The Third Reich

Chapter 1227: Fateful duel (3)

The Flying Snake fighter was never prepared for high altitude. For example, the engine used by the current Flying Snake fighter does not have a supercharger at all!

The Flying Snake fighter uses the V-1710 produced by Allison Engine Company. This engine has been developed since the 1930s, and was even used on airships at first, making it a suitable aircraft engine.

But it has a disadvantage, that is, there is no supercharger.

In the development, this engine is also equipped with a supercharger, but it is also the first-level supercharger, which makes the performance of the engine not much improved, and the flying snake fighter is originally designed to be used at low altitudes. Yes, so in later models, it even directly abandoned the supercharger.

This is also a prominent defect of this aircraft. It can only be used in the airspace below five kilometers. In the technical data, the practical ceiling of the Flying Snake fighter is only 5,810 meters. As for its engine, the effective working range is also Below 4600 meters.

In fact, even the P-51 equipped in the U.S. Army Air Force was equipped with the same Alison liquid-cooled engine with only a first-level supercharger in the early days, resulting in poor high-altitude performance, but the P-51 There are more advanced air intake configuration and overall layout to greatly improve the cooling and aerodynamic efficiency, and the laminar flow wing design is incorporated to further enhance the high-speed performance.

This will not be until the later modification of the British Merlin engine equipped with a two-speed two-speed supercharger to make its high-altitude performance increase by leaps and bounds.

The later model of the P-39 has a ceiling of tens of thousands of meters, which is to improve the aircraft's engine to the level of a supercharger standard, but it is still not a high-altitude fighter, and its performance at an altitude of 10,000 meters is equivalent difference.

For piston fighters, the high-altitude air is thin. If an aircraft engine wants to work normally, it must have an efficient supercharger. When the intake air is insufficient, the engine will not work.

(East China is also very strange. When the Second World War just broke out, the technology of seemingly American aero engines was not that good. It took the British Merlin engine to rise up. Sure enough, the background of the British capitalist country is Deep.)

It is a little different from history. In this era, because of the rapid advancement of German aircraft high-altitude technology, the United States is also constantly developing new high-altitude superchargers to allow aircraft to fly higher, including the engine of the flying and shrinking equipment.

But this does not include the Flying Snake. As a kind of aircraft that is not popular in the country and will soon become a specialized export aircraft, there is no need for American Bell to improve it step by step.

It is the king of low and medium altitude, nothing more.

And now, Roy was in a daze and competed with the opponent to climb, and this time, he climbed to an altitude of four kilometers. At this time, the aircraft engine was already showing performance because he could not absorb enough air. If you climb up again, the engine should stall.

Roy knew he couldn't climb anymore, and at the same time he knew that if he ended the climb first, the opponent would definitely catch up.

The only way is to immediately dive into the dive and get rid of it!

Roy pushed the joystick, and the fighter recovered from the climbing state and began to dive down.

Roy now only hopes that the opponent can delay discovering his dive, so that he can stretch the distance, no matter how he maneuvered, it is easy to say.

Moreover, there are also fighters taking off in the Soviet air base. These Germans have not many fighters. If they are interested, they should return to the flight.

At this time, on the runway of the base, Safonov's fighter jet had already risen from the runway, the throttle was fully opened, and the engine was roaring. This stubby and cute fighter was climbing at full power.

Safonov’s hand was constantly shaking the operating lever, trying to retract the landing gear of the fighter. It was the first Soviet fighter that could retract the landing gear, but it was the most tricky manual operation. Every pilot In retracting and retracting the landing gear, all the unicorn arms were trained, and the arms were quite powerful.

At the same time, his gaze was looking anxiously at the sky. The American plane had just flown in, but it couldn't be shot down just like that. It was Soviet property!

At this time, he also saw the two fighters that were climbing, and he screamed in his heart. It seems that until now, there is no fighter that can surpass the Germans in climbing.

Sure enough, when the two planes climbed simultaneously, the Flying Snake fighter first turned over. At this time, his heart was already in his throat.

Whoever gets down first will become the disadvantaged.

Now, it depends on the reaction of the German pilots. After all, the backward vision of any aircraft is not as broad as the forward vision!

When designing FW190, under Cyric’s suggestion, the cockpit was raised to make the pilot seem to be riding on an airplane with a wide field of vision. Even so, the rearward field of vision is not very sufficient, especially with the addition of air pressure. After ejecting the left wing, in order to protect the safety of the pilot’s cervical spine, the backrest is high and the rear vision is very poor.

However, pilots are never lonely heroes.

Just after Alcatel flew down and rescued his young pilot, Woodrich had realized the mistake he had just made, and he was almost shot down.

He didn't have a love for war. He flew to a high altitude and began to give instructions to his lead plane. Now, when he saw the enemy plane falling, he immediately shouted on the radio: "The enemy plane fell, Captain, catch up! "

Alcatel received the radio prompt and immediately pushed the nose and dived It took only two seconds for the two sides to see the sky, that is, the Flying Snake fighter jet just dived down, The FW190 also dived, and when it dived down, the two sides were separated by less than 500 meters.

Alcatel would not give up the opportunity. Just after he dived down, he saw the tail of the opponent's plane and immediately pressed the cannon button.

"Tom tom tom." The 20mm cannon shot towards the bottom. After only a few shots, I saw the tail of the opponent's aircraft, and suddenly flames appeared.

Hit it!

For Alcatel, this was just an ordinary battle, and Woodrich's cheers from the headphones made him want to laugh at the rookies under his hand.

Originally, he wanted to continue to catch up and fire, but he glanced at the surrounding airspace and found that several Yi-16s were flying towards him, especially the leading one, speeding up its climb and rushing towards him.

Although Alcatel is not afraid of these backward wooden planes, his mission is over today. He still needs a certain amount of fuel to ensure that he returns to the aircraft carrier and find some weak chickens to let his pilot experience the actual combat for the first time. The goal has been achieved, it's time to go.

Finally, he glanced at the fighter plane that was falling down with smoke, Alcatraz moved the lever and began to climb upward.

During this process, the antiaircraft artillery around the base has not fired, mainly because of accidental injury. When Alcatel’s fighter jets shot down the flying snake, he has climbed to a high altitude, and the antiaircraft artillery troops fired sporadically without any threat to Alcatel. .

At this time, Alcatel didn't know that what he had just shot down was his teacher and friend in the United States.

Perhaps this is the fateful arrangement. ()

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