The Third Reich

Chapter 1230: European Maritime Joint Enforcement Commission

The news of naval aviation was quickly put in front of Navy Commander Raidel. After seeing the few figures in the report, Raidel was keenly aware of the huge problems contained therein.

What does it mean for the Americans to provide fighters to the Soviet Union? Having overcome the ideological problem, the United States wanted to unite with the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union has the support of the United States, then the Soviet Union will be able to persist for too long in this war.

This is of course unfavorable for Germany.

After receiving the news, he immediately brought the news to see Cyric. Now as the wolf den continues to expand, almost all senior commanders live directly in the wolf den.

"It seems that we still have some omissions." With this report, Cyric said: "The United States supports the Soviet Union. This is for sure. For the United States, the Soviet Union consumes our power and delays the progress of the war. It is the favorite of those politicians. At this time, ideology can be temporarily abandoned."

With this report alone, of course it cannot be 100% certain, but Cyric is very clear in his heart that this is what happened in history after all.

The United States supported the Soviet Union with considerable strength. In history, it was precisely because of the support of the United States that the Soviet Union passed the most difficult stage.

But at the same time, in history, it was only after the German soldiers came to Moscow that the United States began to assist. Compared with history, the United States has acted earlier. The Soviet Union has just lost the battle on the border and the United States has begun to support.

The reason is simple to think about, because in history, Germany did not conquer Britain. Germany was still fighting on two fronts, and the United States could use Britain as a springboard at any time to land across the sea and open up a second battlefield.

But now, the United Kingdom is gone. If anything goes wrong with the Soviet Union, the United States will face a terrible Germany that spans Asia and Europe and integrates the entire Europe.

The United States certainly has no chance of winning.

Therefore, Roosevelt can't wait to reinforce the Soviet Union now, just because he is afraid that the Soviet Union will be crushed by himself.

"Such a situation, we can't just watch it happen." Scherner said to the side: "The Americans must be cut off for this little hand and foot. I suggest that we strike at these American transport ships and completely block them. Their reinforcements."

In the Navy report, it only mentioned the discovery of American fighter jets, but did not know the specific transportation routes of the United States. But as long as you look at the map, it is clear that it must be transported to the ports of the Soviet Union through Iceland through the cold northern Atlantic Ocean.

Now, the German navy’s fleet is quite strong. After the Soviet Union’s Baltic Fleet is also annihilated, what sea power does the Soviet Union have?

The Northern Fleet is an empty shelf. There is not even a single battleship. The German fleet can already control the eastern part of the Atlantic. At this time, warships are dispatched to completely cut off the blood transfusion channels of the Soviets, and see how long the Soviets can survive!

Hearing what he said, the Foreign Minister Ribbentrop frowned: "This is a bit inappropriate."

In theory, Germany and the United States have entered a state of war. At the beginning, the United States was constantly looking for opponents, always seeing Germany as a threat, and constantly claiming that Germany was attacking the United States.

Therefore, it is also possible that Germany and the United States have wars at sea.

However, the United States and Germany are both signatories of the Geneva Agreement and must abide by the order of the battlefield.

It can be said that if it is a confrontation between naval warships, attacking, and sinking the other side, there is nothing to say, but civil ships are different, after all, they are for civilian use.

Attacks on civilian facilities will bring bad consequences and cause the war to slide into the abyss. Although Germany has attacked before, they are all exceptions. Now they are facing a large number of American ships. If it is attacked by its own fleet, it will Let both sides tear their skins thoroughly.

If you attack me and I attack you, maritime transportation will be paralyzed.

Secretly dispatched a submarine to attack one or two ships. This is a scale. Using a sea fleet to attack aggressively will definitely expand its influence.

In the long run, this is inappropriate.

"Then we simply use submarines." At this moment, Admiral Dunnitz, who is in charge of the Imperial Submarine Force, said.

Historically, because of Hitler's distrust of the imperial surface ships, Germany eventually used a large amount of resources to build submarines and threatened the United States against the British transport fleet through wolves tactics in the Atlantic.

In the beginning, good results were indeed achieved, but when the United States began to increase its **** fleet, those submarines were very sadly urged and were eventually crushed by American surface ships.

Vivid facts have proved that the strength of the navy depends on surface ships, and submarines are only part of the naval power and must not be used as the main force.

In this era, the Imperial Navy has made greater progress. Battleships and aircraft carriers have successfully defeated the British Navy one after another. Therefore, in contrast, submarines have not ushered in their glory so far.

Dunnitz can't wait a long time. He wants his submarine to show off in the war. Now is just an opportunity. Since surface ships are not easy to use, let the submarine show his power!

After saying this, he looked at Cyric, hoping to see something in Cyric's eyes.

Sure enough, Cyric was moved.

There is no wolves in the Atlantic Ocean in history. Now on the route of the Arctic, do a wolf pack tactic? This seems okay, but...

This is not the work of a big country, and it cannot demonstrate the temperament of an empire. This kind of solution can only be a bad idea, and it should have a better solution.

As soon as his eyes turned, Cyric found a good plan from the case of later generations, and now he can just get it over. "As the controller of the entire Europe, we have to manage the Arctic route for half a year." Cyric said: "All ships on the Arctic route must be managed by us. Yes, we should also establish a special organization. It’s called the European Maritime Joint Law Enforcement Commission, which uses some maritime police vessels to manage maritime shipping."

Cyric's words made everyone present stare at each other. Where and where are these?

"For those civilian ships that do not have any weapons, we should not use the army and send out warships. We should use the police force to maintain law and order, that is, the maritime police force. In this way, we will have no problems morally, and, This is our unified deployment throughout Europe." Cyric continued: "Any ship needs to accept our inspection. If we refuse to accept it, then we have the right to carry out law enforcement management, detain them, and if we dare to open fire on us. , Then we have to accept a more serious punishment. Well, we will detain all the prohibited items above."

When it comes to this, the eyes of the people present are bright. This seems to be a new method, and it looks pretty good.

"Now, talking about prohibited items, food, medicine, steel, fuel, industrial products, as long as we can find them in the Berlin Dictionary, they are all prohibited items."

When Cyric said this, everyone present showed knowing smiles.

What this world needs now is a big country like Germany to assume the responsibility of maintaining world order. This is awe-inspiring public law enforcement! ()

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