The Third Reich

Chapter 1180: Difficult takeoff (1)

Historically, the Soviet air force and navy bombed separately. The navy carried out the first bombing, and then the air force carried out several successive bombings. But now, in order to achieve good results and for political propaganda, the navy and the air force The bombers of Russia are assembled on the island of Ezeli in Estonia. They will go to the capital of that evil country to perform a great feat and throw bombs over Berlin!

Yekini sat in his cockpit. This navy DB-3 bomber is a twin-engine medium bomber developed by the Ilyushin Design Bureau in 1936. The main structure is a steel tube frame skinned fuselage popular in the 1930s. .

This kind of aircraft is widely equipped in the Soviet army. A total of 1,528 were built between 1936 and 1939. In 39 years, all of them were replaced with Vish-3 variable-pitch propellers. The performance has been greatly improved.

This bomber is also the main bomber of the naval aviation. Its performance is relatively stable, but its range is seriously insufficient. Like the American B-25 bombing, they achieved this by reducing the amount of bombs and increasing the amount of fuel.

Now, this bomber only carries 750 kilograms of bombs. You know, even a Stuka can carry a ton of bombs.

Bombs of this magnitude are just better than nothing, and the significance of propaganda is even greater.

At this time, a fuel tank was added inside the aircraft, and the entire aircraft was still heavy.

In order to avoid being discovered by the Germans, there were only three bonfires on the side of the earthy runway, which were respectively at the end and the middle of the runway to indicate directions.

Skillfully flipping the switches, the M-87A engines on both sides were started in a roar. Then Ye Jinni pushed the lever and released the brakes, and the plane slid onto the earthy runway.

There was some turbulence, he gently increased the throttle, the engines on both sides made a roar, and when it reached the middle of the runway, the power of 950 horsepower broke out, and the aircraft continued to accelerate. When he saw the fire at the end, he pulled it. Rod, the bomber flew into the sky easily.

Take off on an earthy runway, it must be gentle.

This medium-sized bomber has only three crew members, the navigator and bombardier sitting in front, and has entered the working state from this time. In the dark, he can only use a simple radio compass to guide the aircraft to the correct direction. , There must be no trek.

Compared with the advanced navigation equipment of the Germans, the Soviet Union would lag far behind. However, the navigators in the flight crew are the most experienced people. They believe in their abilities.

A DB-3 bomber took off from the runway. Behind them, the Pe-8 bomber was preparing for takeoff. Compared with the naval pilots who are used to taking off on the soil runway, the Air Force From the very beginning, the bomber force of China was faced with difficulties.

The Pei-8 is a large four-engine bomber, which is almost comparable to the German Junker-290, only on the outside. In fact, the mechanical failures of this aircraft are endless.

Major Konstantin Yegorov sat in his cabin, and his plane ranked first.

Now, the DB-3 has taken off for twenty minutes, and their plane is considered complete. Constantine looked at the pile of firewood outside. Several soldiers were adding firewood to it to keep it burning.

Against the backdrop of the firewood, Pei-8 set off.

"Engine One starts."

"The fourth engine starts."

The four engines were started in an orderly manner. Constantine stared at the large row of instruments in front of him, especially the oil pump pressure, the most important of them. Repeated flights proved that mechanical failures started from the oil pressure pump. .

The four engines finally started. He pushed open the window on his side and watched the rotation of the propeller against the fire of the firewood. He released the brake.

"Attention, we are about to take off."

Each Pe-8 bomber has 11 crew members. At this time, in their respective positions, they are all ready.

They will take great risks this time. Although it will be a night bombing and there will be many difficulties, but they will definitely not back down because of it. This is their glorious mission!

The engine was rumbling, and the Pei-8 bomber began to roll on the runway. Compared to the Navy's DB-3 bomber, they accelerated faster. After all, they had to use full power to take off on such a short runway.

The wheels of the aircraft were constantly bumping on the ground, causing the entire aircraft to tremble. The Pe-8 bomber shook like this, accelerating and accelerating from the runway.

At the end of the runway, Constantine pulled the joystick. At this time, his heart was still uneasy. What if he couldn't fly? The runway is too short and the speed is not enough.

Fortunately, as he pulled the control lever, the more than 30-ton Pe-8 bomber successfully left the runway, pulled up at the end, and took to the sky.

Fortunately, it was already flying, and then climbed to the cruising altitude, waited for the rear aircraft, formed a formation, and flew to Berlin.

The engine was still roaring, pulling the Pe-8 bomber to climb. Suddenly, Constantine saw the instrument in front of him, and the pointer began to shake irregularly.

Oh **** it! Constantine suddenly became nervous in his heart: "Mechanic, come on, reduce the fuel supply of the engine!"

The current Pei-8 is equipped with the latest ACH-30B diesel engine. The performance of this engine is still quite bad, especially the fuel flow of the engine has to be corrected by the crew themselves.

This is not a matter of adjusting the throttle. The air intake is different at high altitude and low altitude. It is a meticulous job to adjust the fuel intake of the engine according to the difference in air intake.

Every time it takes off, the mechanic makes special adjustments. Who could have imagined that in the midst of tension, the mechanic would have forgotten it.

Constantine shouted loudly and turned his head nervously to look at the engines. Sure enough, the four engines on the left and right sides had already begun to spray black smoke, the fuel was sprayed too much, and the combustion was incomplete, and it was time to turn off the fire.

Be fast!

Only then did the mechanic react, and nervously twisted the various knobs. The two engines on the right finally reduced the black smoke and began to normal, but the two engines on the left were too late.

The propeller stopped turning, and under the power of the right side, the plane immediately began to yaw to the left. Constantine pushed his lever to the right, but it was still useless.

The plane turned half a circle to the left, and then fell down like a big rock. ()

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