The Third Reich

Chapter 1222: Flying snake in the air

Hopkins returned to the White House and was immediately received by Roosevelt.

"The Germans fought so smoothly on land. Now, the entire Belarus has been occupied by the Germans, and the troops of the Western Special Military Region have disappeared." Hopkins did not say a word, and Roosevelt had already started talking. : "Petersburg was bombed to ruins, and in the south, the main force of the Germans is marching towards Kiev. In this case, does Moscow have a pessimistic attitude?"

At the beginning, Germany aggressively wanted to go to war with the Americans in the Atlantic Ocean. The United States was very anxious. The Pacific Ocean was already eroded. If confrontation with Germany again in the Atlantic Ocean, the US naval power would definitely not be enough. , The United States will suffer from the enemy, life will be very difficult.

Unexpectedly, the Germans were bluffing in the Atlantic, and then suddenly ran over to fight the Soviet Union. This really relieved the White House. At least for the time being, there is no need to worry about German attacks on the United States from the sea.

The United States has won a precious respite. Now, it must concentrate its efforts to defeat the island nation first.

Now, what Roosevelt wanted to know most was Stalin's attitude and Moscow's attitude. Are they confident of victory?

"Although the Soviets played badly, Stalin did not have any pessimism." Hopkins said: "You should know that people like Stalin, no matter what difficulties they are in, will face up to difficulties."

Even if an ordinary Soviet person would be pessimistic, Stalin would not. He is a gritty man, never discouraged by failure. This judgment is completely correct.

The biggest gain of Hopkins’s trip to the Soviet Union was to master the attitude of Moscow. In his eyes, he saw the Soviet Union that is not afraid of the enemy. Although the early progress is not good, the Soviet Union must be able to resist. Live the offensive of Germany.

Hopkins's itinerary is of great significance. The ideological opposition between the Soviet Union and the United States has alienated them from each other. Now, the alliance between the Soviet Union and the United States is about to take shape.

Roosevelt nodded: "This is the best. We need the Soviet Union to help us consume German power, but the Soviet Union must have nothing to do. If the Germans occupy the Soviet Union, then it will be the worst news for us."

If Germany rules the Soviet Union, the United States really has no hope. Germany has integrated Europe, Asia and Africa, and the United States may eventually fall. From this perspective, saving the Soviet Union is equivalent to saving the United States.

"Stalin has no objection to the various opinions I put forward. We need to convene a meeting of the three governments as soon as possible to discuss strategic and national interests." Hopkins said: "Stalin is now seeking our support. Concession, this is an opportunity for us."

"Yes, I am also looking forward to this Moscow meeting. Our lease bill can include the Soviet Union, so that we can provide the Soviet Union with a lot of weapons." Roosevelt said: "The Soviets are bleeding and sacrificing. We still haven't provided some weapons. questionable."

"Yes, for the Soviet Union now, the air defense pressure is the greatest. Therefore, we have agreed to export some fighters to the Soviets first. Now, it depends on what fighters we give to the Soviets." Hopkins Said.

U.S. support cannot remain verbal. In addition to light weapons, guns, ammunition, and food, fighter jets must also be provided immediately.

If the Germans chose Moscow as the target of the bombing and killed Stalin and others directly, then the Soviet Union would not have to resist.

It's strange to say that since the Germans can level Petersburg, why not directly level Moscow? This is the fastest way to end the war.

With the advent of war, the United States' war machine is also in motion. The United States can produce a large number of weapons and equipment, but what fighter jets should it give the Soviets?

Of course, it cannot be the latest fighter jets from the United States. These fighter jets are not fully equipped by the United States.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Roosevelt remembered: "Don't we have a batch of fighter jets ready to support the British? Give these fighter jets to the Soviets first."

At the beginning, the United Kingdom was in danger, and the United States passed the lease bill, intending to hand over its own equipment to the British.

Among them is an "advanced" fighter, the P-39 Flying Snake.

In this era, propeller aircraft are mainstream, and the aircraft's engines are all arranged in the front, because the front is to be equipped with propellers.

This has led to a result. With the continuous development of aircraft engines, the size of the aircraft continues to expand. As a result, the nose of the aircraft is getting longer and longer. In this era of aircraft, the cockpit is in the middle, and the space in front of it is several meters long. of.

The pilot sits in the middle, and the line of sight is not good. The risk of takeoff and landing increases. So, can it be improved?

Bell Company was the first to make an The P-39 fighter they produced was designed on the eve of World War II.

Its biggest feature is that the rear engine is installed in the middle of the fuselage, and the nose propeller is driven by the shaft under the driver's seat.

In this way, the front end of the aircraft is vacated, and the cockpit can be moved forward by a large margin. At the same time, the front of the aircraft can also be optimized. The smooth and fine head shape is also convenient for installing a large number of weapons.

And this kind of nose allows the pilot to have a good vision, plus there is space in front, you can use the front three-point landing gear, take off and land quite easily.

Only the U.S. dares to do this. Other countries can’t handle it. The biggest problem is the transmission shaft, which can rotate at thousands of revolutions or even tens of thousands of revolutions. A transmission shaft that is several meters long cannot tremble and must output all the power of thousands of horsepower. , It must be manufactured by a country with a strong industrial heritage.

After it was manufactured, there was constant applause. The U.S. Army Air Force was equipped with the plan to be the main force, but soon, the American pilots found that the aircraft was absolutely tasteless.

The small space in the aircraft cabin, the inconvenient access to the cockpit doors when side-opened, the jerky pitch control, insufficient high-altitude power, poor climb performance, troublesome maintenance, and difficult escape in emergency situations make pilots complain.

The most terrifying thing is that the confrontation with the Japanese "Zero" fighters on the Pacific battlefield was disgraced, and the US Army Air Force lost all confidence in it.

As a result, this kind of aircraft was downgraded to trainer aircraft, but the flight students did not like it. The control performance of this aircraft was not very good, and it often caused accidents to pilots.

As a result, the trainer was unpopular, so there was only one way to go. At this time, the British had a demand. ()

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