The Third Reich

Chapter 1244: Resist law enforcement

"Listen to the freighter below, please stop moving forward immediately and prepare for inspection. If you refuse to cooperate, you will have to bear the consequences!" Lucas turned the power of the loudspeaker to the maximum and continued to shout down.

Sure enough, the other party did not respond, and was speeding up to escape!

"Lucas, prepare for a warning shot." Ludwig said, pushing the lever, and the fighter buckled upside down.

They are a ship-borne water reconnaissance aircraft with only the firepower of the escort, which is the machine gun in the back seat. Now, after receiving the order, Lucas opened the door in the back seat and pushed his machine gun.

The icy sea breeze poured in, immediately causing Lucas to fight a cold war. He pushed the twin-mounted MG151 machine gun, and then pulled the trigger.

"Tom tom, tom tom." The machine gun shot out waves of spray in the sea in front of the opponent's bow. This time it was just a warning. If you don't stop, you should shoot on the ship!

"Don't worry about them, let's move on!" Chris still had to walk to the black at this time. He shouted to his side: "We have contacted the Soviet side. Their naval aviation is preparing to take off. As long as we insist on three Within hours, you can fly into the protection circle."

Of course, the Soviets are in a hurry. These arms are what they need most.

As long as they sail forward and reach the sea area of ​​the opposing naval aviation force, they can get their protection.

Persist, must persevere!

At this moment, the opponent's second round of shooting came. This time, they stopped shooting at the sea, and came directly toward the bridge of the freighter.

"Quick, look down!" Looking at the line of bullets hitting the deck, Chris shouted loudly. Everyone squatted down quickly. At this moment, the machine gun bullets had roared and hit their ship. On the bridge, the bullet collided with the steel shell, making a terrible sound. Then, the glass was broken, and the bullet shot into the bridge, causing a lot of fire.

However, no one was shot.

As long as you hide under the bridge, nothing happens. The opponent's machine gun can't shoot through the steel plate outside the bridge!

What came was a reconnaissance plane, without heavy firepower, only a machine gun, which was not enough to make one's own submission!

After hearing the gunshots, Chris slowly poked his head out of the broken glass and watched the reconnaissance plane climbing. He was very happy. He even waved his fists into the air: "German, don't think about it. Let us give in!"

"These stubborn guys!" On the seaplane, Ludwig was also completely angry. He shouted in the radio: "Marine Police No. 1, Marine Police No. 1, the target ship resisted law enforcement, refused to accept it. Check, I have used the machine gun to warn, but it didn't work. Now I ask for instructions to use the shell to warn!"

Langsdorf has been paying attention to the situation in front of him, and he finally found one, and he must not let the other party run away. Now, he still dares to resist law enforcement. This is simply not taking the European Maritime Joint Law Enforcement Commission into consideration!

In this case, let the other party know how powerful you are!

"Immediately give us instructions to the target, prepare for the artillery warning, and load the rocket extended range bomb!" Langsdorf shouted loudly on the radio.

The other party guessed right. At this time, the maritime police ship is still hundreds of nautical miles away from the route in the Arctic Circle. If it sails past, it will take more than three hours even at the highest speed. The opponent was able to rush into the safe sea area.

It’s not that they don’t intend to kill the base of the Soviet Northern Fleet, but after repeated attacks, they have learned well. The planes have been evacuated to the field runway and scattered, and the warships are also wandering around, returning only at night. The home port was added, and the German Navy was not adapted to the climate in the Arctic Circle, so it gave them a chance to breathe.

However, if the other party thinks that the distance is too far, as long as they are not afraid of the water patrol aircraft, they are all right, then they are very wrong!

The range of naval guns of this era is not far, even if it is a 406 mm cannon, the range is only 30 to 40 nautical miles, which is almost beyond the horizon. Moreover, at this long distance, almost all hits depend on luck.

Looking at it this way, it seems that there is no need to build a projectile with a longer range. If it is a sea battle, it is indeed unnecessary, but if it is for land support, it is different.

The German Navy’s task is very difficult. The ultimate task is to occupy the United States. The German Navy needs to shell targets on shore. At the same time, the farther away from the opponent’s coastline, the safer the warship will be. In this case, the development of ultra-long-range artillery shells. He was put on the agenda, and a breakthrough was quickly achieved.

This is the rocket extended range projectile.

Germany already has mature rockets. On the basis of this technology, the existing artillery shells are improved, solid rocket motors are added to the rear of the artillery shells, which burn backward jets to increase thrust, so that the artillery shells can reach a longer range.

In later generations, the Americans used this technology on the shells of the 127mm naval gun and the range exceeded one hundred nautical miles. Now, the German warship uses the 283mm caliber. Naval guns have larger shells and have more space for loading rocket fuel, which reduces their own weight during combustion, so they have a longer range.

In short, a range of one hundred nautical miles is absolutely guaranteed.

Ar-196 seaplane, its most important task is water reconnaissance and calibrate its guns!

At this time, Lucas in the back seat has closed the lid, and the machine gun warning is invalid. These people dare to resist, then let them see their own real technology and let them tremble in front of the naval gun shells!

He was quickly calculating the trajectory and providing various shooting elements. After calculating the shooting table for a minute, he told the result of his calculation to Ludwig in the front cabin.

Ludwig notified the shooting Zhuyuan to the rear on the radio. At the same time, Lucas continued to pick up the microphone and shout to the stubbornly resistant cargo ship.

"Listen to the cargo ship below. If you don't stop for inspection, you will be shelled by the maritime police vessel. You will bear all the consequences!"

You are not afraid of machine gun bullets, but are you afraid of cannonballs?

This is just a cargo ship, even if it is fired by tens of millimeters of artillery from an ordinary frigate, it can be destroyed. After all, its hull is simply not resistant.

And now, hearing this voice, the people on the ship below were indeed shocked, but Chris looked south and saw nothing.

"They are intimidating us, there are no other ships around, regardless of them, we will continue." Chris said. ()

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