The Third Reich

Chapter 1315: Acoustic torpedo

The opponent has already left his shooting position. If Shepke continues to maneuver now, it is possible to continue to successfully seize the position, but just now, all four torpedoes have missed and he has no hope.

Because he has other trump cards in his hand.

Following Schepke's order, the propeller at the tail spun again at high speed. While waiting for the fighter plane, the Stirling engine was still working at rated power, and the excess electricity was stored in the battery.

Now, the accumulator and the Stirling engine have once again provided surging power to the submarine. As soon as the submarine is advancing at full speed, the propeller at the tail immediately spins at high speed, stirring the sea, and the hull begins to accelerate.

The soldiers in the torpedo bay in front began to reload the torpedoes in the accelerating submarine. This T4 torpedo uses electric propulsion, but there is no need to set various parameters such as depth setting. Just turn on the switch and activate the seeker. Up.

Compared with other torpedoes, it has more sophisticated electronic equipment. At the same time, the head of its torpedo is made of a special material, which can transmit sound!

At this time, the former Paris Commune was still sailing normally, and did not realize that it had escaped the attack of four torpedoes by the ocean current, and almost every torpedo could send it to the bottom of the sea.

The propeller at the tail spins, stirring the sea, making a rustling sound.


As the torpedo tube was reopened, the high-pressure air ejected the two torpedoes. The propeller at the tail of the torpedo began to rotate, superimposing the submarine’s own speed to make it reach a speed of 30 knots. At this time, it was at least away from the target. Two kilometers away, its head was directly facing the opponent's propeller, and the noise there was clearly transmitted to its head.

In the first air deflector, a precise rubber film receiving device converts the sound into an electrical signal, and transmits it to the control circuit that follows it. The circuit controls the steering gear of the tail, tightly towards the noisy one. Go in the direction!

"Stop the propeller and keep silent." Shepke continued to give orders. This was the first actual combat of this torpedo. He didn't know if he could hit it, but he knew that this torpedo was quite terrifying.

The previous torpedoes were all direct navigation torpedoes. In fact, they were no different from snipers hitting the enemy. It was just a well-designed encounter. Now, this torpedo is different because it can sail autonomously!

Similar to missiles, they can adjust their position at any time during the movement, so as to hit the target more accurately, but the German missiles are still manually controlled, similar to the model airplane, and this torpedo is different. Completely self-directed.

This is the latest acoustic torpedo developed by German technicians over the course of several years!

In history, Germany developed it in 43 years, and at almost the same time, the United States also had similar torpedo projects. Now, with the continuous maturity of German electronic technology, especially the advantages of circuit miniaturization brought by transistors, finally , This mature torpedo, just appeared.

However, this is also dangerous. If it does not find the target, it will enter the autonomous search stage according to the design, and it may turn around and attack the submarine that launched it.

Therefore, the current U-100 immediately stopped its movement after launching this torpedo to prevent it from being hit by mistake.

The torpedo is constantly receiving the noise signal from the front, and it firmly locks the target warship, getting closer and closer.

When it was a few meters away from the target, it suddenly went downstream and got directly below the opponent. This is the default method. Contact explosion is worse than close to the bottom to explode. The impact of sea water is more powerful.

Then, the electric signal triggered the electric detonator.


The huge explosion sound suddenly appeared, and the sound echoed from the whole ship, stimulating everyone's eardrums. At this time, the entire Paris Commune did not realize that they had been attacked.

"No, there is a problem with our boiler." At the moment of the explosion, Nicholas said loudly: "Quickly, damage the tube, how is our boiler?"

Since there was a problem with the boiler during the voyage, and they had been repaired during the voyage, they tried to reignite their boiler just now, but the explosion happened.

This is simply a coincidence.

"Boom!" A second explosion came, and with the sound of the explosion, the hull began to slowly tilt.

It wasn't until this second explosion that Nikolai felt bad. The sound seemed to come from the bottom of the ship instead of the boiler behind!

"Reported that the boiler room was intact and no damage occurred."

Not a boiler room, what is that? The shells of the naval gun? torpedo? Hit a mine, or suffered an attack?

"Reported that a big hole appeared in the bottom of the rear hull, and the water is entering rapidly!"

The bottom of the hull? Nikolai frowned, he had a premonition that was bad.

It’s okay for your own battleship to carry a few large-caliber artillery shells, but you are absolutely afraid of damage from the bottom of the ship.

"Quick, rescue our warship!" Nikolai shouted: "Report to the fleet that we have been attacked!"

Just after he said this sentence, suddenly, the whole ship went black.

The water has entered too quickly, the water has flooded into the engine room, and the generator has stopped supplying power!

Two torpedoes, each carrying 400 kilograms of warhead charge, exploded at the bottom of the ship, exploding a big hole in the bottom of the Paris Commune, and the sea was rushing in.

The Soviet sailors showed fearlessness at this moment, took a deep breath, and dived into the bottom of the ship, but when they saw the size of the opening, they knew that it was irretrievable.

"Wow..." After spitting out a mouthful of sea water, the sailor came out and shouted to the person above: "No, it's too big, we can't stop it!"

The stern of the battleship of more than 20,000 tons quickly entered the water, so that the bow of the ship was gradually raised. In the moonlight, this battleship was experiencing the last scene of its life.

"Awesome!" At this time, in the U-100 submarine, Schepke quickly pressed the shutter and took this photo from the periscope. As evidence of his battle, he obtained the first battleship of his own. Sink the result!

"Should we make another shot?" the deputy captain asked him.

"No, we are sailing forward. The Soviets' subsequent warships will soon arrive. We continue to ambush them on their route! Before dawn, we will achieve new results." Shepke said: " Three on the right, at full speed."

On the sea, the huge hull of the battleship Paris Commune gradually tilted. Although it tried its best to rescue it, the battleship slid into the abyss step by step.

What made them unwilling most was that they didn't see their opponents until they sank completely, and they didn't even know how they sank.

On the bridge, a hand-cranked generator was transmitting electricity to the radio, and a radio wave was finally transmitted back before the sinking of the Paris Commune.

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