The Third Reich

Chapter 1220: Helicopter improvements

Fleet's expression changed even more. In the entire German military development, the head of Cyric played an irreplaceable role. The direction he pointed out proved to be completely correct.

As a result, many military industry experts are praising that the head of Cyrek is simply omnipotent, and plays an irreplaceable role in all fields. Many times they encounter problems that cannot be solved. As a result, head of Cyrek gave it all at once. I just pointed out that even the most professional people admire the head of Cyric.

And now, the head of Cyric actually said that there are fatal flaws in this helicopter, and there must be some. So, is it possible that the helicopter he developed after more than ten years of hard work is going to be ruined?

This made Fleet’s careful liver tremble. He didn’t even have confidence in the next performance of his helicopter. He cautiously said to Cyric: "Head Cyric, what is the fatal flaw of this aircraft? ?"

"The reversal torque cannot be effectively overcome by this helicopter. This will cause the aircraft to be unable to maintain excellent balance performance during flight. As long as the external weather conditions exceed, the balance of the aircraft will be broken, and there will be Risk of crash." Cyric said.

This sentence immediately surprised Fleet's heart. As expected, the head of Cyric can always point out the problem with his plane at once!

In the process of helicopter development, it is this reversal torque that has always been shrouded in the hearts of various designers.

When the propeller is spinning, you can actually imagine that a wing is spinning, and what is left is the fuselage. Then, why isn’t the wing still and the fuselage rotating?

The effect of force is mutual. When the propeller is rotating, the fuselage actually wants to follow it. (It’s best to take an airplane model at this point. If you grab the propeller of the model airplane and don’t let it turn, the airplane will turn in the opposite direction under the drive of the engine.)

In a fixed-wing aircraft, this is an inevitable problem. It is just that the fixed-wing aircraft has a larger wing behind it, and at the same time, this moment is offset in the fuselage. Even so, when the aircraft takes off and landing, if not If you are careful, you may still be brought into the ditch by this problem, and the fuselage will inexplicably turn over, resulting in a big top.

For fixed-wing aircraft, this problem is not particularly serious, but for helicopters, this problem is quite terrible.

In order for the helicopter to directly rise, the lift generated by the propeller on the top must be greater than gravity. In this way, the propeller of the propeller aircraft is very large and the torque generated is also quite strong.

How to overcome this moment? Looking at the current Fleet helicopter, you can see that its rear fuselage has four tall vertical tails, which are much larger than the vertical tail area of ​​ordinary airplanes. This way, Fleet uses this method to increase heading stability. Sexual, but this is only a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.

Fleet's solution cannot solve the problem.

At this time, the helicopter was still flying, but Fleet felt the sweat on his forehead swish outwards. Head Cyric said a serious defect. Will this helicopter be discontinued because of this defect?

"Then, Head Cyric, how do we overcome this defect?" Fleet asked cautiously, "We have indeed been troubled by this problem for a long time."

His eyes looked at Cyric. If Cyric had no answer, then the helicopter would be sentenced to death and his ideals would be shattered.

"The solution is also very simple, just provide a reverse torque." Cyric said.

How to solve? Looking at later generations, you will know that all single-rotor helicopters have a tail fin on the tail, and there is also a propeller rotating there.

What does that propeller do? Of course, it is to blow the air to the side, which is used to offset the reverse torque. At the same time, by controlling the output torque of the tail propeller, the helicopter can easily steer while hovering.

Cyric was only responsible for providing ideas, and as soon as his ideas were spoken, Fleet was immediately delighted. Yes, this is the best solution to the helicopter problem.

Moreover, in this case, the tail does not need to be so bloated, just a small tail fin, plus a suitable propeller!

In later generations, more than 90% of helicopters are in this layout. Only a small number of helicopters are dual-rotor helicopters, which can use two coaxially installed rotors that rotate in opposite directions, or in front of the fuselage. Two rotors with opposite rotors are installed at the rear and the rear, so that the generated torques cancel each other out, eliminating the need to install a torque-resistant tail rotor.

However, the rotor is always the mainstream, and Cyric’s proposal has made the designers amazed, a new cross-era aircraft, UU看书 is about to step on the stage of history!

Although German helicopters were developed during World War II, they did not have too many equipped units and did not play a big role. After the war continued to improve, they began to show their superiority on the battlefield.

And now, driven by Cyric, the helicopter has also begun to develop rapidly.

"The Navy's carrier-based helicopters are only a small part of the demand for helicopters." Cyric continued to express his views: "In our army and air force, we need a large number of helicopters."

"For example, our mountain division is equipped with a certain amount of helicopters, which can help us overcome various mountain environments. It does not need a flat runway, it only needs a small area to land." Cyric said: "And this way Helicopters, preferably large, can even hoist our various vehicles."

"We can also try to transfer weapons such as rockets to helicopters and transform them into armed helicopters for ground attacks. These can also be equipped in ground forces, so that ground forces do not need to call for air support, and they have a lot of Strong fire support ability."

The development of helicopters takes a long time, but under the stimulation of war, the process will be greatly shortened. For example, Germany has begun to develop various precision-guided weapons, and wire-controlled anti-tank missiles are also in the sequence. Therefore, mounting rockets to helicopters, and even mounting anti-tank missiles at a later stage, can be completed within a few years.

A fire came out in front of Fleet's eyes. Under the outline of Cyric, the helicopter will become a main equipment in the future. He will also become a German aviation technology like Messerschmitt and Dr. Cook. Elder! ()

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