The Third Reich

Chapter 1207: Teacher, i won't go

Weapon performance is important.

The final factor that determines the victory of a war is not one or two weapons, but people. This sentence is not wrong, but if the performance of the weapon is at a disadvantage, then the victorious party must pay a greater price and have more. sacrifice.

With the gradual development of science and technology, the chance for the weaker party to win becomes increasingly slim.

Looking at it now, the MiG-3 fighter is already the absolute ace fighter of the Soviet Union. It is the only high-altitude fighter that can intercept German bombers at high altitude, but its performance is still far from that of German fighters.

This gap is reflected in the current battle.

The wooden MiG-3 was cut off the vertical tail abruptly by the metal propeller of the FW190 fighter. When the propeller touched the vertical tail, a few sparks appeared, but the vertical tail was still broken.

Losing the rudder on the tail, the MiG-3 suddenly became uncontrollable. Just after the FW190 had flown away, Pokreshkin tried hard to operate the aircraft, but his aircraft rolled and fell down.

Pokreshkin had no choice. He tried hard to climb out of the cabin. The cockpit cover above his head was broken. After working hard several times, he finally climbed out.

At this time, the height had been reduced to seven kilometers, and Pokreshkin, who was blown cold by the cold wind, jumped down.

At the same time that Pokreshkin was dealt with, his wingman Kararikshin, who had no luck, was chased by another FW190, and had to give up the attack on the bomber unit and turned to Dive down, and when Merritt's plane killed his lead plane and came to help, his ending was almost doomed.

In front of the huge German fleet, one or two Soviet fighter jets were basically praying mantis.

The destruction of Petersburg is here.

At this time, there was already a panic in Petersburg.

If yesterday, the task of retreat was issued, it would be possible to evacuate all citizens in one day, relying on the strong leadership of the Soviet government.

But the order to retreat was not issued.

If this city that was born in the October Revolution would retreat with just a word of intimidation from the Germans, wouldn't it make the whole world laugh at the Soviets?

The Soviets will not retreat. The Soviets are neither France nor England. The Soviets are sacred and invincible.

The constant arrival of high-altitude fighter jets gave the people of this city a little peace of mind. However, the air base was destroyed so quickly and disrupted all plans. The German bombers were right in front of them, and they had to retreat quickly.

The retreat of the entire city is chaotic and disorderly.

The streets are crowded with people, and cars can't get through at all. At an intersection, even if the person in charge of the command screams and breaks his throat, it still cannot be cleared.

And at each pier, there were countless panics. The crowd watched the arriving ships, and they couldn’t wait to jump on it before they got to the shore. Countless people were squeezed into the water and swam desperately without knowing the water. People who are already struggling on the water, but no one is going to save him.

The Germans want to destroy this city, not just for fun. It is already less than fifteen minutes before the deadline set by the Germans!

Petersburg Conservatory of Music.

According to Stalin's guidance, although ordinary citizens have not been evacuated, since yesterday, the important industry in Petersburg, the university, has already been evacuated.

Stalin also looked at major students. For the Soviets, the bright minds of college students were urgently needed in the Great Patriotic War. They had to flood various scientific research institutions to contribute to the Great Patriotic War, and when necessary, also You can take up your weapons and go to the front.

However, not all people were evacuated. Some people refused to leave.

For example, a young man who is currently playing at a piano in a music classroom with full concentration has not left as required.

He was wearing a performance costume, and although there was no audience below, the piano in front of him was spotless.

He is not tall, with a sharp nose, and a pair of black glasses on it. He looks so artistic and literary. His slender fingers fall on the black and white buttons.

Then, the music sounded, and simple musical notes were beating on his fingers, the keys were flying, and his thoughts were flying with him.

In front of his eyes, it seemed to show a magnificent scene, countless German tanks were charging, crushing, and ravaging his motherland, and in this battle, countless epic stories emerged.

His thoughts are flying, turning into notes on the tip of his finger, and his thoughts are constantly changing.

This piece of piano music has four parts, which are long at first, depicting the peace before the war, but suddenly the dream of peace was shattered, and then there are memories, memories of peace, memories of happiness.

Next, it is the most soothing, as if showing a deep love for one's own country and And in the end, it is definitely a victory! The Soviets are bound to win!

"Shostakovich, don't dawdle any longer, the German bomber is about to reach the sky above our heads. You must leave immediately! Quick, follow me!"

The fourth melody had not yet begun. The musician Shostakovich sitting here was interrupted. He raised his head and looked at the person who was running quickly, his tutor, the pianist Ni Gulayev.

"Teacher, I am composing a seventh symphony in major C. I want to dedicate this piece to our heroic city and encourage our people to overcome everything and achieve victory." Shostaco Said Veitch.

"That also has to be fate." Nikolaev said: "Now, the order for the whole city to retreat has been issued, let's go."

Originally this morning, Nikolaev had already left with the last train, but found that his most proud protégé had been left behind, so he personally rushed back.

When he came over, he had already seen everything on the street, and he was full of anxiety.

"Teacher, I'm not leaving." Shostakovich said.

"If you don't leave, it will be too late." Nikolayev said anxiously.

"Even if we leave, can we have time?" Shostakovich said: "Since we can't leave, why don't we immerse ourselves in the world of music and continue our creation?"

Shostakovich’s finger was placed on the piano again. Now, it is the final chapter of creation. The content of this chapter is victory.

The brisk tune flows out of his hands.

In the distance of the city, the roar of antiaircraft artillery sounded, and the enemy bombers arrived. ()

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