The Third Reich

Chapter 1213: Sentenced to death

The US aid to the Soviet Union was to allow the Soviet Union to continue to resist German attacks, consume German power, and buy time for the United States. Of course Stalin knew this.

It seems that the Soviet Union was used by the United States, but now the Soviet Union can only do so. At the beginning, the Soviet Union still imagined that the United States and Germany would go to war, so that the United States would consume German power, and then the Soviet Union would benefit from it. It's too naive.

Even so, the Soviet Union has no choice. After all, the support of the United States is beneficial to the Soviet Union. Especially now, the Soviet industry has suffered huge damage and it is in need of blood transfusion from the United States. The support of the United States is very useful to the Soviet Union. .

As for dividing the scope of interest, at least it has to wait until the battle is over before it can be honored. Now it needs a blood transfusion from the United States.

Just as Stalin and Hopkins communicated with each other, the group also returned to Moscow with anxiety.


Think about it over the years, Pavlov is not an absolute straw bag, he fought step by step on the battlefield, back in Spain, Pavlov also fought many heroic battles.

But now he has become a sinner of the Soviets.

Hundreds of thousands of troops fell in the encirclement of the Germans. Pavlov lost the entire Western Special Military Region troops. He has been dismissed. Under Stalin's order, he returned to Moscow.

Pavlov kept delaying and there was chaos everywhere. He passed a lot of trains until he finally did not escape. He stepped on an empty wagon and returned to Moscow.

There were some of his men who came back with him. At this time, everyone's eyes were dead ashes.

Pavlov was originally a fat general. In the past few days, he has lost weight. His cheekbones are exposed on his face. In the past few days, he has not eaten anything, just a Smoke one after another.

Pavlov knew that this time he was more ill-fortuned.

Now, when he came to Moscow, Pavlov knew that the time for his trial had come.

"Zhukov, it's nice to meet you." Just after he returned to Moscow, he didn't expect to see Zhukov again.

Zhukov became the captain of the firefighting captain. He returned to Moscow last time to discuss the issue of the Western Front. After returning to Kiev, within two days, he was called back again. Zhukov knew that this time he must come back for Petersburg.

And now, Zhukov saw Pavlov by accident.

"About the Western Special Military Region, I want to talk to you." As if the drowning man caught the straw, Pavlov wanted to get close to Zhukov.

Zhukov shook his head: "Say these things with Comrade Stalin."

Zhukov also commented on Pavlov. In Zhukov’s eyes, Pavlov could command at most one division and let him command the entire Western Special Military Region. That was definitely a disaster. As early as a year ago, Zhukov During the exercise with Pavlov, the issue of the arrangement of Pavlov’s army was raised, but Pavlov didn’t care at all.

Now, no one can save Pavlov, his life depends entirely on Stalin's attitude.

Voroshinov was killed, and Pavlov was probably going to die at Stalin’s gun.

At this moment, the captain of Stalin's guard came out and said to Zhukov: "General Zhukov, Comrade Stalin is waiting for you."

Pavlov quickly got up and wanted to inquire about what happened to Stalin. He saw the captain of the guard waving his hand like a fly: "Pavlov, Comrade Stalin doesn't want to see you. You can report directly to the military court. "

Military court? Pavlov sat down on the ground with no blood on his face. He knew that everything was over for him.

The military court was conducted in the Supreme Court near the Kremlin. In addition to the judges, there was Molotov, who is now Molotov, the vice chairman of the Soviet Defense Council and the second under Stalin. Number character.

There were not many people in the court, and there was not much noise. Molotov looked at his former colleagues and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In fact, the entire front is now being defeated. This is determined by the overall environment. However, Pavlov was defeated too quickly. Now, there is no news for the entire Western Special Military Region. The worst case is, The legions here have all been annihilated by Germany.

This kind of ending is intolerable. Thinking of this, Molotov opened up the information he had just obtained.

"Major General Romanov, the commander of the 172nd Infantry Division, led the troops to break through and was killed by enemy planes."


"General Kuznetsov, commander of the 3rd Army, after breaking through the siege and hopelessly, he chose to commit suicide and die."

"General Kopets, commander of the Air Force of the Western Special Military Region, committed suicide because of all the losses he had suffered."


All of them were familiar to Pavlov. Now, they were all sacrificed. Pavlov covered his head with his hand and did not speak. At this time, he was in pain.

"On behalf of the Supreme Court, I declare that the former commander of the Western Special Military Region De Ge Pavlov and Chief of Staff F. Ye Krimovskikh have acted in panic since the sudden German attack on the Soviet Union. Commandless, sitting by and watching the disintegration of the command of the troops, caused a large number of weapons and warehouses to fall into the enemy's hands, and leave the combat positions of the Western Front without permission. This gave the enemy an opportunity to break through the front line of defense and led to the entire Western Special Military Region troops. He has suffered huge losses, committed treason, deprived of his military rank, and executed the death penalty!"

"The former director of communications of the Western Special Military Region An-Jie-Grigoryev should establish continuous and smooth communication between the front army headquarters and the combat troops, but he was panicked and criminally inaction. He did not use radio communication. In the first few days of the war, the military operations of the various combat troops were in a state of no command. They were guilty of treason, deprived of their military rank, and executed the death penalty!"

"The former commander of the Fourth Army of the Western Special Military Region, Ya-Ann Korobkov, acted in a panic, criminally inaction, shamelessly abandoning troops who trusted him, causing the disintegration of the group army and incurring huge losses. He was guilty of treason and deprived of his military rank. , Execute the death penalty!"

"You have abandoned the soldier's oath, tarnished the lofty title of the Red Army soldier, and forgotten your responsibilities to the motherland. When the motherland needed you most, you were panicked and cowardly and sinful inaction, disintegrating the command of the troops, and leaving without authorization. In combat positions, you will be punished ruthlessly by the harshest military law."

"Now, what else can you say?"

Pavlov finally raised his head, looked at the people above, and finally turned his gaze to Molotov: "I plead guilty, and indeed deserve to be shot, but I have a request, please do not shoot me, please send me Go to the battlefield and let me die on the battlefield as a soldier. This is my last request. Please tell Comrade Stalin."

Pavlov knew that he couldn't live anymore, and now such a request, just want to fulfill his duties as a soldier, become a death squad, and die on the battlefield.

Molotov nodded: "I will pass your request to Comrade Stalin." ()

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