The Third Reich

Chapter 1327: Discovery of seaplane

On the vast sea, blue waves were rippling, and Ke Kelin was driving his seaplane, still continuing to investigate.

The sea, the sea and the sky are the same color, for a long time, it is easy to make people dizzy, and there may even be situations where the sea is regarded as the sky, and space obstacles appear.

Now Koklin feels this way.

His eyes gradually blurred. In the blue sky, it seemed to have become the sea of ​​last night. He watched a battleship on his side was sunk and watched the crew fall into the sea. As his battleship was sinking slowly, the feeling made him unable to speak. In short, he was very depressed.

From last night to now, his mental state is very bad, and now, after more than half an hour of flying, his illusion gradually appeared.

At this time, he seemed to see a bright spot on the sea, what was it? Facing the bright spot, he wanted to fly over, and the machine gunner in the back seat shouted: "Be careful, German fighter!"

Kokolin shook his head vigorously, and finally regained consciousness. He just regarded the sky as the sea, and the bright spot was actually a German fighter!

In this sea area, German fighter jets appeared. What does that mean?

The German warship is nearby!

"Red Caucasus, Red Caucasus, No. 1 seaplane encountered a German carrier-based fighter jet, near 41 degrees north latitude and 36 degrees east longitude!" Koklin called on the radio while pushing the joystick to turn the plane over and change it. Into the normal state, then dive down.

The seaplane has two wings. Although the speed is improved compared to the previous HE55, it is too slow compared to the German fighter. Since it has been encountered, it must be impossible to run. The only way is to lean Avoid low altitude and low speed.

Yes, when fighters start to pursue higher and faster speeds, they can only be slower and lower if they want to avoid the blows of these fighters.

The seaplane dived down and pulled up almost until it reached the surface of the water, and in the sky, the FW190 had already dived down.

To eliminate all threats is to **** fighter jets on duty. When navigating in dangerous seas, you must ensure that at least four fighter jets patrol your fleet, and at least extend the defensive circle beyond one hundred nautical miles.

And now, this FW190 was on patrol and found this small seaplane, and the pilot An Cruz immediately flew towards it.

At this time, the two sides were flying head-to-head. When An Cruz was diving, he expected that the other side would be difficult to deal with.

"Da da da!" The machine gun on An Cruz's nose fired, and only hit the sea in front of the opponent, and the two sides had passed by!

An Cruz turned in the airspace ahead, and then, when he turned around, he found that the tiny seaplane was not found!

Where did the other party fly?

An Cruz drove his FW190 with the throttle reduced to the lowest level. After searching for two minutes, he finally found the other party. The Soviets were so cunning. Their planes were all painted blue, and the sea was almost the same color. It is not easy to spot it when looking down from above.

Moreover, unlike An Cruz's expected direction, the other party did not return home, but turned a turn and rushed toward the direction he came from!

Of course Kokolin knew that he was in great danger now, but he kept his mission in mind even more and found the German maritime formation!

I have seen the opponent’s carrier aircraft, and the opponent’s aircraft carrier must also be in this area, but the combat radius of the carrier aircraft is very large, and it may be beyond the line of sight of the water. Therefore, it must rely on him. He must observe the opponent’s surface fleet!

Cocolin bravely drove his seaplane and continued to move forward. At this time, An Cruz behind him had slowly approached from behind.

The FW190 is a fighter in the entire airspace. Its minimum speed is more than 180 kilometers per hour. Otherwise, it would have stalled and crashed. The biplane in front actually flies to 90 kilometers per hour. It can be exceeded.

In this way, An Cruz cautiously approached the seaplane while almost stalling, and the machine gunner in the back seat of the seaplane had already fired a dense rain of bullets at him.

The two-person flight system has this advantage. The machine gunner in the back seat can take care of the rear hemisphere that the pilot can’t take care of. After An Cruz entered the position of the tail biting attack, he had to give up the attack again. Advanced Fighting fighters against the lagging seaplanes actually feels at a loss.

How to do? An Cruz is thinking in his heart that various attack plans are very difficult to work with the plane in front of him, the reason is actually because the opponent is flying too slowly, too low!

The most effective attack method is to attack from the back and bottom of the opponent. It is impossible now. It is already the sea. Except for the back and bottom, all other rear hemisphere directions will be controlled by the opponent's backseat machine gunner.

If you attack from the front, because the opponent's speed is too slow, the active halo of his sight is not set well, and it is not easy to hit without a proper advance.

For a moment, he actually felt a dilemma.

"076, I'll attack." Just then, a voice came from the headset.

An Cruz turned his head and looked behind him. Another FW190 fighter flew up. This was his friend plane. It took off and patrolled together. It just flew in different directions. After finding that there was a problem on his side, Came here immediately.

Then, under the wing of the friendly plane, there are two sets of circular objects mounted. When he saw this thing, Ancruston relaxed. Yes, you should use this thing to greet each other!

Empty rocket!

Now ground artillery is equipped with Cyric pipe organs. This multi-barreled rocket launcher is devastating to the enemy and makes the enemy shudder.

At the same time, the Navy and Air Force also hope to bring these things up.

The air force first entered the practical state, this multi-tube air-to-air rocket!

It is not big in size, only about one meter in length and 57 mm in diameter. Compared with the layout of the slide rail, it uses a more advanced launch tube. Nine launch tubes form a launch nest. When it fires together , Very spectacular.

This kind of equipment was prepared to intercept enemy bombers, and now, the seaplane used to fight this silly seaplane is a little overkill, but the effect is definitely very good!

Regardless of your low speed and low altitude, this kind of rocket is a weapon that kills face-to-face, as long as it is covered by it, all will be killed!

At this time, pilot Christie drove his fighter plane, came to the back of the opponent, held steady, ready to fire!

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