The Third Reich

Chapter 1260: The noodle army is no longer soft

Offense, offense!

One after another P26 heavy tanks ran across the field. On the tank’s radio antenna, the Italian military fluttered in the wind.

This is an Italian army belonging to the Maleti Armored Group. During the Roman civil strife, they first drove into the city of Rome, calmed the order, and became one of the most meritorious troops in the Royal Italian Army. This force has also been expanded, and now has more than 200 tanks and a huge mechanized force of more than 40,000 people.

The noodle army in history was very poor in combat effectiveness, but it is different now. Their troops have been rigorously trained by German instructors and have become powerful troops second only to the German army.

When the battle for Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union started, Italy launched a nationwide mobilization. With Garibal's support, Italy dispatched a total of 300,000 troops. They followed Germany's **** and went all the way.

The current Maleti Armored Group is the fastest. After crossing Belarus, they finally caught up with the German army. Just because the German army lacked troops, they were sent over to fight a small Sheppey. Tofka, there is always no problem, right?

According to the information that has been obtained, Shepetovka has become an empty city. There are no established troops stationed. The Italian army of more than 40,000 people should be caught in hand to fight a small city, and this important railway The occupation of the hub can also cause trouble to Smolensk.

In the middle of the army, on a P26 heavy tank, the commander Major General Aresca showed half of his body, looking at the city in front of him, he felt that he had a chance to win.

This tank is an advanced tank produced by Italy in accordance with the German Leopard 2 production drawings. Up to now, thousands of vehicles have been produced.

Although it is incomparable with the advanced German tanks, and it has also been changed to a gasoline engine, but compared to the previous CV35 of the Italian army, the performance has been completely changed. Their mission is not to fight against the Soviet tanks. It is even easier to regain a city that has lost its defensive power.

Major General Aresca's binoculars constantly swept across the periphery of the city. Suddenly, his face changed: "Attention, change the battle formation. There is a defense line in front of the defender!"

Damn, the intelligence said this is an empty city, how come out the defending troops? Regardless of them, even if they have defensive power, they must be overcome by their own powerful attack power!

Under the rigorous training of the German instructors, the entire unit was completely renewed. After receiving the order from Major General Areesca, the tank unit in front immediately began to change its formation while marching.

The tanks in the front slowed down, and the tanks at the back quickly came up, transforming from the marching formation of the snake into a triangular offensive formation.

How do you see that the opponent is defending? Major General Aresca was in the telescope, but he saw nothing. It was this anomaly that convinced him that the opponent was defending.

Generally speaking, if there is no order inside, the opponent’s city must be messed up when one's own troops are attacking, and now, from here, you can see the edge of the city, without any figures, and no panic scenes. , Does this still explain the problem? There must be precautions ahead!

Major General Aresca remembered that when he was studying at the Berlin Military Academy, the most famous Guderian taught them. Guderian said that as a commander, you must be careful and don’t miss any small links. See the big in the small.

Now, relying on this clue, he determined that the other party must have ambush.

Seeing the formation of the tanks on the opposite side, Colonel Shaw, who was standing here, could not help but sighed. He just saw these tanks moving in a big look, without any precautions. He was planning to make a sneak attack, but now, the opponent has changed. It has become a battle formation, and you can only use the most conventional style of play.

A rumbling voice came from behind, and Shaw turned his head, it was his tank that started.

They currently have only one 116th tank regiment. If they are general defenders, they will definitely keep these tank regiments on hand as the last reserve team, but General Lukin is definitely not an ordinary person. He was in the first place. , The tank regiment was dispatched, and we had a good start.

Alexander, the commander of the tank regiment, looked at the opposite side through a narrow observation hole.

Those tanks looked very similar to the Panther 3 in appearance, but they were a little different. It felt unspeakable. Alexander only reacted when the tanks continued to move and the distance between the two sides narrowed.

The barrel of the opponent's tank is a bit thin and shorter. It is not an 88mm tank gun, nor does it look like a 75mm gun, but more like a 50mm tank gun.

Yes, this is the Panther 2 tank used by the German second-line troops, right?

Thinking of this, he came with confidence, Panther 2 and Panther look very similar, but in fact, the firepower and armor of both sides have a big gap.

There are more than a dozen T-34 tanks in my own tank unit. These tanks completely suppress the German Panther 2 in performance!

Almost at the same time, the tank unit on the opposite side also saw the Soviet tank unit coming out in front clearly, and immediately they changed their formation.

"Attention, avoid the center and quickly surround from both sides!"

A group of P26 tanks, with black smoke coming out of the tail, suddenly turned in a triangular formation and maneuvered towards the two wings.

The Italian tank soldiers also knew that their tank guns were a little difficult to deal with the T-34, so they simply bypassed, avoiding the front, attacking from both sides, relying on the outstanding maneuverability of their tanks to go to the side of the battle!

If it was the noodle army in the past, they would only swarm up. When the first tank in front was destroyed, it would immediately disappear. Now, although the tank is not as good as the German army, it is skillful in tactics.

Before entering the range of firefight, the Soviet tank soldiers were in trouble.

The number of Soviet tanks is small.

Now, the noodle army separated and surrounded them, but they could not separate to the two sides. There were originally more than 20 vehicles. If they were separated, they would soon be surrounded and beaten.

They can't move on either, they are easily surrounded by each other.

After being aware of this crisis, Alexander, who had not fired a shot, immediately made a decision: "Retreat, withdraw all defenses!"

He cannot take risks. His tank unit is the most powerful force. Even if it is a fixed turret on the defensive line, it can bring huge casualties to the attacking tank unit of the opponent. He cannot be destroyed by flanking attacks. It's not worth the loss. ()

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