The Third Reich

Chapter 1255: Blocking of 5 anti-tank guns

A head-to-head contest kicked off.

Stalin tanks are also divided into many models. The initial models, Stalin-1 and Stalin-2, look like enlarged T-34s. The turrets are also very similar. It was not until Stalin-3 that they began to have A big change, the turret became a round tortoise shell. Since then, the protective power has improved by leaps and bounds, and it has almost become a standardized turret style until later generations until the T-90.

The current Stalin tank surpassed Stalin-1 and Stalin-2, and started almost directly from Stalin-3. Under the stimulation of T-34, in the shadow of the failure of the KV tank, Kotin still came out. Here comes the real skill.

It is only because of the defects of the power system that although this tank has a good bullet-proof appearance, the overall weight is only 46 tons, which is far from the 60 tons of the later Stalin-4.

Stalin-4 is the product of quick success. The power of the diesel engine cannot keep up, making the tank's maneuverability very poor. At the same time, the transmission system is unreliable and often fails. Coupled with the most terrible car rollover, it is possible for the turret to turn 30 degrees. Overturned, only a few hundred cars were produced.

However, the 250 mm thick armor on the front of the Stalin-4 turret is definitely a miracle, and the current Stalin tank, the front turret thickness is only 160 mm, which is still a good spherical effect.

In the past, it was able to withstand the attack of the Tiger Tank 88mm gun, not because it was thick enough, but because of the terrible ricochet, but now, the tungsten alloy bullet core has not been shot, it has already penetrated Up!

The tungsten alloy warhead is drilling inward quickly, melting the surrounding armored steel into a small hole. At the same time, its speed is getting slower and slower, and it is getting slower and slower, even though its storage speed is less than three-thirds. At the first time, the front has been drilled through.

With a speed of several hundred meters per second, with the melting heat flow around, and with a fierce murderous intent, the warhead drilled into the turret.

The thickness of 160 mm, when converted to German armor steel, is 130 mm at most. In the cast turret, there are countless bubbles. Now, the 75 mm shelling armor-piercing projectile does not waste much effort at all. If it can hit, it can be penetrated without being bombed!

The warhead went in and flew in the narrow turret, and first hit the body of the most unlucky car commander. The body of the car commander was instantly penetrated by the hot armor-piercing projectile. Before he even called out, there was a big hole in his body. With countless flesh and blood splashing, the warhead continued to pierce back, hit the back of the turret, then bounced back, and plunged into the body of the gunner.

The entire turret was full of flesh and blood, but, fortunately, this armor-piercing projectile did not detonate the tank.

Yes, this tank is still there, it has not been destroyed.

Different kinds of ammunition have different killing mechanisms. Armour-piercing projectiles rely on metal jets, and armor-piercing projectiles rely on hard-to-fight. Can not directly produce explosive effects.

Most tanks, after being hit by an armor-piercing projectile, the armor-piercing projectile flies with heat, and can always hit the ammunition, hit the engine, and detonate the inside of the tank.

Of course, there are unexpected situations, such as now.

The tank was accurately hit. The three people inside the turret had all become fleshy, but this tank still existed.

This made the opposing anti-tank artillery very depressed, and Locke thought he had missed a hit.

At this time, the second armor-piercing projectile had just been loaded, and he wanted to give the tank another round, but he saw the target tank stopped, and the driver in front crawled out of it, covered in blood. .

The tank was hit, and the flesh and blood of the people behind splashed onto the driver in front. The driver's heart was full of fear. He thought his tank was about to explode in the next moment, and quickly opened the hatch and crawled out.

His battle is over. Even if he continues to drive forward and there is no one behind, he cannot continue to fight in the tank, at most just pretending to be.

"Boom!" The second armor-piercing projectile flew to a Stalin tank to its right again. This time, it missed and the tank was still advancing.

"Hurry up, continue shooting!" Locke shouted loudly from the gun position.

The rate of fire of all kinds of German artillery is quite high. The current 75mm anti-tank gun has a rate of fire as high as 14 rounds per minute. It takes less than five seconds to complete a shot. If the opponent is scattered, It would take some time to aim at the target, but now, the Soviet tanks are arranged quite densely. In this case, the well-trained anti-tank gunners have given full play to the advantages of the artillery, almost every five seconds.

This almost drove the Soviet tank troops crazy.

Near him, there are four 75mm anti-tank guns. An anti-tank gun company composed of these five anti-tank guns actually stopped their hundreds of tanks from attacking forcibly. Up!

This is simply incredible.

Their first few rounds were fired at Stalin tanks. Five guns fired about four rounds each, destroying eight Stalin tanks.

How much time did they spend? Less than twenty seconds!

How far can the tank troops advance in twenty seconds? Only one hundred meters, one hundred meters away!

What is more maddening than this?

From a distance of 1,500 meters, they rushed to 1,400 meters, and their eight Stalin tanks were abolished. On the opposite side, no German tanks appeared, just a few infantry guns.

Now, they can't fight back. Their tank guns cannot shoot accurately at a distance of more than one kilometer. Now they want to shoot, they have to stop. This will make their impact slower, every time they lag. Minutes, there are many dangers.

The commander of the tank unit, Christoph, was a little bit cold. Originally, he thought that the Stalin tank was strong enough, and he took Lieutenant General Muzichenko to break through the encirclement first, but the Stalin tank was reimbursed!

He was not in a Stalin tank, but on a T-34 tank. After all, the spherical turret of the Stalin tank caused the internal space to be quite small, and there was no way to arrange more than two radio stations needed to command the tank.

Now that Stalin’s tanks are all killed, Christoph has realized that it’s not good. Unfortunately, he has no other way. As long as he starts charging, there is only one choice left: "Charge, even if there is one tank left, I have to rush over and open the gap for our infantry!"

They charged with the determination that they must die, and such troops are the most effective. ()

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