The Third Reich

Chapter 1272: Straight into Smolensk

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The landing forces fought for half an hour, after which there was no more gunfire on the other side.

"Reporter Commander, our troops have already controlled the opposite shore." The adjutant was very happy when he received the news from the radio.

"Then build the bridge immediately and cross the river!" Weber said.

The bridging unit had already been prepared on the sidelines.

In the process of conquering Europe, the German army encountered all kinds of rivers. For the shallow ones, the tanks can be connected to the snorkel and go directly to the bottom of the river. When encountering deep and wide rivers, there is no other way. I can walk the bridge.

On the European battlefield, because of the chaos of the enemy, German troops can often send forward troops to seize the bridge and protect the bridge so that its main force can cross the river calmly.

Here in the Soviet Union, it didn’t work. Especially as it deepened, the Soviet army no longer panicked and began to enter an orderly resistance stage. When they retreated, they would often blow up bridges, and Germany sent even a few troops. Unable to protect them, they couldn't fight against the main force of the Soviet Union.

Especially now, in order to prevent the German army from attacking, almost all the bridges here have been blown down by the Soviets. For this, Germany has also been prepared for this. This is the construction of bridges by engineers.

Germany has realized mechanized bridge erection very early. For example, now, all the bridge cars are transformed from the original Panther 2 tank chassis. On the top of the car, there is a steel bridge. As the bridge cars move to the front, The upper bridge began to turn over, partly serving as bridge legs and some as bridge decks, and a section of the bridge was built.

The bridge vehicle behind continues to drive to the already erected bridge, continue to build the bridge, and move forward section by section. In the afternoon, a bridge large enough for tanks can be built.

At this time, the other infantry units had already begun to ride the unmodified wheeled infantry fighting vehicles, crossing the river, and waited on the other side of the river, in the swamp, just to let those modified infantry fighting vehicles equipped with screws Just pull it, and you can pull it directly onto the hard shore land.

The speed of crossing the river is not slow. The infantry following the past will firmly guard the beachhead position. The Dnieper River, which the Soviets thought of as a great moat, was just a small ditch in front of the German army.

When the sky was getting dark, tanks roared across the bridge, and the 17th Armored Division moved on!

Generally speaking, the command of the Soviets was quite chaotic throughout the war. The tree-like command system of the Soviets, as long as one of the nodes is destroyed, will cause part of the army to fall into a state of no command.

At the same time, the Soviet command method was quite backward.

They rely on the radio, but on the battlefield, the radio signal will always be interfered. They rely on the messenger to pass it. The military is in a hurry. When the messenger passes the order and the situation changes, they have to modify the order.

This intensified the chaos in the Soviet army.

The troops guarding the Dnieper River were actually forgotten by their superiors. The information on their position was conquered, mixed in a large amount of large and small information, and was not reported in time.

In this way, up to now, the Soviet army has actually not noticed that there is a big hole in their defense line. Following this big hole, the elite German armored forces have entered.

It is said that there are heavy soldiers deployed by the Soviets at this time. Even if an armored division gets in, it will be very dangerous and will even be surrounded and annihilated by the Soviet army.

However, the German armored forces have always been so bold. Under the air force’s intelligence and investigation, they made two roundabouts in a row, bypassing the 20th Military Zone and the heavily guarded main road to Smolensk, and rushed directly to it. The southern part of Smolensk.

The Dnieper River traverses the city of Smolensk and divides the city into north and south, with residential and commercial areas in the south, accounting for 2/3 of the city, and industrial areas in the north, accounting for 1/3.

In the south, only Lukin's militia was defending.

Lu Jin stayed in the city defense headquarters in the north of the city and urged his boss anxiously.

At this time, Timoshenko was still responsible for the defense of the entire Smolensk front.

At the beginning, Pavlov’s mistakes led to the failure of the Western Special Military Region. When Pavlov was summoned from the front and was shot, Timoshenko replaced Pavlov and went to the Western Special Military Region.

Unfortunately, the failure of the Western Special Military Region was doomed, and Timoshenko was also irreversible. On Zhukov’s suggestion, the base camp abandoned Minsk and began to deploy a line of defense behind, and Timoshenko also retreated. , A generation of defense in Smolensk.

Timoshenko was under a lot of pressure. He had already been kicked to the Ural Mountains by Stalin to reflect once because of a failure. If he fails again this time, you can imagine that Pavlov is his role ~ Brother Timuxin dare not be negligent. Almost every day, he is strategizing, staring at his defense zone map in a daze.

In history, Timoshenko is definitely not a loser, he is a successful person.

Because he had a good personal relationship with Stalin, he was not implicated in the Great Purge. At the same time, he won the Soviet-Finnish war, forcing Finland to seek peace and make great contributions.

Timoshenko took over as commander of the Western Front in a critical situation in July 1941, and directed the retreat in Smolensk. Despite the huge price paid, Timoshenko successfully stabilized the situation of the Western Front and stabilized the front until the end of September 1941, when the Germans launched the Battle of Moscow.

After that, he was transferred to the Ukrainian front, commanding the Red Army, which had just wiped out 1.5 million people in Kiev and Uman, and successfully stabilized the front, and successfully commanded the Rostov counterattack.

It can be said that Timoshenko was a figure who turned the tide in the Soviets, but it is a pity that now the German army is far stronger than in the historical period, Timoshenko knows how much pressure he is.

"Marshal, General Lu Jin is here." At this moment, the adjutant's voice made Timousin come back to his senses: "No, tell him I don't have time. The equipment he wants is being shipped from the rear, and it will be available tomorrow. Arrived."

Lu Jin’s name, Timoshenko already knew, and he was simply a celebrity in front of Stalin, but Timoshenko had no objection to this. Such a member of the tiger will be in his own hands, it is useful.

However, Temusin couldn't stand it every day when he came to ask for equipment. Now he simply disappeared. Of course, he was adjusting his equipment, but he was lack of equipment everywhere, so he couldn't give all the equipment to his militia, right? Those militia groups are now defending in the southern city area. For the time being, the Germans can't beat them, so they have to be close to the front.

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