The Third Reich

Chapter 1268: Moscowvia

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Compared with the low-cost rocket launcher, the cost of anti-tank missiles is much higher. This is mainly reflected in the control system, which requires a large number of electronic components.

Germany has completed the transition to transistors. The volume of the components has been greatly reduced, while the performance has been greatly improved. In the whole world, it is in an absolute leading position, and it is top secret. All factories manufacturing electronic components , Are the most confidential.

In this way, when the anti-tank missile is manufactured, even if the enemy obtains this weapon, it cannot be imitated. Compared with the rocket launcher, the anti-tank missile has a longer range, the launcher is safer, and the hit rate can be obtained. Great improvement.

If you use a rocket launcher, don’t look at the special effects on the lens. The true hit rate is quite low, even lower than that of a cannonball, while the missile’s hit rate is definitely above 80.

Once the soul is set, anti-tank missiles will shine on the battlefield!

At the same time, after the successful development of anti-tank missiles, not only can they be deployed to individual soldiers, they can even be installed on helicopters to become armed helicopters. Once they have seized air supremacy, armed helicopters will be useful.

Well, as long as you bring up all these technologies, Germany's arsenal should be considered complete now, right?

Compared with the more advanced laser semi-active guided weapons of later generations, the manually controlled missile should be considered quite primitive, but compared to this era, it is still extremely advanced and has epoch-making significance.

Yes, just do it!

Cyric has made a decision.

At this time, the auger has reached a hard position on the shore, stopped, and left two deep ruts behind the auger. When the executives got down, everyone was incomparable. Admired: "It seems that we can also use it in our water conservancy projects in the future, and we can open the channel directly."

Speer said with a smile, and Scherner on the side also smiled: "Our domestic water conservancy facilities have long been perfected, and new water conservancy facilities are to be built, which is also in Ukraine."

The vast plain of Ukraine is simply a big granary. In history, Ukraine has always been the main grain producing area of ​​the Soviets. Now, once Ukraine is occupied, it will become Germany and become the big granary of the Third Reich.

Under the Soviet system, it was impossible to mobilize the enthusiasm for labor at all. The grain output was not high, and the wind of exaggeration was very serious. In history, in the 1980s, the Soviet Union had to import food from Europe, which is absolutely ironic.

Cyric is also very emotional: "Yes, when we occupy Ukraine and form a new large Ukrainian state in Ukraine, we will build Ukraine into the largest and most efficient food production base."

The current war is still going on, but the problems after the war have gradually formed in Cyric's mind.

Of course, such a huge country as the Soviet cannot exist. When the war is over, a small piece of land around Moscow will be left to Russia to form a Moscow state, ruled by a puppet government, and at the same time, it is closely controlled by Germany sending governors and garrisons.

Other places are of course divided into several pieces. In Ukraine, it is necessary to establish a large Ukrainian country, a completely agricultural country, as the granary of the empire.

Now that everything is in progress, Cyric believes that under his own leadership, the future of the Third Reich will be infinitely bright.

Along the Dnieper River, Sechade.

An ordinary 82-barrel car stopped outside the army. In the car, a veteran walked down.

Guderian is fifty-three years old this year. For a military commander, this age is his golden age. He has rich experience and has created a powerful armored force.

Guderian has a Mercedes-Benz bulletproof car specially assigned to him by Cyric. However, on this battlefield, the Mercedes-Benz bulletproof car cannot withstand the blow of the shells. The car is too conspicuous and easy to be ambushed, so he Take the most common vehicle.

On the other side of his car, a veteran, Joseph Dietrich, the commander of the 2nd Panzer Army also walked down.

Seeing the two people come down, several commanders at the scene quickly walked up.

"The 17th Armored Division is fully prepared, please instruct, Commander Von Weber." Weber saluted the two in front.

Guderian and Dietrich replied, and Guderian continued: "Now, how are the troops preparing to cross the river?"

The current mission of the Central Army Corps is the same as before, rushing on both sides, hitting to the rear of Smolensk, and then encircling the main force of Smolensk to eat.

And this requires crossing the Dnieper River, and now, the 17th Armored Division is about to perform the task of crossing the river.

Weber immediately replied: "We have completed all preparations. There is only about one regiment on the opposite side of the defensive force. We can destroy them with only artillery fire, and then quickly build a Then you have observed the opposite. Is the situation?" Guderian asked.

Weber shook his head: "No, we came here in secret. We haven't been discovered by the Soviets on the opposite side. We just want to hit them by suddenness."

"Our air force has just checked, and the opposite has turned into a swamp. There are also clever Soviets in the defenders!" Guderian said.

swamp? Webber was taken aback for a moment. If it was a swamp, it would not be easy to build a bridge. Moreover, even if the tank passed by, it would be easy to get trapped!

Tanks are not good at all terrains. In the swamp, tanks often get stuck.

"There was originally no swamp there." Dietrich said: "However, the defenders on the opposite side dug a canal on the bank of the river these days to draw the water of the Dnieper River and artificially construct a tens of meters wide. swamp."

Along the way, the Soviets planted landmines everywhere to interfere with the advancement of the German army. They also tried to use the moats of the river to block them. They blew up the bridge and prevented the German army from crossing the river. In order to facilitate the defense, they actually created a swamp. People look refreshing and admire them deeply as opponents.

Webber's expression changed suddenly: "If there is a swamp, then our bridge-building equipment will not be easy to move over. We must first establish a stable beachhead on the opposite side before we can cover the bridge and build the bridge behind. Fight in the swamp."

When crossing the river in the unit, wheeled infantry fighting vehicles can be used, which are amphibious, but wheeled infantry fighting vehicles cannot travel in swamps.

"Fortunately, we have shipped new equipment from the rear. It takes one day to familiarize the troops with the new equipment. The offensive time will go by one day!" Guderian said.

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