The Third Reich

Chapter 1193: Tune MiG-Three Past

The German's revenge came fiercely.

The bombing of the German capital was to boost their own morale. According to Stalin's idea, the Germans would definitely turn to Moscow, and the German bombers would raged over Moscow.

It doesn't matter. War is like this. The bombing of the Germans will arouse the blood of the Soviet people, allowing the Soviet people to continue to fight against the enemy and fight the Germans in a life-and-death war.

At the same time, Moscow is also ready for air defense, and if German bombers are coming, let them have a taste.

However, no one would have thought that the Germans did not retaliate against Moscow, but issued a death statement to Petersburg.

All residents of Petersburg must be evacuated within one day. At noon tomorrow, the Germans will launch a bombing of Petersburg, blasting the entire Petersburg to ruins.

As for the reason, of course it was because the Soviet bombers took off from Petersburg and bombed Berlin.

The entire conference room of the Kremlin was silent, and the grandfather clock was walking in Gada Gada, which made people feel more fearful.

"The Germans are intimidating us, and we will never give in under the intimidation of the Germans." Stalin said, his eyes staring at everyone coldly.

Khrushchev dared not look into Stalin's eyes. He already regretted proposing to bomb Berlin.

What the Germans needed was an excuse. They bombed Berlin without causing any damage to Berlin, but the Germans got the excuse that they wanted to turn the entire Petersburg into ruins.

The Germans didn’t mean to say nothing, absolutely not intimidation. The Germans wanted to come for real. Everyone present would never forget Exeter. At that time, under the bombing of Germany, the whole Exeter became After the ruins were bombed, the troops hiding there died in a terrible state and had no survival.

The Germans could do it, and now Stalin says so, he intends to take the lives of hundreds of thousands of residents of Petersburg.

Khrushchev could even think of Stalin’s intentions. If those people died under the bombing of the Germans, then this blood feud would deeply irritate every Soviet, and the Germans would not let any of them go. A Soviet man must fight to the end in order to avenge the hundreds of thousands who died in Petersburg.

The Germans actually attacked civilians. This is a war crime committed by the Germans and will inevitably be judged by history.

Stalin was cold-blooded. In the great domestic purge, he killed so many people without blinking. Now, he does not hesitate to sacrifice the citizens of Petersburg to obtain political advantages.

And those people? Was it just being sacrificed like this? That's hundreds of thousands of people!

Khrushchev did not dare to rebel against Stalin. Among the top Soviet leaders, only Zhukov could argue with Stalin, but Zhukov is not in Moscow now. Zhukov is simply the captain of the firefighting team. He is advising Stalin to give up Minsk and save Moscow. After the plan, Zhukov went to Kiev again, and the situation in Ukraine was also very difficult.

Therefore, after Stalin announced his plan, no one was opposed to it, and of course, no one agreed.

They just kept silent.

"German bombers fly at a high altitude, even more than 13,000 meters. However, our latest MiG fighters can already reach this altitude?" Stalin said: "All our equipment meters The aviation regiment of Ge-3 fighters is all mobilized to Petersburg and must intercept the German bombers."

Of course Stalin was not going to make the hundreds of thousands of residents of Petersburg make sacrifices. Petersburg is of great significance. It is the cradle of the October Revolution. How could it be ravaged by the Germans?

Last year, Moscow held a military parade and invited the German head of state Cyrek to come. At that time, the Germans taught the Soviet Union a lesson that their planes could fly to an altitude of more than 13,000 meters.

This incident deeply stimulated the Soviets. The MiG-1, which was originally a high-altitude fighter, was further developed and improved into the latest MiG-3 fighter.

Thanks to designer Mikoyan’s elder brother at the top of the Soviet Union, coupled with his own excellent aircraft design capabilities, the performance of this MiG-3 aircraft has been greatly improved.

Historically, the MiG-3 only had a ceiling of 13,000, but now it has been strengthened to 14,000 by Mikoyan. At the same time, the problem with the short legs of this aircraft has become more serious. After full fuel, the range is less than five. Hundred kilometers.

It can be said that the designer’s focus is to prioritize the ceiling. If you don’t fly that high, you can’t intercept enemy bombers. In order not to disappoint the troops, the designer made every effort to create such a special High altitude fighter.

This is the highest priority project. Up to now, more than 1,500 MiG-3s have been produced, but in the early days of the war, a large number of Soviet aircraft were destroyed on the ground, including these advanced MiGs. -3 high-altitude fighter.

Up to now, the Soviet Air Force has only about 300 MiG-3s. They are mainly stationed near Moscow. It can be said that they defend the capital from enemy bombers.

Now, Stalin is doing his best for Petersburg: "Transfer all our MiG-3s to Petersburg. Once the Germans come to bomb, they will immediately take off and intercept."

The Germans do what they say, and the Germans are quite punctual, saying that they will come to bombing at noon tomorrow, so they will not be late.

"Will the Germans clamor to bomb Petersburg, and then a large number of planes will fly to us in Moscow?" Budjoni asked German bombs are too terrible, if those bombs Throwing it to Moscow, it can be said that everyone in Moscow will suffer, and they are no exception. At this time, Budjoni, of course, considers his safety first.

"What are you afraid of? The Germans want to bomb Petersburg and they can go to the Baltic Sea. If they want to bomb our Moscow, there are at least a few hundred kilometers along the way. From Belarus to Moscow, we will make heavy interceptions along the way." Stalin refuted. Budjoni always blushed, indeed, he was scared.

Stalin had the final say in the entire Soviet. Under Stalin's decision, the citizens of Petersburg should not transfer for the time being. However, the factories, technicians, and university students in the city of Petersburg can start the transfer today.

Petersburg is a city built on water. There are rivers everywhere. It can even be said that Petersburg is islands connected by bridges.

Petersburg is distributed on 44 islands, connected by more than 580 bridges. Water transportation is very convenient, and these important ones can be withdrawn in advance.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Germany did not fight for more than 800 days at the beginning, and objective conditions limited it.

Now Comrade Stalin, the great Soviet leader, in Moscow, has done the great thing that determines the fate of the entire city.

The hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of Petersburg will be buried in this land because of Comrade Stalin's decision.

After receiving Stalin's order, the aviation regiment near Moscow began to move north.

When it was dark, Captain Alexander Ivanovich Pokreshkin, piloting his MiG-3 fighter jet, landed on the air base next to Petersburg. ()

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