The Third Reich

Chapter 1217: Belarusian Liberation Army (2)

Reinhardt did not come on a whim.

Reinhardt is often in the Wolf's Den and knows Cyric’s strategy well. He knows very well that after the initial defeat of the war, once these captured Soviet troops join Germany, they will become German servants and will be against the Soviet Union. What a heavy blow it will be.

It is very helpful to disintegrate the will of the Soviet army, so he has been planning how to make this happen quickly.

Now that the entire territory of Belarus has been resolved and hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers have been captured, this plan has been officially implemented.

At the same time, just before he came here to inspect, he had just received the Soviet Order No. 270. When he took this order, Reinhardt couldn't believe that he had such good luck. Stalin sent charcoal in the snow. Stalin gave himself what he wanted!

"Stalin said personally that the Soviets had only martyrs, no captives and deserters." Reinhardt's second sentence stunned everyone present.

There are only martyrs, no captives and deserters. What does this sentence mean? As long as you go to the battlefield, you either win or die, there is no other way!

Lieutenant General Kacharov lowered his head, not daring to look at Reinhardt above. As a senior commander, he knew more clearly what this sentence meant.

This is to force the soldiers on the front line to fight to death. Then, what about the soldiers who have surrendered?

"The specific content is like this." Reinhardt began to read the military regulations: "Units and troops surrounded by the enemy should fight to the end without hesitation... If their troops are surrounded by the enemy... fight to the end, break through the blockade. If officers or soldiers do not organize active resistance and counterattack the enemy, but choose to surrender, they can be removed from the air or on the ground by any means. The families of members of the Red Army who surrender to the enemy will be deprived of their national rights and assistance. "

Don't even let your family go?

"No, it's impossible!" A soldier on the scene immediately yelled: "I have four brothers in my family. They all joined the army. My eldest brother and my second brother died in battle. Even though I surrendered, they couldn’t do anything. My family punishes!"

His reaction caused the German guardians present to be stunned. A guard with eyesight and quick hands, holding the **** of the rifle, was about to hit him.

"Stop!" Reinhardt said.

The **** of the rifle did not fall in midair, and Reinhardt pointed his finger at the soldier: "What is your name and which unit is it?"

"Kurimitch, Twelfth Infantry Division," the soldier said.

Reinhardt was holding a small notebook in his hand and flipped it quickly. After about a dozen pages, he finally turned to: "Luckily, I have your information here. Your mother is Yekajie. Linna, right?"

"Yes." The soldier nodded: "You actually know my mother?"

"Because she is already famous in the Soviets." Reinhardt said: "As the mother of the surrender, she has been shot."

"No, no!" Kurimitch cried out in pain, "How is this possible? My surrender, what does it have to do with my mother? I was in a coma at the time, and when I woke up, I was already in the prison camp! No, This is absolutely impossible!"

"If you want exact information, wait a few days and we may get a photo of your mother being shot. At that time, a public trial was held in the entire village. Originally, your mother would not be shot. Like several other women, just bow their heads and admit their mistakes, but she didn't. She believed that she was the hero's mother and was executed on the spot."

Accident? Not surprisingly, there were too many bridges like this in the cleansing of the previous few years. If you didn't pay attention, you would be captured and shot as an enemy. Those who didn't admit their mistakes would be life threatening at any time.

When did the Soviet Union attach importance to life? Unjust, false and wrong cases are everywhere.

Kurimitch's tears dropped to the ground, and his hands were tightly clenched into fists.

"What is there to be nostalgic for such a Soviet? In Stalin's eyes, you are all pawns, whether or not. Your lives are simply insignificant. Use this method to warn those who intend to surrender. Reinhardt continued: "Is this Soviet worthy of your life to defend? Do you still miss the Soviets over the years? How many of your relatives have suffered during the Great Purge Innocent killings. How is this regime different from the Tsarist era?"

"I am willing to join the Belarusian Liberation Army." Kurimitch was the first to stand up: "I will not let my own mother die."

"What about you? Such tragedies are happening all around you. Maybe the next one will be your turn. Now, if you want to save your own relatives, there is only one way, and that is to stabilize the order in Belarus. Let the German army quickly liberate your hometown, so that your mother will be worshiped as a hero, not a traitor, and will not be shot. Take up the weapons in your hands and fight for the honor of your family!"

Reinhardt’s instigation was successful: "The Soviet Union, like the former Tsarist Russia, is decayed and has no humanity at all. In the Tsarist era, you were without personal rights. Now, In the Soviet Union, you are still governed by a centralized system, and you also have no personal rights. Now, it is time to break this old system and fight for freedom and fairness!"

Reinhardt's words inspired more people, and they stood up one after another and gathered in another place.

Reinhardt was very satisfied.

The German army must advance fast. They must take advantage of the blitzkrieg and try to get rid of Moscow before winter arrives, or even rush to Moscow in the next month.

But the rear is still unstable.

For example, in Belarus, in addition to a large number of Soviet troops surrendering and a small part of them escaped from the encirclement, there was also a part of the Soviet troops who entered the forests and mountains and started guerrilla warfare.

They would cause damage to Germany's rear transportation line and restrain Germany's main force from advancing. In order to quickly advance to Moscow, Germany cannot divide its troops to deal with these guerrillas.

This is the significance of the Belarusian People’s Liberation Army. Let them fight directly on the front line against the Soviet army. They will have psychological barriers. Under the leadership of German instructors, they will destroy the Soviet guerrillas and restore peace in Belarus, especially to protect the railway. The safety of highways and highways is their responsibility.

They can greatly reduce the pressure on the German army.

As long as their hands are stained with blood from their own people, it will be easier to drive them to war.

As for those who refuse to become the Belarusian People's Liberation Army, let them die in hard labor. The road is their choice. Germany does not need to waste food for useless people.

"Mr. Lieutenant General, what are your plans?" Reinhardt asked Lieutenant General Kacharov before stepping off the podium. ()

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