The Third Reich

Chapter 1306: Losing the face of Father Kemal

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If you are familiar with the history of ancient Rome, you know how brilliant the Roman capital, Byzantium, was once.

Byzantium, now Istanbul, also known as Constantinople, was the capital of late Rome. It stands in the Black Sea Strait.

However, after the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, it moved its capital to Ankara with self-knowledge. Compared to Istanbul, Ankara is an absolute inland city, which means more security.

For example, if the capital of Turkey is still in Istanbul, it is within the absolute bombing range of German bombers and German naval guns. No matter how many shore defense guns they deploy on both sides of the strait, it is useless.

The German fleet is mighty and invincible. Turkey simply does not have the courage to fight the Germans.

Look at the whole of Europe. Look at the 4D flag. Look at the Soviet Union. Now it is being beaten up by the Germans. In every battle, hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers will be captured. Within half a month, Minsk will fall. Petersburg was blown to ruins, and the southern German soldiers' peak was close to Kiev.

In this case, who else can stop the German army?

Ankara has begun to tremble. This morning, the sky above Ankara was drizzling, and the entire government building seemed very deserted.

"The Germans are demonstrating to us!" Turkish President Inonu stood up from his chair. Although he was a cowardly president in Turkish history, he was also very angry under such circumstances.

Kemal, the first president of Turkey, was the greatest figure in Turkish history and was known as the father of the Republic of Turkey.

It’s a pity that God is jealous of talent. Kemal died early. He left Turkey three years ago, where he had struggled all his life. After that, his main assistant Ismet Inonu was elected as the second president of Turkey and the People’s Republic of China. Chairman, it is a pity that he is very unfortunate. He just caught up with the outbreak of World War II when he became president.

Inonu didn't have the courage of Kemal. He listened to the preaching of Britain and France, and handed over the chrome ore to Britain and France. Now? The Germans retaliated and arrived so soon.

Compared with other countries, Turkey is even more precarious. Although Kemal has undergone extensive reforms, the reforms are still in progress. After years of war, the national economy has not fully recovered, and it still needs to recuperate.

The most important thing is that Turkey's military equipment and quality are far from being comparable to Germany, and the risk of declaring war with Germany will bring about a national disaster.

Inonu just wanted to remain neutral in World War II. No one would provoke him. It would not be too late to wait until whoever won after the war.

Other countries were in ruins during World War II, but Turkey was recuperated and developed during World War II, and reforms continued to advance and succeeded. In this way, Turkey might be able to restore its former imperial glory.

It now appears that his little abacus has miscalculated, and the Germans are already forcing him to choose.

Now, the Germans have begun the threat of war, which is quite annoying.

"Yes, the Germans are demonstrating to us, which makes us quite unhappy, but from another perspective, it is not too late for us to stand on the side of the Germans." At this moment, Prime Minister Gera Qiaolu spoke.

"The situation is very clear. Germany will be the winner of this continent. We in Turkey want to remain neutral. Unfortunately, our regional relations determine that we cannot stay outside of World War II."

Turkey and the Soviet Union are close to each other. Through Turkey, the Baku oil field of the Soviet Union can be threatened at any time. At the same time, Turkey also controls the Black Sea Strait. This determines the fate of Turkey and they cannot control their own destiny.

Among the top Turkish leaders, not everyone wants to be neutral. There are also ambitious people. For example, the current Prime Minister is like this. He has always supported the development of relations with Germany.

Now, he is still preaching this argument.

"Germany is destroying the Soviet Union. As we all know, the Soviet Union is our old enemy. Now, in the process of destroying the Soviet Union, if we send troops, we can expand our territory and take back the places that were taken by the Soviet Union, even the Baku area. It can also fall into our hands.” Gracholu continued: “I don’t know what you think, the face of the founding father Kemal will be lost by us. If the founding father is here, he will definitely do the best Our Turkish choice is here!"

When Gracholu said this, some people were immediately dissatisfied: "Gracholu, your words are unreasonable. Our country is still unstable. How can we rashly choose war? Germany is not easy to provoke, and the Soviet Union is not easy to provoke. Over the years, the Soviet Union has been expanding abroad. When did we see the Soviets lose out? The fight between the Soviet Union and Germany should not participate."

It was the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sara Ruolu who had never supported the move to Germany.

"Don't participate? Now Germany is forcing us to participate." Gracholu said: "The Germans intend to enter the Black Sea and destroy the Soviet Black Sea Fleet. What should we do? Prevent the German Navy from entering, Sararulu, you Let's talk about it!"

If the German navy is not allowed to enter, the German navy will surely destroy Istanbul immediately. There are several landing ships in the German navy formation. If the German navy is allowed to enter, it will definitely annoy the Soviets. Turkey must make a choice!

Seeing his quarrel, Inonu didn't know what to say for a moment. Now, it's time for Turkey to make a choice.

"President, Prime Minister, German ambassador to see you." Just then, the adjutant came in and said.

The Germans finally came, and when the German warships were advancing toward the Black Sea Strait in the Aegean Sea, the German ambassador was also long overdue.

"Everyone, I'm here to convey the voice of Berlin." German Ambassador to Turkey Von Baben said: "Our navy needs the right to free navigation in the Black Sea Strait. Now, we are preparing to pass through the Black Sea Strait while sailing. Conduct military exercises, exercise content, and simulated landing."

Hearing what von Baben said, everyone present looked very ugly, and the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Numan Menemengioglu said displeasedly: "Are you demonstrating against us?"

"If you are willing to understand this way, then I can nod and admit it." Von Baben continued: "Now, we are demonstrating. For an unfriendly country, our demonstrations are still light. If you don’t understand, there will be more More severe means."

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