The Third Reich

Chapter 1246: Where is the main force

"We wanted to reach the Soviet Union through the eastward route, and it was completely blocked by the Germans." At the White House, Secretary of State Hull said quite depressed after receiving the news that our cargo ship was detained by the so-called Joint Maritime Law Enforcement Committee.

The eastward route was blocked, and only westward was left. This is a longer road, but the United States has no other way. Now, it must support the Soviet Union to fight it down and rely on the Soviet Union to consume Germany’s military strength. Buy time for the United States.

"They demanded a ransom of 500 million euros from us, which is simply stealing money, and doing so is no different from pirates." Marshall also followed.

Everyone gritted their teeth with hatred. When the Germans announced the news, they were indignant about it. The ocean there is public. Why do you Germans enforce the law?

However, in this world, the truth that the fist is the boss will not change. The United States is already struggling to deal with the provocations of the island nations in the Pacific. After all, the construction of warships and the expansion of the fleet will take time. Only by defeating the island countries can we deal with the German threat in the Atlantic. In this case, the Soviet Union can only delay Germany.

If, like other battlefields in Europe, Germany perishes the Soviet Union in a few months, then the United States will fight on two sides. At that time, the United States will really be overwhelmed. After all, the current rate of expansion of the German Navy is terrifying.

"There is another thing. The Soviets are not satisfied with the fighters we provide. What they desire is high-altitude fighters." Marshall said: "Now, the Germans' progress in the aviation field has surprised us even more. It is said that they are bombing Peter. At the time of the fort, the German bomber appeared at an altitude of 25,000 meters."

Fearing that Roosevelt would not understand, Marshall followed: "Our fighter jets cannot fly more than 12,000 meters in the air. According to technical experts, with our current capabilities, it will take about two years to achieve that. Ceiling."

In this era, the United States has begun to show the vitality of the New World, but its scientific research capabilities are still inferior to the old capitalist countries and the Old World.

In the history of World War II, the continuous development of American science and technology was also the scientific and technological personnel of the old continent. Almost all advanced technologies flowed from Britain.

"Increase our scientific research and develop a high-altitude fighter with a ceiling of 15,000 as soon as possible." Roosevelt said.

If you can bomb the Soviet Union today, you can bomb the United States tomorrow. Roosevelt has a deep understanding. He must have fighter jets with the same performance, at least to be able to intercept.

At least, it is not easy.

Although the Soviet Union had been in contact with the German high-altitude bombers, the Soviet Union did not tell the United States all the contents. For example, the most important one was that the bomber had no propellers.

In history, the United States did not have any technical reserves of jet engines. The jets they first developed were all technologies from Britain.

Now, Americans can only start by improving their propeller aircraft.

Germany put too much pressure on the United States. Roosevelt still firmly believed that victory belongs to the New World, to the free people. They will open up new routes and continue to support the just war of resistance in the Soviet Union.

At this time, the Soviet land was full of wars.

"The Germans haven't attacked our position yet?" In Kiev, Budjoni could not help frowning at the news from the front.

Something is wrong.

At the advancing speed of the Germans, they have now reached their defensive zone on the Dnieper River. The Germans have always been quite bold in their style. They should have conquered their own bridges and tried to cross the Dnieper River long ago.

At the same time, our side is fully prepared. When necessary, we will even blow up the bridge to prevent the Germans from crossing the Dnieper River!

This moat must be protected.

This is Budjoni's firm belief.

"Marshal, should we send more reconnaissance planes to search for the whereabouts of the German army?" Admiral Kilbonos suggested to him beside him.

The huge German army suddenly disappeared, which made everyone's heart heavy. Where did the disappeared army go? Was it just temporarily stopped because the logistics supply could not keep up? Or did you go in another direction?

If it's the former, it's okay to say, if it's the latter, the trouble will be big. Where can such a huge army go if it doesn't come to fight Kiev?

On the battlefield, the Germans have already occupied absolute air supremacy, but after all, the airspace is too large, and there are still many gaps to allow Soviet reconnaissance aircraft to conduct battlefield reconnaissance.

Germany has strong aviation industry capabilities. They have produced many advanced aircraft, and even reconnaissance aircraft have special projects.

But the Soviet Union is different. In this era, the Soviet Union can only produce fighter jets with all its There is no special reconnaissance aircraft at all, but they have a huge number of aircraft.

Bo-2, an open-top biplane, is born to be an all-rounder.

The pilot Morris, flying this small plane, flying over the vast ground at a very low altitude, took off from Kanev and flew slowly towards the east.

Where is the German army?

Below is the flat land of Ukraine, with a cool breeze blowing on the face, with a fresh smell of earth, and breathing sweetly, Morris's heart is surging with heroism, this is his own country, and the Germans must not be ravaged. !

The sky is clear and it is good for flying. His plane is painted in gray and black. Looking down from high above, his plane can blend well with the ground. Their threat comes from high altitude.

After flying for more than an hour, I did not encounter any German aircraft in the sky. It seems that the German army will not appear in this area.

"Let's continue flying westward," the observer in the back seat suggested.

Pushing the joystick, Morris continued to fly the plane westward. After continuing to fly for an hour, he suddenly pointed to the ground far away and shouted loudly: "Look!"

On the ground in the distance, a cloud of black smoke rose up, that kind of black smoke looks very eye-catching, it is the tank engine when it is moving at high speed, and so much black smoke is definitely the main force of the other party. The tank troops are advancing!

"Quickly, fly back right away, we have to tell Kiev that the main force of the Germans has gone south and headed for Uman!"

Without getting close to observe, Morris began to fly back. He didn't dare to get too close. When the Germans found out, they couldn't go back. They didn't have a radio and could only report back. ()

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