The Third Reich

Chapter 1210: Burning city

"Boom!" Before the bomb fell to the ground, in the air, the first explosion began.

This explosion made many people weird. This bomb actually exploded in the air?

People hiding in the water couldn’t help but open their eyes at this moment, and even poked their heads out boldly, looking at the explosion in the sky. There didn’t seem to be too much fire, some just centered on the explosion area, and quickly The earth formed a misty cloud cluster, which was rapidly expanding and expanding, and soon it enveloped a large area of ​​Petersburg.

This made the people in the river suddenly frightened, and never dared to open their eyes, hold their breath, and wait for that terrible moment to come.

"Boom!" The second explosion was tens of thousands of times stronger than the previous explosion!

With the sound of this huge explosion, the air mass that just spread was immediately ignited! Within a radius of two hundred meters, all are flames!

In the center of the explosion, above the flame, a cloud of black mushrooms rose up, and the temperature in the center of the flame was a full two thousand five hundred degrees!

The huge fireball expands rapidly at a speed of 2,000 to 2,500 meters per second. Wherever it goes, the airflow is quickly stirred to form a high temperature and high pressure airflow.

Under the powerful shock wave, any building, any solid fortification, could not survive, and the entire city, like a castle made of sand, collapsed.

There are survivors, but not many.

When the German bombs were dropped, they were all aimed at the islands. The unique city structure of Petersburg is almost centered on islands.

But after all, it was thrown down from an altitude of 10,000 meters. No matter how precise the sight is, accidents will happen.

For example, the bomb dropped from the 76th bomber deviated more than 800 meters from the target, and the center of the explosion was on the edge of the island, where it met the river.

When the explosion happened, the huge air current was blown into the river water. For an instant, the river water was like being thrown down rocks, and the water flow actually splashed to both sides.

In the splashing, the water flow encountered high temperature and was gasified one after another, and the citizens hiding in the water were also lifted into the air along with the water flow. In the air, their bodies were directly gasified by the huge high temperature.

One after another bombs continued to fall from the sky. When more than two hundred bombers flew by, only a burning city was left below. The black smoke floating above the city actually rose more than six thousand meters before it was high. The air currents blow away.

Below, there is already purgatory on earth.

Facing this kind of sight, the pilots of the bomber force had no emotion. This was the end of the fight against the empire.

Yes, there are civilians inside, but yesterday, our side had already issued a notice to them that those civilians had enough time to leave the city, but they did not.

Since they haven't left, they are no longer civilians, and each of them will transform into fighters at any time.

In history, Petersburg has persisted for several years. From the beginning of the German offensive to the Soviet counter-offensive, the city of Petersburg has not fallen. The hundreds of thousands of residents in the city have taken to the battlefield with guns. Every citizen , Will be a fighter.

This was originally a life-and-death war, in which the benevolence of women is the most undesirable.

We must not be kind and let every Russian tremble with fright! We must step under our feet the meaningless laws of the old world and the Jewish-Christian traditions of the old world. We don’t need Russia, neither a hostile Russia nor a friendly Russia. We only need a piece of land in the East. In order for the Russians to completely collapse, we must turn Petersburg into nothing, turn it into dust, and let them disappear from the earth.

At this time, the fleet had begun to return. On the radio, Aksett remembered Cyric's passionate speech, and was so excited that he repeated these words again.

"Now that we have completed this mission, let us cheer for the victory of the empire!" Aksett heard a cheering voice on his radio.

Petersburg, has disappeared from the earth.

Many of the cracked dirt and stones fell into the water and blocked the route. When people behind went in to clean up, they found that the Germans had completely razed Petersburg, and even the traffic in Petersburg was convenient. You can travel back and forth between the islands without building a bridge, and the river has been filled.

Wolf den.

Everything went well for the bombing of Petersburg, and when it came back to the Wolf Den, everyone was excited.

"Head of State Cyrek, we finally made Petersburg disappear from the earth." Scherner said: "This is a major blow to the Soviets, and the Soviets will not stop."

Petersburg, the cradle of the October Revolution. Now that the cradle is gone, how will the Soviets retaliate?

"The Soviets must also be able to do it." Keitel said with a smile: "Now, our North Road has achieved a major breakthrough. Our Middle Road has been divided and surrounded by the Belarusian Legion, and they will soon be resolved. South Road, we are also advancing towards In short, we are in accordance with the original plan to end the war this year and go to Moscow."

How can the Soviets fight back at this time? They have no ability to protect themselves.

"We are still dominated by conventional warfare." Cyrek said: "If the Soviets jumped the wall in a hurry and want to adopt new tactics, then we can stay with them to the end. The Soviets have what we have, the Soviets. No, we have."

Now, what countermeasures do the Soviets have? At best, it is to come up with some biological and chemical weapons. If the Soviets really dare to put these weapons on the battlefield, then Germany will not be stingy.

During World War I, a large amount of poison gas was used on the battlefield. However, the final result confirmed that it was a torture for both sides of the war. Therefore, no matter how cruel the battle in World War II, the two sides never used it again. This lose-lose style of play.

Now, Cyrek is not very worried that the Soviets will do this. If they invest in biological and chemical weapons, they will also invest, and they have more means than the Soviets.

The Soviets did not have long-range bombing capabilities and no other means of delivery. If the Soviets really dared to use it on the battlefield, Cyrenk wouldn't mind using a bomber to carry poison gas directly onto Moscow.

Therefore, as long as Stalin has a brain, he should not use this style of play.

As for the way Germany destroyed Petersburg, if the Soviets were capable, it would be the same. If the Soviets were not capable, then compare it.

Thermobaric bomb is a weapon of mass destruction and a strategic weapon of Germany. Therefore, Germany is not used everywhere. The sacrifice of this weapon is to reduce casualties on the one hand, and to fight the enemy on the other. It’s impossible to use the confidence in every battle. ()

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