The Third Reich

Chapter 1282: First time on the battlefield

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When the infantry attacked, of course, they would not rush forward in swarms like on TV. There was no other effect except suicide.

Today’s infantry, they are all cats at their waists, holding guns, and moving slowly towards the hillside under the cover of various terrains, and they are definitely not walking in a straight line. On the battlefield, a few seconds of straight forward is enough. Let them die a hundred times.

The machine guns behind kept firing, and bullets hit the Soviet position on the hillside with chirp sounds.

Lyudmila hid her head tightly under the bunker. She did not dare to look up. Now, she suddenly realized that this was completely different from the training ground.

Her heart was shaking.

Every soldier will go to the battlefield for the first time, and when he goes to the battlefield for the first time, there are various situations. Only after experiencing the baptism of war will he become a veteran.

Lyudmila is a woman, and she is still a student, she is a little scared now.

She knew that her mission was to kill the enemy, but she dared not move.

And Zaitsev next to her was going to be calmer. Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent's machine gun stopped, Zaitsev set up his rifle and quickly pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" The gunshot sounded, and a Romanian soldier who rushed over a few hundred meters away was hit in the arm, but the other party still dropped the gun, clutching his arm and stepped back.

After Zaitsev finished the fight, he quickly moved a few steps and changed positions, and two seconds later, the position he was in was patronized by the opponent's machine gun.

Lyudmila seemed to be encouraged. She slowly poked her head out of the trench. The bullet seemed to be flying around her head, but she knew that her disguise was quite good, and the other party could not find herself. .

As for the stray bullets, it depends on her luck. Lyudmila took two deep breaths, and put her eyes on the sight.

Soon, she locked onto a Romanian soldier. It was an agile soldier, constantly moving back and forth, with the help of natural stones to block them. Just after he jumped behind a stone, Raised the rifle, aiming here.

This is the best opportunity. Lyudmila’s sight put the opponent's head on the crosshairs. Now, as long as she pulls the trigger, she can kill the opponent.

However, she has not deducted it for a long time.

This is different from shooting. There is a person on the opposite side. As long as she pulls the trigger, a living soul will disappear instantly. Like her, the other person is a living person, with parents and even a lover.

Lyudmila couldn't get down.

But at this moment, she saw a puff of smoke coming out of the opponent's muzzle, and then, not far from Lyudmila, there was a scream.

Zaitsev’s body went backwards two or three steps, and finally retreated to the back wall. Then, his body slowly slid down and slid down until he sat in the trenches. The trenches behind him were covered with blood. It's dyed red.

Just now, the bullet of the Romanian soldier hit Zaitsev's forehead, and his throat made an instinctive cry, and he died.

"Zaytsev!" Putting down his gun, Lyudmila ran over and hugged Zaitsev's body.

Less than two hours after the two had known each other, Lyudmila’s chest also had black bread that Zaitsev gave her. This was a young man. Now, his body has slowly become cold.

Lyudmila’s heart was filled with incomparable self-blame. Just now, she had a chance to kill each other, so that Zaitsev would not die, but she didn’t. She was a coward, and she had won any marksman’s medal. What is the use? I am a coward!

Tears flowed out of Lyudmila’s eyes, and just before she cried, the company commander’s loud voice came not far away: "Comrade Lyudmila, take your weapon and fiercely Teach the enemy! Here, there are no men and women, only warriors. If you don't take up weapons anymore, just go back to me!"

It's not that the company commander is cold-blooded. On the battlefield, someone will die at every moment, rescue the wounded, and carry the dead. It's not what they want to do. What they need is to take up weapons and strike the enemy!

Wiping away her tears, Lyudmila has lost the hesitation she had just now. Now, there are no men and women, only soldiers, only enemies. No matter whether the opponent is alive or not, if the opponent is not killed, the opponent will fight. Death yourself, this is the reality on the cruel **** battlefield.

Lyudmila picked up her rifle, and in her sight, a Romanian soldier appeared. The soldier had ran to a place more than 200 meters in front of her, so clear.

"Bang!" Lyudmila pulled the trigger, and a 7.62mm bullet flew out of the muzzle. Then, a blood flower appeared in the scope, and the opponent was hit in the chest.

It happened to hit the heart, and the blood ejected radioactively from the heart. It could squirt a full one or two meters away. Lyudmila watched the opponent's body hit, watched the opponent fall, and watched. Blood is On the battlefield, there is no mercy!

Pulling the bolt, Lyudmila put a bullet on top and continued to search for new targets.

The delicate college student has disappeared, and the current Lyudmila has become a soldier of steel.

Then, the whole company was shocked.

Lyudmila’s gun was almost non-stop. She was like a machine, constantly pressing and firing bullets, almost without a bullet. A famous Romanian soldier was shot and fell down.

No matter how clever the other side's angle is, no matter how fast the other side's attack, Lyudmila did not waste a bullet. Her gun is like a life trap. Whoever she aims at will die!

At the same time, she did not stay where she was, she almost finished five rounds of a magazine quickly, and the other party would lock her where she was. She had already moved, and, while running in the trenches, she could change her ammunition. Xia, in the new ambush position, continue!

Finally, the Romanians left dozens of corpses and retreated. This time the assault, the Romanians failed again.

There is already a joy in the battlefield here.

"Liudmila, you are simply amazing. Just now, you killed at least 15 enemies!"

"It's seventeen, it's a miracle. I stayed here for three days and only achieved two victories!"

Lyudmila relied on her marksmanship to win the respect of others when she first went to the battlefield.

At this time, Lyudmila looked at Zaitsev’s body and was being carried out of the trench. Looking at the leaving comrade-in-arms, Lyudmila felt heavy and could only raise her right hand and salute .

He was such a handsome and happy child, but he was shot and killed by my side. Since then, nothing can stop me from hitting the enemy with a rifle! Lyudmila's heart was heavy.

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