The Third Reich

Chapter 1313: Advantages of AIP submarines

The Stirling engine does not burn liquid fuel, but uses the helium stored in the tank to output power through a cycle of cooling, compression, heat absorption, and expansion. It does not need to be ignited, does not knock, and has equivalent noise. Low, almost the same as sailing with a battery.

At the same time, it does not directly drive the propeller at the tail, but drives a generator to power the entire boat, and at the same time power the motor at the tail to propel the submarine forward.

At this time, the Stirling engine is rotating at a slow speed, and the helium in the gas tank is constantly doing work. Until the helium is exhausted, then it can no longer sail like this. Generally speaking, that time is over. After a battle cruise, he returned to his home port.

"Accelerate to ten knots." Shepke ordered.

When the Stirling engine is fully used, it can only reach a maximum speed of five knots, and now in order to speed up the navigation, they have begun to use the electricity of the precious battery.

This submarine is improved by adding cabins to an ordinary submarine. It retains the same battery as an ordinary submarine. When needed, it can also use battery power for quiet navigation.

The speed of the five-blade propeller at the tail has been increased, but compared to the previous three-blade propeller, the speed has been greatly reduced, which makes it cause less noise and is not easy to detect.

They were originally dangling near Sevastopol, only fifty nautical miles away from the port, but now, at a speed of ten knots, they can reach the port in five hours. If they catch up with the other side and stop in the port, the ambush is The easiest.

Below the command tower, the sonarman is listening carefully to the sound in the sea.

In recent years, German electronic technology has progressed rapidly. Thanks to the miniaturization brought by transistors, sonar machines have made great progress. Now, the sonar ball on the front of the ship's bow is receiving the surrounding clutter.

Listening in the clutter and discovering the opponent's surface ships and submarines is the task of sonar soldiers.

Time passed by little by little.

Shepke looked at his own chart, and the chief officer had already marked the trajectory on it. According to his own voyage, he would be able to reach Sevastopol in two hours.

At this moment, suddenly, the sonar's brows frowned. Among the murmurs, there was a completely different voice, high frequency, regularity, and rhythm. That was the noise of the propeller!

"I found the propeller noise, about twenty nautical miles away," the sonarman said.

Twenty nautical miles away, that means that the other party has already begun to leave the port! Shepke felt that his adrenaline was secreting rapidly, and the special wet smell of diesel in the submarine made him feel so fresh.

"Rise to the depth of the periscope." Shoopk shouted.

They had been sailing at a depth of about fifty meters just now, but now, the huge submarine began to slowly raise its head, and at the same time, on the control tower, a periscope slowly rose.

If it's other submarines, they must also raise the snorkel at this time and use a short time to charge the battery. Now, they just need to raise the periscope.

At a depth of ten meters, the submarine leveled, and Schepke pushed the periscope in front of him and put his eyes up.

The sonar of this era is not advanced enough to provide torpedoes with shooting elements. Attacks on enemy warships still rely on periscopes. At the same time, they also need periscopes to confirm their targets.

When Shepke fixed his eyes on the periscope, the sea was sparkling, and the quiet moonlight sprinkled on the entire sea, and the surroundings looked very clear.

Well, the visual distance to see the outline of the enemy warship is at least three nautical miles, which is enough to identify the target.

Pushing the periscope, Schepke's feet slowly turned, and at the same time, the field of vision in the periscope was also turning. Suddenly, he was happy: "Right rudder, full speed!"

On the sea surface, you can see the flashing light, which is the navigation light that the ship turns on while sailing!

I didn't expect that the Soviets would turn on the navigation lights when they set sail in battle at this time.

After receiving the command to advance at full speed, the sailor turned the operating lever in front of him to the five forward position. As he moved, the lights of the entire boat suddenly dimmed.

They still did not turn on the diesel engine, relying solely on their own battery power and Stirling engine power to sail, the propeller at the tail accelerated to spin, pushing the water flow.

In the periscope, the target is getting closer.

The other party is sailing at high speed. In this case, it is impossible for them to find the submarine underwater. But just in case, they still did not start the noisy diesel engine. At the highest speed, their electricity will be Consume quickly, and when you get there, you may have half of the electricity left.

If it is an ordinary submarine, no captain dares to do this. After all, the most precious thing for a submarine is electricity. If more than half of the electricity is consumed, you have to think about charging at any time.

But the current AIP submarines are no longer needed. They can use their Stirling engines underwater at any time, without risking their way up to the snorkel state. If they really encounter a large number of enemy anti-submarine operations, they will sit quietly. After sinking to the bottom of the sea, waiting for the other person to leave, if he can persist for a week, he is more persevering than anyone.

Now, U-100 has no scruples. They are sailing at a high speed at a depth of ten meters underwater, getting closer and closer to each other.

"Left rudder one, stop, and prepare to enter the ambush position." Shepke continued to give orders.

If submarines want to attack surface, they must pay attention to strategy. For example, the torpedoes used by submarines are mainly direct torpedoes. In this case, the largest projection area is required. To hit is to hit the opponent's side.

Therefore, if the submarine wants to attack, it must occupy the attacking position in advance and set up an ambush on the opponent's expected channel.

Now, the propeller at the tail of the submarine stopped rotating, and the entire hull began to decelerate. The rudder surface moved, and the submarine slowly rotated its nearly 2,000-ton body to occupy the preset attack position.

Shepke's eyes were constantly staring at the periscope, and the warship that came out gradually showed its outline. After seeing it clearly under the moonlight, Shepke was immediately excited.

Whatever you want, it is the only battleship in the Black Sea Fleet!

That battleship looked so majestic. At the same time, the most exciting thing was that it was a lonely ship, and there were no escorting warships nearby.

"Continuous noise, a large number of warships were dispatched from ten nautical miles away," the sonarman said.

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