The Third Reich

Chapter 1241: Confident

Historically, when Germany attacked the Soviet Union, the total number of tanks was less than 4,000, and the number of the most powerful tanks No. 3 and No. 4 was seriously insufficient.

And now? The German offensive team already has more than 20,000 tanks, and the Panther 3 tank is the main force, and the Tiger tank is the elite. Compared with the previous, the attack power is greatly improved.

In the past, Guderian was unwilling, because he had so many troops, but now? The Central Route Army’s equipment is the most powerful. It has two tank clusters. The second armored cluster has 3, 17, and 18 armored divisions, and the 1st SS Panzer Corps has a total of about 3,800 combat tanks.

The 3rd Armored Group consists of 7, 14, 20, 12, and 19 armored divisions, and the 2nd SS Panzer Corps, with a total of about 5,089 battle tanks.

Guderian was going south because he saw the fighter keenly. Manstein might also have this idea, but he would not mention it because Manstein would think it was his shame.

Guderian only needs to send the second armored cluster in the south, nearly 4,000 tanks, and a powerful army of hundreds of thousands, enough to complete the task of encircling Kiev with Manstein’s existing troops.

The third armored cluster in Guderian’s hands can still move forward. The Soviets are now hurriedly arranging several lines of defense from Smolensk to Moscow. Almost all of them are second-line troops. The combat effectiveness is very poor. Drian was able to complete with one of his armored clusters, five thousand tanks.

In this way, after encircling the defenders of Kiev and eliminating the threat of his flanks, the second armored group quickly returned to help and could catch up with the siege of Moscow.

At the same time, there is also a powerful Northern Army Corps that is also advancing towards Moscow. What can Guderian have to worry about?

This is also the reason for the deployment of troops.

The most powerful in Germany is the Middle Route Army, and the most powerful in the Soviet Union is the Southwest Army, so Guderian will be like a smashing bamboo, while Manstein is constantly in trouble.

Cyric certainly knew that Guderian's proposal was not for the so-called military exploits, but for the consideration of the empire. Since everything is in no danger, what else can you worry about?

"The order was issued. After the Central Army Group took Smolensk, the second armored group quickly moved south to assist Manstein and encircle the Kiev defenders together!"

With the issuance of this order, the fate of the Kiev garrison was doomed. They would never have thought that a German army would suddenly appear behind them. Their so-called Dnieper moat was an absolute joke.

“In the occupied areas of Ukraine, we will quickly restore traffic and rebuild wide-gauge railways, allowing our engineering team to create new miracles, laying the railways as early as possible, and delivering enough supplies to our front lines.” Cyric continued: "Prior to this, we can use our transport aircraft for transportation and increase supplies."

The Central Route Army fought fiercely. It was also because of the wide-gauge railway, which was very convenient for material transportation, and the South Road was a lot more difficult. At this time, our own powerful air transportation forces also need to participate.

Cyric didn't know that with the mobilization of his own army, he had successfully abolished a general of the Soviet Union.

Despite the difficulties, Germany is still on the offensive overall, and the Soviets on the opposite side have exhausted all their strength for their survival.

Roy Fokker jumped from thousands of meters in the air without a parachute. This is almost a mortal situation, but he survived. After Roy rested in the hospital bed for a few days, his health improved. Begin to follow other people to train Soviet pilots, and the first task was a meeting with Soviet air force experts.

"In the past few days, we have conducted test flights on this aircraft. At low and medium altitudes, we found that the performance of the P-39 Flying Snake fighter is really good, but now, what we need most is not such a model that can only dominate the low altitude. Airplanes, our biggest threat is the German high-altitude bombers. If they throw that terrible bomb on our city, we need to be able to stop it."

Rabkin, the chief engineer of the Air Force Academy of Sciences, said to the Americans present: "We need high-altitude fighter jets. Can the engine of this aircraft be improved and installed with a supercharger so that our aircraft can fly to 10,000 yuan? At an altitude of two kilometers."

In the test flight these days, they have strengthened this view. The flight performance of this aircraft has dropped quite severely when it exceeds six kilometers. If it continues to fly upwards, it can only climb slowly and patiently, which has no actual combat value. .

Hearing the other party’s complaint, the American experts present shook their heads one after another: “No, the space behind is too small and there is no place for superchargers.”

For the United States, because there is no mature Merlin engine to study, the United States has not fully understood the high-altitude supercharger. The existing supercharged aircraft The United States' own aircraft equipment Not enough, how could it be given to the Soviets.

What was given to the Soviets was not required by the United States. They were given to the Soviets as surplus materials. Although they cannot be high-altitude, it does not mean that all the planes are high-altitude. Those Stukas and those HS-129s are not all at ultra-low altitude. Flying? You can hit those.

Seeing that this place is going to be cold, Roy joked on the side: "I thought you should complain about the plane's hatch, which cannot be opened in the air, and there is no way to escape."

Roy wants to ease the embarrassment with his American humor: "After all, not everyone is as lucky as me."

However, the joke he made was useless, and Safonov who was present only replied briefly: "That hatch is indeed a bit different, but we don't care."

not give a **** about? Roy asked curiously: "Why?"

"Because we don't know how to parachute." Safonov said: "As long as we fly a plane into the sky, we never thought about surviving. Even if it is a collision, we have to knock down the enemy's plane."

The scene became more silent.

For the Americans, the war on the other side of the ocean is just a topic after their meal. Although the war has broken out between the United States and the island countries, it is at sea after all, and its spread is not wide.

In the Soviet Union, war is everywhere, and everyone is facing the test of life and death at any time.

Their fighting will is firm. Such pilots are worthy of respect. They have won the praise of the United States.

"I think we can try it and ask Allison to get information about this kind of engine. Maybe we can add superchargers to them in the Soviet Union." Finally, an expert from the United States expressed his opinion. ()

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