.

The mud on the field has been stepped on so softly. On such a road, teams of soldiers are jogging towards the east.

They were carrying rifles on their backs and grenades on their buttocks. They were exhausted along the way, but they had no other way. If they didn’t want to be eaten by the Germans, they could only do this. Running.

Riding a war horse, Commander Kuznetsov looked at his infantry with anxious heart.

The Third Army, a group army belonging to the Western Special Military Region, originally had good strengths, but the 11th Mechanized Army under the organization has been defeated. Now they only have the Fourth Infantry Army. They still have a part. The car, but last night, when the last drop of gasoline ran out, they could only blow up their cars and become pure infantrymen.

The order was too late. If two days earlier, they had already gone to Minsk. If they were not so determined to perform the counterattack mission, they could still save their strength.

Just as he looked at his exhausted subordinates, his telegraph operator took this opportunity to just set up the radio and received a telegram.

"Minsk is occupied by the Germans," the telegrapher said to him.

Minsk is occupied? Kuznetsov frowned immediately. They had planned to return to Minsk, but now, the back road is actually blocked?

Anxiously unfolding his marching map, he looked at the road map drawn with pencil on it, all around by the Germans occupied by the Germans, is it going to go to the Naribek Forest in the south?

No, it is not appropriate there. It will take longer to cross the forest, and there is no hope of breaking through. During this time, I don’t know where the Germans will go, maybe they will go to Smolensk.

"Order the troops, speed up." He continued: "Order our forward to take down the Neman River Ferry."

He can only continue to retreat eastward, hoping to find a place where the enemy's defense is weak, rushing through a road, and retreating. Now, the Neman River is in front of their army, and this is a bottleneck area.

The Neman River, a river in the western plain of Eastern Europe. Originating from 50 kilometers southwest of Minsk, Belarus, it zigzags through Lithuania and the northern part of the Kaliningrad Oblast in Russia into the Baltic Kursky Bay. The total length is 937 kilometers. There are many shallows and sandbars in the river.

Napoleon crossed the Neman River all the way into Russia. After that, Emperor Napoleon and Alexander met on a raft with a tent on the middle reaches of the Neman River. After a quarrel, they finally signed a treaty. .

Now, this river has become one of the biggest threats to the 3rd Army. Because of the blockage of this river, they will slow down their actions. Now they urgently need to seize the ferry on the river as soon as possible and cross the river.

Walking in front was the 172nd Infantry Division. The division commander Romanov urged his troops to move forward quickly, and they could already see the ferry from a distance.

"Quickly, look for ships nearby and find everything that can cross the river." Romanov was also very anxious. If he wanted to retreat, he had to spend it here. Before the Germans found out, he had to spend the river.

Just after he finished speaking, a rumbling voice came over his head.

"Hidden, hidden, the German bomber is here!"

The soldiers in the march panicked, they looked for shelter on the spot, and before hiding, the roar of death came over their heads.

The Stuka bomber lowered its height, and the machine guns on the nose were firing violently. When it swept across, Soviet soldiers fell in patches.

Hiding under a soil slope, Romanov's binoculars, looking at the ferry in the distance, his heart was extremely anxious.

There were constant explosions and the sound of machine gun shooting. There were no troops there, only local ships. It seems that the Germans destroyed all the ships on the ferry here.

Without a boat, how can we cross the river? ()

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