The Third Reich

Chapter 1294: Angel in white

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>History and Military

>Third Reich

>The first thousand two hundred and ninety-four chapters of white angels (plus more 2) directory setting bookmark comments

Fiction: Third Reich Author: East-hung Word Count: 2425

"Ah..." There was a panic from inside, and the woman's high-decibel voice echoed in the night sky. 35xs

Originally, Gustayev's fingers had already hooked the trigger, planning to kill everyone in the room suddenly, but inside it was different from what he thought.

All of them are women!

Only then did he realize that the door curtain he opened seemed to be white, no, this is a battlefield hospital? Are these people in front of them angels in white?

Even if the Soviet Union did not accede to the Geneva Convention, as a soldier, there are still some guidelines to follow.

For example, do not attack the hospital.

Although the hospital serves the enemy, the existence of the hospital saves the lives of more enemies before they are put on the battlefield, but the respect for the angels in white does not respect national boundaries, nor does it distinguish between enemies and us.

For example, after the battle, some prisoners will also receive treatment.

Therefore, from a logical point of view, Gustaev cannot attack these doctors, not to mention, it seems that they are resting and only wearing pajamas.

Gustav knew that he had found the wrong place. He wanted to step back, but footsteps had already been heard behind him.

No, the Romanians are here!

"You can't run away, surrender!" At this moment, Hans, who was out of breath, finally chased him. He hid behind the dirt wall outside, only a dozen meters away from the opponent. , As long as he pulls the trigger, he can kill the opponent.

At the same time, the opponent is now facing him with his back, so there is no need to worry about the opponent's machine gun shooting at him.

However, Hans's psychological pressure was even greater. He also heard the calls of the women inside, knowing that they were all from the German medical team, and maybe there was Aunt Mia inside.

If he pulls the trigger, there is no guarantee that he will be killed. Even if the opponent pulls the trigger within a second or two before dying, it will pose a threat to the people inside.

Can't escape, surrender! Now Hans can only induce the opponent to surrender.

However, when he heard the impure Russian behind, Gustaev suddenly became cruel, turned around quickly, and shouted inside, "Stand together for me, don't shout, otherwise I will Shot!"

Gustaev would not worry about someone shooting behind him. They were afraid of accidental injury, so they didn't dare to shoot at himself. Now, Gustaev didn't really want to hurt these people, he just used them.

People outside will definitely come in for rescue. Whoever dares to come in will kill anyone by themselves. It is the enemy who kills themselves, not the white angels.

Now, Gustaev’s fierceness frightened the others. They dared not speak anymore, and tremblingly followed Gustaev’s instructions and hid in a corner. 35xs

They are a medical team and have been on the battlefield before. Even if there is a rumble of artillery outside, they can safely operate on the wounded in the operating room.

However, it is different now. Now they are directly pointed at by guns, and their inner fears spontaneously. They are still women after all.

Mia was very calm inside.

Unlike these women who have lived in a peaceful environment since they were young, Mia's life has never lacked waves. When she dared to travel across oceans alone, Mia's heart had long been tempered extremely strong.

The medical staff around her are all in their twenties. When they grew up, the empire has begun to expand continuously, and they have not experienced this.

Mia squatted low. She knew that if someone outside wanted to shoot, it would definitely hit the opponent's chest. As long as she was lower, she might escape danger.

Then, she was shocked, and when she heard the voice outside, Mia instantly recognized it, it was Hans!

She came here with a medical team, mainly to serve the 502 heavy tank battalion. In addition to Hans, there are some other people who need to be taken care of. Moreover, before coming, Mia also received Hannah’s Sincere request, if possible, let Hans go to the battlefield less.

After the result came, Hans fell off, his brain was shaken, it was really not suitable to go back immediately.

So, Mia planned to let Hans stay, and now it seems that Hans couldn't be idle at all, and actually ran out to fight an ambush.

What should we do now?

Mia can't shout. If she does, Hans will be more dangerous. At the same time, the Russian who rushed in was obviously planning to take her hostage.

How to do?

Mia's mind was spinning quickly. Suddenly, she thought of an idea. She stood up slowly, with a tremor in her voice: "Hey, your calf is bleeding. If you don't bandage it, you will soon You will lose too much blood and become unconscious."

Did you win the lottery?

Just running all the way, Gustaev still didn't feel that he thought he was good, and now he looked down, and sure enough, blood was constantly flowing out of his calf.

Could it be caused by shooting at the opponent just when he broke in? Gustaev said nonchalantly: "It's okay, don't worry about it!"

"Now, your blood has flowed about five hundred milliliters, and the flow rate is fifty milliliters per second. In this way, in another five minutes at most, half of the blood in your body will flow out, and you will fall into a coma. Are you going to wrap it up?" Mia said with a trembling voice, as if she was afraid.

"Weird, you are actually worried that an enemy like me is coming? Wouldn't it be better if I were unconscious?" Gustayev said, he was still watching the outside carefully, only occasionally turning his head to take a look.

"I'm just a doctor. In my eyes, there are only patients and no enemies." Mia said, walking a few steps forward slowly and grabbing a medicine box by the bed.

Gustaev frowned, trying to stop it, but the pain in his calf made him change his mind again, so he turned around, sat in the corner, holding the gun, and pointed at the other women.

"If you dare to play any tricks, I can only pull the trigger." Gustaev said.

He might be confronted until dawn, and Gustaev didn't want to fall into a coma due to blood loss prematurely. He knew all of these. Now, he can only risk letting the opposing doctor's bandage himself.

Mia did not speak, but walked slowly, opened the medicine box, took out the gauze from the inside, and bandaged Gustayev's leg, circle after circle.

Mia bandaged very carefully. Gustaev felt that his wound was much better, and he squeezed out two words from his mouth: "Thank you!"

Then, he twisted the muzzle, ready to continue to pass the gun along the door, and at the moment he turned around, Mia's hand happened to scratch his neck intentionally or unintentionally.

Novel recommendation: Yuandou Qiankun Chapter of the New Century Harem Qi Women's First Waste Material of the Tang Dynasty Cultivation of the Unicorn Fairy Demon Enmity and Enmity Recording Qingmei Was Fucked Everyday Ghostly Blind Date Game Like the Shadow Who Walks The Strongest System's Flower Care and Medical Spring Secret Secret Record: The factory father is sultry, the peerless thief: The Seventh Miss, the waste wood, the genius doctor and the fierce concubine: the black evil king on the upper abdomen, the splendid Phoenix road: the poisonous doctor, the prince is reborn, the city cultivator, the barbaric wife: the spy of the remnant, the spoiled concubine love: the Duke The winged bride agent, the doctor's concubine, the evil emperor, climbs into bed: the royal daughter-in-law survival manual after eating the poison doctor's concubine

There is no next chapter in the previous chapter

Chapter 1294: Angel in White (plus 2)-Fiction Net-novel novelette

"Ah..." There was a panic from inside, and the woman's high-decibel voice echoed in the night sky. 35xs

Originally, Gustayev's fingers had already hooked the trigger, planning to kill everyone in the room suddenly, but inside it was different from what he thought.

All of them are women!

Only then did he realize that the door curtain he opened seemed to be white, no, this is a battlefield hospital? Are these people in front of them angels in white?

Even if the Soviet Union did not accede to the Geneva Convention, as a soldier, there are still some guidelines to follow.

For example, do not attack the hospital.

Although the hospital serves the enemy, the existence of the hospital saves the lives of more enemies before they are put on the battlefield, but the respect for the angels in white does not respect national boundaries, nor does it distinguish between enemies and us.

For example, after the battle, some prisoners will also receive treatment.

Therefore, from a logical point of view, Gustaev cannot attack these doctors, not to mention, it seems that they are resting and only wearing pajamas.

Gustav knew that he had found the wrong place. He wanted to step back, but footsteps had already been heard behind him.

No, the Romanians are here!

"You can't run away, surrender!" At this moment, Hans, who was out of breath, finally chased him. He hid behind the dirt wall outside, only a dozen meters away from the opponent. , As long as he pulls the trigger, he can kill the opponent.

At the same time, the opponent is now facing him with his back, so there is no need to worry about the opponent's machine gun shooting at him.

However, Hans's psychological pressure was even greater. He also heard the calls of the women inside, knowing that they were all from the German medical team, and maybe there was Aunt Mia inside.

If he pulls the trigger, there is no guarantee that he will be killed. Even if the opponent pulls the trigger within a second or two before dying, it will pose a threat to the people inside.

Can't escape, surrender! Now Hans can only induce the opponent to surrender.

However, when he heard the impure Russian behind, Gustaev suddenly became cruel, turned around quickly, and shouted inside, "Stand together for me, don't shout, otherwise I will Shot!"

Gustaev would not worry about someone shooting behind him. They were afraid of accidental injury, so they didn't dare to shoot at himself. Now, Gustaev didn't really want to hurt these people, he just used them.

People outside will definitely come in for rescue. Whoever dares to come in will kill anyone by themselves. It is the enemy who kills themselves, not the white angels.

Now, Gustaev’s fierceness frightened the others. They dared not speak anymore, and tremblingly followed Gustaev’s instructions and hid in a corner. 35xs

They are a medical team and have been on the battlefield before. Even if there is a rumble of artillery outside, they can safely operate on the wounded in the operating room.

However, it is different now. Now they are directly pointed at by guns, and their inner fears spontaneously. They are still women after all.

Mia was very calm inside.

Unlike these women who have lived in a peaceful environment since they were young, Mia's life has never lacked waves. When she dared to travel across oceans alone, Mia's heart had long been tempered extremely strong.

The medical staff around her are all in their twenties. When they grew up, the empire has begun to expand continuously, and they have not experienced this.

Mia squatted low. She knew that if someone outside wanted to shoot, it would definitely hit the opponent's chest. As long as she was lower, she might escape danger.

Then, she was shocked, and when she heard the voice outside, Mia instantly recognized it, it was Hans!

She came here with a medical team, mainly to serve the 502 heavy tank battalion. In addition to Hans, there are some other people who need to be taken care of. Moreover, before coming, Mia also received Hannah’s Sincere request, if possible, let Hans go to the battlefield less.

After the result came, Hans fell off, his brain was shaken, it was really not suitable to go back immediately.

So, Mia planned to let Hans stay, and now it seems that Hans couldn't be idle at all, and actually ran out to fight an ambush.

What should we do now?

Mia can't shout. If she does, Hans will be more dangerous. At the same time, the Russian who rushed in was obviously planning to take her hostage.

How to do?

Mia's mind was spinning quickly. Suddenly, she thought of an idea. She stood up slowly, with a tremor in her voice: "Hey, your calf is bleeding. If you don't bandage it, you will soon You will lose too much blood and become unconscious."

Did you win the lottery?

Just running all the way, Gustaev still didn't feel that he thought he was good, now he looked down, and sure enough, the blood on his calf was constantly flowing out.

Could it be caused by shooting at the opponent just when he broke in? Gustaev said nonchalantly: "It's okay, don't worry about it!"

"Now, your blood has flowed about five hundred milliliters, and the flow rate is fifty milliliters per second. In this way, in another five minutes at most, half of the blood in your body will flow out, and you will fall into a coma. Are you going to wrap it up?" Mia said with a trembling voice, as if she was afraid.

"Weird, you are actually worried that an enemy like me is coming? Wouldn't it be better if I were unconscious?" Gustayev said, he was still watching the outside carefully, only occasionally turning his head to take a look.

"I'm just a doctor. In my eyes, there are only patients and no enemies." Mia said, walking a few steps forward slowly and grabbing a medicine box by the bed.

Gustaev frowned, trying to stop it, but the pain in his calf made him change his mind again, so he turned around, sat in the corner, holding the gun, and pointed at the other women.

"If you dare to play any tricks, I can only pull the trigger." Gustaev said.

He might be confronted until dawn, and Gustaev didn't want to fall into a coma due to blood loss prematurely. He knew all of these. Now, he can only risk letting the opposing doctor's bandage himself.

Mia did not speak, but walked slowly, opened the medicine box, took out the gauze from the inside, and bandaged Gustayev's leg, circle after circle.

Mia bandaged very carefully. Gustaev felt that his wound was much better, and he squeezed out two words from his mouth: "Thank you!"

Then, he twisted the muzzle, ready to continue to pass the gun along the door, and at the moment he turned around, Mia's hand happened to scratch his neck intentionally or unintentionally.

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