The Third Reich

Chapter 1366: Gasoline mixed with diesel

"These people here have problems." When returning to the tent on the side, Hans whispered, "They are not ours."

Suddenly I heard Mark stunned: "How did you know?"

The State Security Administration does not even need to show documents when it comes to asking people. For Battalion Commander Mark, this is not his job. He is a soldier and is fighting. Interrogating prisoners should be handed over to professionals.

Although it was a bit anxious, if they were coming by plane, it would be almost the same, so Mark didn't doubt it, but now Hans has discovered the problem, a small detail.

"Because there is rust on their buttons." Hans whispered: "The officers' uniforms of the major are made of stainless steel. The buttons are not rusty at all. Their uniforms are forged in order to be able to rescue these prisoners. , I speculate that among these female prisoners, there is still more important identity, which we have not discovered."

Hans has a unique vision and careful thinking, and even Battalion Commander Mark admires him. If he said that, it is true that he had just neglected and was almost rescued by others.

"Then what shall we do next?" Mark said.

Hans glanced at the car and said, "Next, it's very simple, find a fuel car and fuel him! They want to leave us, they must need fuel, fuel him, he will not refuse of."

Come on? Isn't this helping them? Mark looked at Hans puzzledly, and soon there was a light in his eyes, um, yes, just do it!

Almost everyone went to untie the female prisoners and escorted them into the car. On this ordinary Ford ten-wheel off-road truck, only one driver was left guarding.

At this time, the driver was very nervous, his eyes kept looking around, and then he became even more nervous. A truck was driving towards him!

At the back of the truck, there is a big oil tank. This is a tank truck. What is the other party doing?

The driver watched the truck slowly move over, and at the same time, the major had ran over quickly.

"Hello, do you need fuel?" The driver of the tanker asked the driver here.

The driver was suddenly embarrassed. He didn't speak German and didn't know what the other party was saying!

At this moment, the major came over: "What did you just say?"

"If you need fuel, I can add fuel to you, otherwise, I will drive away. I need to continue to the train station to pick up new fuel."

"Thank you very much. We are in need of fuel." The major said, "Thank you for providing us with fuel."

The driver of the tanker got out of the car and stuffed the fuel pipe behind his fuel tank directly into the fuel tank of the Ford off-road truck. When he turned on the fuel pump, a smell of gasoline came out.

The fuel truck is very efficient. It takes less than a minute to fill it up.

At this moment, a famous prisoner was being escorted onto the truck. Yelena glanced at the major here, her eyelids still beating frantically.

The major did not stare at her, and seemed to be afraid of exposing anything. The major silently watched the fuel car slowly leaving his field of vision. With the fuel, he could easily drive out of Odessa. Cross the line of fire, detour to the Communist International Village in the northeast, and leave the war zone from there.

Unexpectedly, this bold action of his own was successful so easily, and it was the best plan to impersonate their secret police.

Seeing everyone in the car, and then looking at the tent over there, there was a snoring noise. It seems that the German tankers are also exhausted these days.

He waved to the two Romanian soldiers guarding nearby, signalling them to remove the barricade and set off.

He got into the passenger seat of the cab from the right.

"Hum, hum." The driver pressed the start button, and while the motor was idling, he heard another sound.

"Boom, boom boom." The engine in front, as if it had eaten explosives, actually knocked loudly in the cylinder!

Impossible, how is this possible?

The machinery made in Germany is quite strong and durable. This stolen car was fine after driving for hundreds of kilometers. How could this situation suddenly appear now?

what the **** is it?

The major on the other side frowned. He got out of the car, looked at the exhaust pipe of the engine, and shouted, "Re-ignite."

"Boom, boom!" He could clearly watch the flames, bursting out of the exhaust pipe, and even a puff of smoke coming out of the air inlet.

Suddenly, he felt his temples beating suddenly, and he cried out inwardly.

With so many female prisoners, if there is no car, you can't run away, but now, this car is out of order!

This was an oversight that made him intolerable, so he was careless!

There is not much fuel in his vehicle. In order to leave better, he certainly would not refuse to refuel. The problem lies in this refueling.

This kind of car uses a six-cylinder diesel engine with high torque and low fuel consumption. It has been widely used and has formed a complete industrial chain. In Europe, I don’t know how many companies are supplying this kind of car. Parts are provided, and some parts are exactly the same as those of German tank engines, which greatly reduces German manufacturing costs.

And a prerequisite is that this is a diesel car, but the just added is gasoline!

Gasoline engine is different from diesel engine. Gasoline engine has a low ignition point, so the compression ratio is not high. It is ignited with a spark plug, while diesel engine has a high ignition point and has a high compression ratio. It is enough to inject fuel at the end of the compression stroke.

But now, if the diesel is mixed with gasoline, there will be knocking. When the compression stroke is not over, the injector starts to inject fuel. This is to make the piston just atomize when the piston reaches the top dead center. Diesel fully occupies all combustion chambers to achieve the best results.

But now, the sprayed gasoline burns instantly, which is called knocking, which will seriously damage the piston connecting rod and even cause the engine to be scrapped.

This car can't be started. If the Germans did this deliberately, it means that their identity has been exposed!

How to do?

Without this car, these fighters might retreat, but they would certainly not be able to take these lesbians away. Thinking about Yelena might still fall into the clutches of these enemies, he was heartbroken.

No, we must find a way!

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