The Third Reich

Chapter 1289: 1 big trouble

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"We are in big trouble." Schmidt said as he watched Kurt, who was walking down.

There are many types of tank failures. For example, if the engine is broken, it is already a big trouble, but it doesn't matter, it can be dragged back to repair by other tanks.

The biggest trouble is the failure of the walking mechanism. Now, the driving wheel is broken and it is rotating with the crawler. If the crawler wants to move, the driving wheel must move. If the driving wheel is broken, the tank can't move completely.

Even if the trailer is brought over, the mouse tank can only get on the trailer on its own, and there is absolutely no crane to lift it up.

But now, the battle here is still going on, and it is even more difficult to repair the tank under this situation.

The hardest part is that there are no accessories.

Mouse tanks are still equipped in single digits. When they set off, although they carry some vulnerable parts, such driving wheels are definitely not vulnerable, and they have no spare parts.

I need to send a telegram to Berlin, produce it in Porsche, and then ship it and install it. Even if it’s air freight, it takes two or three days to go back and forth.

During this time, the mouse tank stayed here and didn't move.

Then, almost all the Soviets will know that there is an immovable mouse tank here, and they will definitely come up in turn. If it doesn't work during the day, it will be upset at night.

Especially at night, it is the most dangerous. I don't know how many people will die.

There is also a simple way, which is to blow up the tank, but this is a plan that no one can accept.

Thinking of these situations, everyone felt extremely depressed.

Hans did not get off the tank. As a gunner, he has more important tasks. Although the tank cannot move, the engine is still intact. He still needs to be on guard to strike at any possible enemy at any time.

Now, the tallest building around is the ruins of the small building about 600 meters away.

That was Hans' masterpiece just before the KV-2 tank ambush. The two guns completely destroyed a machine gun firepower point there, and it should have no use value.

For the rest, the Romanian troops are purging them all around. It is said that there will be no major problems. In fact, as long as there are no suspicious targets within 500 meters, they will be temporarily safe here.

In the film and television works of later generations, sniping and killing targets from a kilometer away seems to be a scene that often appears. The protagonist is absolutely powerful. In fact, in the period of World War II, being able to kill a target within 500 meters is definitely a sharpshooter. The sharpshooter in the game.

First of all, this is determined by their rifle. Although a scope is added on it, but due to the limitations of craftsmanship, the scope cannot see particularly far things.

For example, with a 4x scope, the head cannot be seen clearly at 500 meters away. Therefore, the standard for infantry rifle shooting in the training program of the German Wehrmacht is 200 meters for accurate killing and 400 meters for effective killing.

Moreover, in the city, many snipers carried out snipers from a position of about 200 meters. If they were far away, they would not want to try at all. This was beyond their grasp.

For the time being, there is no need to consider the enemy's sniper, and Hans does not need to use cannons. With a loader guarding the machine gun, Hans quickly jumped off the tank.

At this time, Schmidt and Kurt are discussing a solution, but there is no result yet.

Hans looked at his damaged driving wheel. Indeed, if it were to be disassembled and replaced with a new one, a lot of time would be wasted. If you change your mindset...

"Perhaps we can temporarily weld the driving wheel here." Hans said: "It's okay to drive back first, even if it's a few hundred meters back, and we will talk about it when it is safe."

Solder it up? Hans's words made the few people present immediately aroused, indeed!

Now, the driving wheel has cracked a big hole. It is definitely impossible to operate the tank as before, but if the motor is driven at a low speed and low power, it may be suitable for use.

As long as you step back a few hundred meters, it is much safer.

I just wanted to replace it with a new one, but I didn't expect to repair it.

"Call the maintenance truck and weld the wheels first." Kurt said, "see if it works, then try to drag it back."

The maintenance vehicle is an ordinary off-road truck, without even armor protection. Several soldiers in the maintenance team risked their lives and drove the maintenance vehicle to the front of the mouse tank.

"The hole is too big, we can't weld it through," said the monitor of the maintenance team.

"There is no need to weld through, as long as we can make our tank move." Hans said: "Yes, add another piece of iron outside to increase the strength."

The head of the maintenance team nodded, put on the welding mask and started welding seriously.

Sparks flew, Hans stared at the squad leader of the maintenance team. The welds were well-proportioned and the workmanship was not bad. If you go back, remove the driving wheel and weld the other side. Maybe it can be used as normal!

It was getting dark slowly.

On the ruins, a person was lying quietly. In front of her, there were a few broken bricks, just a gap was left in the middle. She stuffed her rifle in, and the scope could see the opposite.

Not far from her, another companion who was acting as a watcher was already a little impatient.

Christoph looked at Lyudmila. He has been partnering with Lyudmila for two days. In the past two days, the Romanian army has captured the outer defense line of Osad and is advancing toward the middle defense line. They, almost It has always been active on the line of fire. Sometimes the enemy moves forward and they may even fall behind.

In the past two days, Christoph watched Lyudmila’s battle results and rose little by little. He has wiped out more than 30 Romanian soldiers, which is regarded as revenge for his company.

But today, the opportunity is good. So many Romanian soldiers are in their own field of vision, just kill one or two and withdraw. Isn't it great?

However, Lyudmila had been aiming for half an hour, and there was still no movement.

For a sniper, patience is most needed.

If only one or two Romanian soldiers are killed, it is of course easy, but in that case, you will expose your position, and Lyudmila will not waste the good opportunity now.

That tank once slammed the position of the company she was in. The company she had just entered the battlefield, only she and Christoph beside her survived, and she wanted revenge!

At the same time, tankers are more valuable than ordinary infantry. Now, she is waiting for this opportunity to kill German tankers!

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