The Third Reich

Chapter 1287: I'm going to the battlefield

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Hans has sharp eyes.

When the opponent fired, Hans caught sight at once. In the sight of the tank, the sniper hiding position was so clear. Although the opponent was almost integrated with the surroundings, Hans still saw the opponent's eyes.

The eyes are the windows of the soul. They are a pair of big, water-spirited eyes, which can only be women's.

It was a terrible sniper. The opponent’s bullets could actually hit the observation seam of his tank. At this time, the driver Schmidt had already begun to change the piece of glass in front of him, although the accessories had not arrived yet. You can also knock it off first, so that it doesn't affect your vision. Looking at the bullet, even Schmidt felt that he was too lucky.

"Female sniper, that's even more terrifying. Fortunately, Hans, you have a quick eye and you will kill her in one shot." Kurt said: "We are about to enter the street fighting. We must be aware that there is no absolute safety. Stay in the tank at all times to prevent accidents. If you have to go out in a dangerous area, you must wear a helmet and a vest. Don’t be afraid of trouble."

The Soviets will not be willing to fail and will not take the initiative to evacuate. So next, brutal street fighting will definitely break out. Fortunately, the fighting will of the Romanian army is pretty good. Look at the current battlefield. These guys, There was really a fierceness in the war.

Hans nodded, he closed his eyes, and the same pair of eyes appeared in his mind.

Is she dead? Hans didn't think so.

Osad, field hospital.

"I've said it, I have nothing to do." Holding her rifle, Lyudmila shouted at Christoph beside him: "You have to bring me here, I ask you, where is our company? "

The position has been lost. Maybe the entire company was sacrificed. Only Lyudmila and Christoph were unharmed. Now Lyudmila is quite angry. She is a deserter and a coward!

The doctor couldn’t care about checking Lyudmila, because there were still a large number of wounded soldiers in urgent need of treatment. Lyudmila looked at a soldier with a broken leg and walked in with a gun. upset.

Wasn't it just being slapped by the shock wave of a cannonball and coughing up blood? What's the big deal? All the way back, Lyudmila felt that she was fine.

Christophe's face was also flushed: "I am just executing orders. As a soldier, I want to execute orders. The company commander ordered me to send you back. If you don't execute the order, you are not a qualified soldier!"

"Then you are also a coward." Lyudmila also became angry.

"Now, I have completed the task." Christoph said: "I will return to the army now."

After speaking, Christophe took a step forward and headed outside.

Lyudmila picked up her rifle and walked outside.

On the edge of the city in the distance, rumbling gunfire has already begun.

The streets are full of infantrymen trotting. The clothes they wear are all navy shirts.

"Why are you here?" At this moment, a car stopped beside, and Petrov, the commander of the 25th Division, sat on it and asked them.

"Report to the commander, Comrade Lyudmila was injured by a shell, and the company commander asked me to send her over. Now I have completed the task and am about to return to the team." Christoph said.

"Reporter, I'm fine, I want to continue on the battlefield." Liudmila said, at this time, the corner of her mouth was still red.

"You guys rest here first." Petrov saw it at a glance and said to Christoph: "Kristoff, you look at Comrade Lyudmila until Comrade Lyudmila is well. Return to the team."

After speaking, Petrov left.

Lyudmila stomped her feet, extremely depressed.

Isn't it because you are a woman? There are so many soldiers who have not been slightly injured. Why should I always be treated like this? Lyudmila gritted her teeth and said: "I'm going to the front. Now, the Romanians are attacking the city. I'm going to snipe them."

"No, the teacher will ask you to see a doctor, you can only go when you are better."

"Either you go with me or you stay here." After speaking, Lyudmila picked up her rifle and walked forward.

Christophe hesitated for a moment, and could only follow.

Although there were only two of them, because they were walking in the direction of the front line, they were not blocked by any guard posts. They could see the workers and citizens on the same road, all took up arms and walked towards the front line.

Lyudmila's free sniper career, like a safari, officially began.


"Boom!" The 128mm tank gun fired violently, and the small building in front was crumbling.

The machine gun that was still firing violently, blocking the street, was so dumb.

"Go!" the Romanian commander shouted loudly.

A large number of Romanian soldiers ran forward, but after a few seconds, the machine guns there fired again, and suddenly the Romanian army fell.

"Boom!" The 128mm tank gun fired again Now, the small building swayed a few times, completely collapsed and turned into rubble.


Hans's eyes were shining, and the captain Kut next to him gave him a thumbs up. Two shots destroyed a small building. It was a very good shot!

It's just that Hans is not satisfied. For him, the enemy tank is his opponent, even a tractor tank.

As if responding to his call, Kurt suddenly shouted: "Quickly, at nine o'clock, quickly! Armor-piercing bullets!"

Hans stepped on the pedals, and the dozens of tons of turret turned. Under the stimulation of the hydraulic pressure, he made a sizzling sound. At the same time, the driver Schmidt in front of him also killed the steering wheel in front of him.

If viewed from the outside, the turret on the tank is rotating and the chassis of the tank is rotating at the same time, so that the tank gun can turn faster. This is Wittmann's famous skill in history, the center steering.

For the tank to achieve center steering, the two tracks must be reversed. Even the Soviet Union did not have this kind of technology. Now, the German Tiger tank has begun to use Maybach-style double differential steering and The semi-automatic gear shifting and speed change integrated device, at the same time, the operation is no longer the steering rod, but the steering wheel.

The electric tank of the mouse tank is even more convenient for steering wheel operation. Its operation is very sensitive. When the steering wheel is turned in a stationary state, the tank starts to rotate. When the wheel is half-turned, the crawler does not move and turns in place. When the game is full, the tracks on both sides reverse, and the tank makes a center turn.

Now, the chassis is turning, and the upper turret is also turning. In less than twenty seconds, the barrel turned ninety degrees.

In Kurt's field of vision, a tank appeared, not a tractor tank or a light tank, but a toilet head!

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