The Third Reich

Chapter 1224: Enemy plane attack

At the airport, everyone was eagerly looking forward to the fact that the three American-made fighters gradually approached and looked so smooth.

There are a row of Yi-16s staying in the base. Those fighters look very ugly. The fuselage is short and thick, which looks like a thick paintbrush. The planes in the sky now look quite similar. Beautiful, with a long and slender nose, the pilot's vision is quite good.

The three fighters slowly slid down from the sky and entered the landing route correctly. The rumble of the engines echoed over the base.

The landing gear of the plane was lowered, and the people present were taken aback. The landing gear was the first three points!

The main landing gear of the aircraft is on the wing. When lowered from the wing, there are two sturdy landing gears. The other landing gear, if it is at the rear of the fuselage, is the last three points. In the attitude of part of the aircraft, the landing gear at the back is very low, so that the nose is tilted up for easy takeoff.

And now, the third wheel is in the front. This is a very novel design. The first advantage that can be thought of as a pilot is that the nose of the aircraft does not have to be tilted very high, and the takeoff view is quite good.

Safonov blocked the bright sunshine of the North Pole with his hands, and looked at the three planes, full of envy, and the outer shells were shining, all of which were made of aluminum alloy, which was much better than his own wooden plane.

At this moment, his eyes seemed to be scorched by something, and his brows frowned. After he could see clearly, he shouted loudly: "Quickly, sound the air defense alarm! Quickly, remind our American friends to pull Get up, hurry, hurry!"

The Arctic Circle is almost sunny, only today there are some clouds. Who would have thought that among the clouds, there are German fighters hidden, and those fighters with black crosses on the back of the fuselage actually drilled out of the clouds. , Is diving down!

Up to now, the Soviet Union still has no suitable warning radars, and air defense observations mainly rely on lookout posts, which are often missed.

Like other bases, the side of their air defense base is usually equipped with air defense artillery.

But today, because of the arrival of American friends, their anti-aircraft artillery has not been deployed.

In the last bombing of Berlin, the air defense forces of the Baltic Fleet mistakenly attacked an aircraft returning from their side. After the investigation was completed, the officers and soldiers were punished.

And now, if they mistakenly hit an arriving American plane, it would be even more serious. Maybe it will ruin the aid of Americans. At this time, they dare not make any accidents.

So the anti-aircraft artillery did not deploy. Who knows, this northern base of the Germans almost never appeared, and four planes suddenly flew down from the sky.

From a distance, Safonov recognized it, the main German fighter, FW190!

The sharp air defense alarm sounded over the entire base. At the same time, the base tower was quickly getting in touch with these American fighters.

"Vaniga calls the Flying Snake, Vaniga calls the Flying Snake, pull it up, there is an enemy plane!"

The Russian in the earphones was nothing but noise. The pilot Roy suddenly found out that he had made a mistake. He should send a pilot who is familiar with the P-39 fighter and must speak Russian.

But this is not easy to find. After all, in the United States, no one wants to fly a flying snake, let alone a proficiency, and it is impossible to find someone who speaks Russian and is proficient in flying.

People like Roy can come here because Roy used to be a flight instructor, specializing in teaching all kinds of laymen. He is patient and easy to teach Russian students.

Of course they realized this problem and sent an interpreter, but now the interpreter is still on the ground, not on the plane at all.

I don't know what is on the radio, but I can hear the other party's voice very anxious, and after that, I heard the air defense alarm sounded on the base.

The anti-aircraft artillery positions on the ground that have just flown past, the anti-aircraft artillery soldiers are also quickly rushing over, what are they doing?

"Hurry up, pull it up!" Roy suddenly shouted on the radio. Now he has reacted. This situation is absolutely abnormal. Maybe the Germans sneaked in.

He pushed the throttle to fully open, the Allison V-1719-35 engine roared, bursting out with 1,150 horsepower, Roy pulled the lever backwards, and the fighter began to accelerate to climb.

At this time, it just showed the unique performance of the Flying Snake fighter. It is definitely the king of low and medium altitudes. At this time, as the engine roars, the airframe trembles.

The longitudinal direction of the P-39 fighter is not very stable, but when pulled up, it is not easy to enter the spiral. This tremor is acceptable. After Roy pulled up, he turned his head back and leaned against the cockpit with good visibility. Seeing a few light spots swooping down, as he had guessed, it was indeed a German fighter!

At this time, he absolutely didn't know that was actually a former student and friend who made him miss Rick Alcatel. (I didn't pay attention when I named him. This name overlaps with Cyric, so I will call him Alcatel in the future.)

As a pilot of a German navy carrier aircraft, Alcatel is now the captain of the carrier aircraft wing on the German aircraft carrier "Munich".

This Munich has a very special origin. It is the aircraft carrier of the same model as the German aircraft carrier built by Germany for the Soviets. It is a pity that there was an accident during the trial voyage, and it has been repaired since then. This repair came to the war. period.

When the war started, within a few days, the aircraft carrier was repaired. At the same time, the carrier-based aircraft wing was also fully equipped, and the full set of aircraft carrier operators were also fully equipped.

If the Germans were not prepared, no one believed it. The Soviets were fooled and suffered a loss. They could only bite their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs. The purchased defense would not be strong.

The first two aircraft carriers in Germany were named after people. It was originally proposed that the third aircraft carrier of the same type should be named after the head of Cyrenk, but it was rejected by the head of Cyric. Use place names.

After the Munich was fully equipped, it set off with a few **** ships, and their mission made the Soviets depressed to vomit blood.

Their main mission is in the Arctic Ocean, patrolling and hunting here, and today, although the Munich is still in the Norwegian Sea, Alcatel took a few new pilots and carried out a long-distance flight until it flew to the Soviet naval base. Come up sneak attack.

When Alcatel flew over, just in time these planes were landing, and he was trying to train his new pilots and find weak chickens to exercise. ()

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