The Third Reich

Chapter 1322: Misinformation

Only by learning about war in war can we win this war.

When the Germans destroyed the main force of the Soviet air force on the western front at the beginning of the war, and when the German bombers could level a city, the Soviets also began to reflect.

Their planes are no longer deployed in a few obvious aviation bases, but in some humble small villages.

At this time, the robustness and roughness of the Soviet fighters became an advantage.

For example, the German fighter jets are getting faster and faster, but the requirements on the airport are getting higher and higher. If there is no smooth runway, then the FW190 will not be able to take off normally. As for the latest jet fighters, which are still top secret, it is even more It requires an asphalt runway or a concrete runway.

The Soviet Union is no longer necessary. Just level the ground in the wild and use the tractor to pull the mill back and forth several times, and the runway will be completed.

It's okay even if there are some potholes.

In normal times, these airports hidden in the countryside are not conspicuous at all. Even after a rain, the runway will be covered with dense green grass, which is even more indistinguishable from the sky.

It is no longer possible for Germany to easily destroy the Soviet aviation base to destroy their air power.

Now, just northeast of Sevastopol, outside a small village in Bakhchisaray, at the end of the grass-green runway, SB-2 bombers have uncovered their camouflage nets.

Since they are temporary field bases, almost all of these bases only have runways, and then arrange anti-aircraft artillery positions at suitable locations. Fuel is delivered by fuel vehicles, and a few tents are used as towers. There is not much at all. The building, there is no hangar.

Soviet aircraft are often exposed to the outside, and there is nothing wrong with the wind and sun. Now they are covered with camouflage nets, just to avoid detection by German reconnaissance aircraft.

Now that the German fleet has been spotted, they are about to bomb it immediately!

"Ready to take off!" The pilots, who had been waiting impatiently, ran out of the tent on the side, quickly ran towards their bomber, and soon got on their own plane.

Start the engine!

The pilot Alexander flipped the switches, and with the help of the ground power vehicle, the engine on one side roared, followed by the engine on the other side.

The engines on both sides were already started. He slowly pushed the throttle from the idle state to the take-off state. The various gauges showed normal, and he could not wait to release the brake.

The bomber bumped a few times on the earthy runway, and the speed was getting faster and faster. With the roar of the engine, the bomber quickly took off from the runway.

"We flew to airspace No. 16 and are ready to join other forces." Alexander shouted.

The decentralized deployment made it difficult for the Germans to find them, but at the same time, the decentralized deployment also caused new problems in their formation assembly. After all, there were not too many aircraft in each base, when they needed to assemble on a large scale. , It needs more preparation.

To bomb the German fleet, the fuel tactic is the most inappropriate. All the bomber units must be assembled for a large-scale bombing, just like the German air raid on Scarpa Bay.

Behind Alexander, the second bomber also pulled up. The third bomber was still running on the runway. At this moment, the sound of radio on the ground came from the headset.

"Attention, intelligence is wrong, cancel the attack plan, and return immediately."

Intelligence error? Alexander was confused.

In order to avoid being attacked by the Germans and unable to pass the information back, after discovering the Romanian fleet on the sea, the 223 bomber immediately sent a message back.

At the same time, they continued to risk flying forward. In Stoloka's field of vision, the fleet was constantly expanding. When he saw it clearly, he was immediately stunned.

It was not a German fleet at all, but a transportation fleet. The deck was flat, and it was a large oil tanker that he had identified as an aircraft carrier. From a distance, it was not clear at all.

Romania was originally an oil-producing country, and a lot of their crude oil was also transported by sea. I did not expect that I had made such a serious mistake!

Storoka quickly continued to report, investigating the error, and did not find the German fleet!

They didn't find anything, so of course they couldn't let their bombers take off. The bombers took off. Where are they going to bomb? Can't you blow up these tankers?

The bombers flew reluctantly over these tankers flying the Romanian flag. At this time, they had not realized a problem.

Uncharacteristically, it is a demon. When these Romanian oil tankers appeared, the location was really a coincidence. This was definitely intentional!

And they are just worrying about another question, where is the German formation?

The mighty formation of Germany, when passing through the Black Sea Strait, looks so huge, but when it enters the Black Sea, it becomes a few inconspicuous small dots. The sea is a natural barrier, and Germany The fleet is hidden.

They continued to search north, but found nothing.

Time passed by little by little. For the Soviets, this was a time of great suffering. Where did the German navy hide?

"The Soviets cannot find us." At this time, on the battleship Stuttgart, Captain Hans von Fredberg said: "General, you are so wise."

After passing through the Black Sea Strait, it was already afternoon. Their fleet was facing Sevastopol before dark, but after dark, the entire fleet immediately came with a full right rudder and sailed eastward at full speed. Before dawn, they had reached the eastern part of the Black Sea and the northern part of Turkey.

This sea area was absolutely unexpected for the Soviets. They would only search in the western part of the Black Sea, and of course they would get nothing.

With a sly smile on Lieutenant General William Marshall's face, this was his most proud battle.

Historically, Marshal was known for his cunning operations. At that time, he carried out the "Northern Patrol" operation to break through the British Royal Navy's blockade of the Iceland-Faro Channel; at the same time, he also sank the "Rawalpindi" of the British Royal Navy. The US auxiliary cruiser When the British Admiralty issued an order to deploy warships from various sea areas to encircle and suppress the Germans, he led the fleet to play a game of mice and cats, and successively broke through the two days of British patrols. The cordon returned to Wilhelmshaven smoothly.

A few months later, he even led the two ships "Scharnhorst" and "Gneisenau" to sink the British aircraft carrier "Glory". It can be seen that he is also an excellent commander with outstanding merits.

It's a pity that people like him didn't do well in the officialdom. They were accused of being arbitrary and resigned.

And now, with Cyric's favor and appointment as the commander of this operation, of course he has to turn the Black Sea upside down.

It was his idea to use a submarine to attack the opponent's fleet. After all, he came from a submarine force. In World War I, he was awarded the Blue Marx Medal when he was the commander of the UB105 submarine.

And now, they play hide-and-seek in a circle like this, in fact, they are waiting for an opportunity for the Soviet aviation to expose their base! Now, just waiting for the exact coordinate data.

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