The Third Reich

Chapter 1358: Detour

The Soviets deployed many lines of defense along the forward route of the Romanian army, blocking layer by layer, and engaged in repeated tug-of-wars. In many cases, they were occupied by the Romanian army during the day and retaken at night, everywhere. It is blood, sacrifices everywhere.

However, they did not notice that the Germans actually found a shortcut. After crossing the hospital, they found a road that can quickly lead to the reservoir, and on this road, almost no one defended!

The Tiger tank rumbling forward. Behind them, only a small group of Romanian soldiers followed. Most of the Romanian soldiers were in this hospital building, fighting against the Soviets. The battle is extremely fierce.

"Boom!" The door of a room was kicked open. The Romanian soldier threw a grenade in his hand at the moment of kicking it open.

Although this is a hospital, since it is used as a stronghold by the Soviets, it is no longer a hospital but a battlefield. It is the mission of the Romanian soldiers to eliminate everyone here.

I almost heard the sound of the grenade landing, and someone inside picked it up and threw it out!

The smoking grenade was almost at the foot, and the Romanian soldiers were shocked. At this time, they had no time to retreat. The grenade exploded in a small space and the result was disastrous.

At this moment, a Romanian soldier took the gun upside down, using his wooden butt, just like playing a golf ball, and hit the grenade directly.

"Boom!" The grenade exploded almost as soon as it flew into the room.

The Romanian soldiers rushed in through the smoke of the explosion, and their submachine guns fired violently into it. There could be no more alive here.

This room is considered clean.

Just when they wanted to continue to clear the next room, a soldier by the window suddenly screamed and fell, followed by the second and third.

There is a sniper outside the window!

The Romanian soldiers were not afraid. The outside here was empty, there was only one big tree, and the opponent's sniper must be hiding in the big tree!

The machine gunner quickly ran up and put the machine gun on the window. Just showing his head, he also fell backwards, and then someone came up from behind, continued to pick up the machine gun, pulled the bolt, and fired violently outside!

The big tree was beaten to pieces, countless leaves and branches were being crushed, and a sniper wearing a camouflage net and almost integrated with the big tree fell directly from the tree.

When she came down, her leg was already crooked and twisted. She endured the pain and wanted to move to another position next to her. However, the opponent's machine gun bullets had already followed her foot.

She was still running, and in the next second, there was a piercing pain in her calf. As soon as she tilted, her body fell to the ground, her head hit a stone, and she passed out.

Romanian soldiers ran over and pointed a gun at her.

If it is an ordinary Soviet soldier, they will continue to fill their guns without hesitation, but this is a sniper and a valuable target.

They didn't shoot immediately, one of the squad leaders lowered his head and opened the other's body.

A delicate face appeared in front of him, and he was suddenly surprised: "It's a woman!"

In the Soviet army, women have indeed joined the army, but most of them are logistics, and not many are on the battlefield. There are few specialized snipers.

Soviet female soldier, tut.

The tiger tank continued to advance, and soon the huge reservoir could be seen in the sight.

"In order to make this valuable target disappear, I suggest destroying the reservoir." Hans said: "Now, from us, with only two grenades, the reservoir can be blasted into a big opening and the inside All the fresh water flows away, even if we did not seize the reservoir, it is considered to have completed the task."

If you want to seize it, you have to pay even greater sacrifices. Especially now, there are not many Romanian soldiers near the tank. If they rush up, it is easy to be ambushed by the opponent's anti-tank. It's easier, especially from your current perspective, it's simply a perfect opportunity.

"Approve, destroy the reservoir immediately." Zwidi said.

In the sight, the reservoir is so wide that it is not difficult to hit it, but the most suitable position must be found so that it can be optimized.

Of course it is the bottom of the reservoir! A big hole was blasted from there, and even the upper part could be blown up directly. In this way, the entire reservoir was scrapped.

There is another location, of course, the pipeline above the reservoir. There is a pump room there. The water in the city is delivered through this pump room.

The reservoir can be repaired if it is blown up, but if the pump room is blown up, it will be impossible to pump water in a short period of time. The effect is the same.

"Boom!" The Tiger tank opened fire. The 88mm high-explosive grenade traversed a slightly curved trajectory that was almost straight and hit the bottom of the reservoir accurately.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, and the high-explosive grenade lifted the upper bricks of the reservoir. In an instant, the cistern more than ten meters high split a large opening several meters wide, and the bottom part was blown up. , The opening is more than ten meters wide!

The precious fresh water rushed outward, onto the ground, and into the drain.

"No!" The Soviet soldiers yelled in the water in the cistern ran out, they would have no fresh water to drink!

"Quick, close the gap, be quick!" shouted the officer in charge of guarding here.

A soldier jumped down desperately, but was washed away by the water in an instant, but then someone jumped down. A dozen people held hands and blocked each other to prevent the fresh water from continuing to flow away. At the same time, there were others. I started to find weeds, wood planks and so on. I plan to throw them down and block the holes first.

"Boom!" The second grenade flew. The Soviet soldiers, who were struggling to block the gap, watched the pump room next to the reservoir fly into the sky. The pump room that was still rumbling just now stopped instantly. After the roar, there is no water pump, no diesel engine that drives it, all have been blown up, only half of the water pipe is flowing backwards.

"Third shot, aim at the gap and expand the result." Zwidi ordered.

"Understood." Hans looked at the Soviet soldiers who lined up the wall and blocked the gap. Hans admired them, and the highest way to respect and admire the enemy on the battlefield is to send them to the sky.

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