The Third Reich

Chapter 1182: Search targets at night

A few days ago, when attacking the Baltic Fleet, the Goethe-class aircraft carrier was already conducting combat cruises in the central Baltic Sea, but during the battle, a big problem was discovered. When the steam catapult ejected the carrier aircraft, it would Causes the problem of icing on the deck.

This problem has troubled researchers. In the past few days, researchers with catapults have been conducting research on this aircraft carrier to investigate how to improve.

Now, the deck is brightly lit, and several personnel are studying it.

"We use hand-held equipment to heat the deck to quickly melt the ice on it." An operator said: "But this is not the best way. The catapults of our subsequent aircraft carriers should be equipped with electricity on both sides. The heating device quickly melts once it freezes."

If you want to de-icer, of course you need to heat it. However, such deicing will lead to an increase in the demand for power on the aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier built in the later period must take this power issue into consideration.

Squadron Captain Franz Stiegler also followed, and he suggested to these people: "If salt is added to the steam, can it slow the ice formation?"

Sea water is difficult to freeze because salt will lower the freezing point. Hearing what Franz said, the researcher immediately shook his head: "No, that will greatly increase the failure rate of our catapult."

It will indeed lower the freezing point, but salt will corrode. The internal structure of the aircraft carrier’s catapult is delicate. Once it is corroded by salt, it will be scrapped in a short time.

On the bridge not far away, the radar search antenna was still rotating normally. Ever since they came to this sea area, they have not stopped observing the sky above their heads, ready to meet possible attacks.

What if an unfamiliar Soviet aircraft comes over?

Now, on the radar operation platform of the bridge, the radar operator suddenly saw a large echo, and suddenly he screamed: "A large number of aircraft have been found, at least a dozen!"

The air defense sirens sounded on the entire warship. After receiving the sirens, Franz strode towards his plane, quickly jumped onto the cabin, turned on the radio, and shouted to the tower: "764 is already Bit, request to take off and intercept."

Originally, the FW190 should be responsible for the air defense mission of the fleet, and the Stuka bomber was to perform the bombing mission. Helplessly, the displacement of the Goethe-class aircraft carrier is small, and the types of carrier-based aircraft carried are small. Due to the limited output of the FW190, some Goethe-class aircraft carriers are all equipped with Stuka bombers, such as now.

Generally speaking, Stuka bombers do not perform combat missions, but it is different now. It is night time. Night fighters are all big men. Don't worry about maneuverability, as long as you can keep up with the bombers.

At night, it is impossible for air combat between fighters to break out. Fighters are only intercepting bombers. Even some night fighters are improved by bombers. For example, the Junker-88 in history was first improved to become a night fighter.

Now, Franz is quickly preparing for the departure. The machine gunner in his rear compartment is also quickly in place, and at the same time, he is carrying several incendiary bombs.

"You can take off, at twelve o'clock, the distance is eighty kilometers." The tower's voice has been heard in the headset.

The deck crew has towed the Stuka bomber to the take-off line. Since Stuka does not carry the heavy one-ton bomb now, the aircraft carrier does not need to turn upwind. As long as the catapult is used, Stuka will Can fly easily.

In a powerful overload, Stuka has been ejected and taken off.

In the entire Goethe-class aircraft carrier, only Franz took off alone.

In terms of night catapult takeoff capability, half of the carrier-based pilots on the aircraft carrier can master it, but the night landing capability is different. Up to now, only Franz has it.

As for the others, they are still training, and once they have this ability, they are almost all transferred away by the Zeppelin-class aircraft carriers. These **** aircraft carriers even play the role of training aircraft carriers.

After taking off, Franz pushed the joystick, steered the rudder, and moved in the direction of twelve o'clock, which was due east.

In this dark night, over the Baltic Sea, the plane flying from the east is definitely not German. Even if Germany is bombing at night, it is enough to walk over the land. The frontline bomber takes off for more than 100 kilometers and is the target. There is no need to travel far to the sea at all.

Therefore, it must be the Soviet bombers. They are flying over the Baltic Sea in this dark night. Their mission is very difficult. Maybe they are going to bomb Berlin!

Thinking of this, Franz was excited in his heart, and absolutely couldn't let them succeed!

The night sky is not particularly dark. Above the head, a crescent moon illuminates the sea, and the stars also show a bleak light.

In Franz's headset, the guidance voice on the aircraft carrier continued: "At an altitude of four thousand, the other party is 15 kilometers in front of you."

Franz adjusted his height and tried his best to be at the same height as the opponent, so that the results were easy to observe.

"Go ahead, only five kilometers away, pay attention to it."

In the air, the distance changes rapidly, and Franz carefully observes directly in front of him.

The radar guided by the rear has been improved, with a ranging accuracy of 100M and an angle measurement accuracy of 0.2 degrees. He only needs to search within the error of the guided radar.

However, he saw nothing.

"Already flown."

The sound from the headset made Franz very depressed. He passed by, but he did not see the other party. He firmly believed that the aircraft carrier’s radar was okay, so it must be that there was a problem with his search just now. The target cannot be observed.

Just as he pushed the joystick and wanted to continue turning and chasing, the machine gunner behind him suddenly shouted: "I saw something vague underneath."

the following? Franz suddenly found out that he had just made a mistake, and there was an error in the altimeter.

In this era, the most common is the barometric altimeter, and in different latitudes, the change of barometric pressure with altitude is different. There will be an error of tens of meters.

In the usual attack operations, the error of tens of meters is not a big deal, but in this night interception, the error of tens of meters is enough for him to ignore the airspace.

In fact, with the development of technology, Germany has begun to develop high-precision radio altimeters, and even radio speed measuring devices, but they are not installed on aircraft like Stuka that require dive bombing. Those high-altitude bombers are the most needed. .

Just now he mainly searched the airspace in front and above, and forgot to search the airspace below. Fortunately, he had a machine gunner and helped him find it. Now that he found it, he started attacking.

"Attention, prepare to throw the flares. Two seconds after the flares fall, we will attack." Franz shouted to his machine gunner.

If several planes are coming up together, then they can work together. One throws flares at high altitude, and the remaining planes catch up and attack. But now, there is only Franz, and he can only rely on himself for everything. .

Throw a flare to see how many come and the specific direction, and then catch up to attack.

Just when he was about to show off his skills, he heard the voice on the bridge from the headset: "There is a fleet of aircraft behind, the Soviets are crazy!" ()

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