The Third Reich

Chapter 1190: survivor

The city in front suddenly turned black, and this did not make the Soviet pilots retreat. They knew that even the roar of their own planes would arouse the enemy's alertness. Now that they are so close, the other party found it normal for them to find themselves.

They want to continue bombing, and the capital of the Germans is in front, and the heart of the evil empire!

The Ye-2 bomber continued to take off. Just when Captain Stepanov's plane had just climbed one kilometer in the air, a few beams suddenly covered him.

how can that be? Captain Stepanov flew around deliberately. Who would have thought that he would be covered by these beams of light?

Of course he would not know, because after flying high, he had been spotted by ground radar, and the radar gave his coordinates to the searchlight, and the searchlight quickly found him.

It took less than a minute before and after.

When the beam of light below covered him, Captain Stepanov suddenly became nervous. In the dark, it was not a good thing to be discovered by searchlights. He pushed the joystick and wanted to dive into the low altitude. Anyway, the whole of Berlin is now In the dark, he couldn't find the target, and it was useless to fly high.

His movements were very fast, and the Ye-2 bomber went from climbing to diving, but it took only a dozen seconds, but only these ten seconds had already determined his life and death.

"Tom tom, tom tom!"

"Boom, boom!"

Antiaircraft guns of 40 mm, 88 mm, 128 mm, and various calibers all greeted him, and the traces of the tracer shells on the ground accurately met the bomber.

"Boom!" The Ye-2 bomber was hit and exploded in the air, and a brilliant spark bloomed in the sky. Seeing the pilots of the two bombers behind, he trembled.

"Open the bomb bay and we will drop the bomb immediately." Lieutenant Malinen shouted.

The mission is to bomb Berlin. Now, under their plane is the land of Berlin. They quickly drop the bomb and return home. Anyway, it's all dark below. Who knows where it went.

No matter where it is, it is the land of the empire. As long as you throw it down, your task will be completed.

The bomber did not hesitate. After receiving the order from Lieutenant Malinen, he immediately pressed the button.

The bomb bay door in the belly of the plane opened in this way, and a series of bombs fell down.

As the latest bomber into service, the performance of the Ye-2 is quite excellent. In short-range bombing, it can even carry more than 5 tons of bombs. In this long-range flight, it only carries two 100 kg burning bombs. Bullets, 6 high-explosive rounds of 100 kg.

Eight bombs fell, the entire plane suddenly lightened, Lieutenant Malinen kicked the rudder and began to turn in the airspace ahead.

"Now let's go home!" Malinen shouted: "We have dropped our bombs over Berlin, and we have completed our mission!"

Lieutenant Malining glanced at the city where searchlights were constantly dangling. He knew that his bombs should have been thrown in the suburbs, but now he can't take care of that much.

What if it is thrown in the suburbs? He was the first plane to bomb Berlin!

"Kubiko's bomber was also found." At this moment, the machine gunner on the rear turret, looking at the bomber shrouded in the beam of the searchlight, said desperately.

They were the last one alone. The other two bombers were shot down over Berlin, but later, his eyes flashed again. After Kubiko’s plane was discovered, he suffered. Attack, but the plane did not explode in the air. At this time, all the people on the plane were jumping off the burning plane.

At least they are still alive.

If it is a pilot aircraft, there will be two radios. They can support up to 3,000 kilometers and cannot talk. They can only be transmitted to the rear by means of wireless telegraphy. But they are not, just an ordinary bomber in the formation, only talking. The radio used in formations will not exceed 600 kilometers.

Therefore, they cannot report to the rear now, and they must return to the voyage before they can report back what happened here.

At this time they didn't know what happened to the two formations that took off before, but it can be speculated that it was definitely not good, because when they arrived, Berlin was still a city that never sleeps, which shows that the two formations in the early days did not reach the sky above Berlin at all.

Even if it was bombing Berlin at night, there would be so many unknown factors that would cost them such a heavy price, and their return journey was bound to be full of thrills.

Lieutenant Malinin did not dare to fly too high. He knew that the German ground radar was very powerful, and the German night fighters were also quite powerful. Now, Lieutenant Malinin can only fly his plane almost close to the ground.

No one spoke. This night, for everyone, it was a life and death experience. In the formation before departure, only one of their bombers performed the mission.

Flying at night makes people more physically demanding. The entire plane, even the machine gunner, is tired. He can’t rest. He has to look at the sky at any time. If a German night fighter comes up, he needs to be the first time. Discovered and launched an attack.

Time, in a little bit of time, they flew over the land and to the Baltic Sea. They continued flying low and low on the sea for an east has gradually revealed the white belly, and the sky is about to dawn. .

"Our course is twice wrong. Now, we are about to enter the land of Estonia." The navigator looked at the tortuous coastline in the distance and said to Malinen: "Should we change the course?"

Ma Lining looked at the display of his fuel. Now there is not much fuel left, but he can still hold on. Thinking about the terrible soil runway when taking off, Ma Lining reacted in his heart. So many planes failed when they took off. It has a lot to do with the earthy runway, he doesn't want to land there anymore.

"Just let's continue flying along the course. We will land in Petersburg." Malinen held the chart, lowered his head, and shouted to the pilot below.

Keep flying forward!

In the east, a round of red sun slowly rises upwards. This is a new and beautiful day. The bomber crew members who survived the disaster have tired faces, and they continue to persevere.

On the ground, an anti-aircraft artillery unit is also facing the sunrise, preparing for a day.

The Germans bypassed Estonia directly, and the forward directly approached Petersburg. The defenders of Estonia were still taking on important tasks to defend their territory.

The battle on the ground continues. As far as the air defense forces are concerned, they cannot let go of any enemy fighter planes flying eastward!

The high artillery soldiers were holding their lunch boxes and queuing for food. Suddenly, the air defense sirens rang.

High artillery Aranov was excited looking at a piece of fat pork coming up in his lunch box. When he heard the alarm, he immediately threw away his lunch box and moved toward his position. Run away.

The German bombers are here! ()

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