The Third Reich

Chapter 1391: Semi-automatic control

There is never a lack of sexual thoughts in the head of Führer Cyric, and every one of his thoughts is the best and the easiest to become reality.

If you listen to the thoughts of Führer Cyric, you will feel your own shortcomings. The Führer Cyric proposes that they can be solved by using existing technology. It is such a good idea. It is exactly what she is researching. I was struggling to dream, but I couldn't find it.

Hearing Cyric said that there was a new idea, everyone present pricked their ears. As for Dr. Kalemer, he even directly took out a small notebook, intending to quickly write down the head of Cyric's thoughts.

"Using the joystick is just our first-generation missile combat method. The second-generation missile must be semi-automatically controlled. In other words, the shooter’s task is to aim at the target, and then the missile will fly according to the target specified by the shooter. In the past, the adjustment of missile flight was completely automatic."

The goal that Cyric put forward is of course what all technicians hope.

The history of later generations is the same. Germany completed the research and development of the Little Red Riding Hood anti-tank missile before the end of World War II. After the war, out of fear of the Soviet armor torrent, European countries began to invest in the research of anti-tank missiles.

Britain’s “vigilance”, Switzerland/West Germany’s “Cobra”, Sweden’s “Bantham”, etc. Among them, SS10/11 studied by the French was the earliest and most influential.

It can be said that this first-generation missile was considered a success, allowing infantry to kill enemy tanks at a long distance. However, the United States gave up the first-generation anti-tank missiles and only purchased a large number of French SS10/SS11 missiles as test samples. .

In this way, many people in democratic countries are unhappy. At that time, many lawmakers accused the Army of "rapidly" giving up a powerful weapon.

In the face of such doubts, the military’s solution is to invite a few of the most popular "sting-head congressmen" to observe the launch of the SS11. Anyone who has observed the missile test will instantly overwhelm the impression of the missile.

This thing is simply joking!

It is not so much a missile as it is a large model airplane. The operator uses the joystick to control the aiming frame to lock the target, transmit data to the missile to control the trajectory, and finally hit the target. This is how the later generations controlled the drone to hit the target.

During these tens of seconds, the shooter must maintain a high level of concentration, and the missile will be out of control if it is not careful. Because the altitude is very low, it is easy to fall on the ground. At the same time, the smoke and flames of the missile will expose the shooter. The target will also affect the shooter's observation.

In actual flight, it will go up and down, left and right, and it is doing irregular Brownian motion. It depends on luck to hit the target!

Therefore, the Americans simply ignored this and jumped over to take the initiative.

Under the technical conditions of World War II, the use of joystick control is in line with the characteristics of this era. This is why Cyric agreed to the first generation of missiles to enter the military service.

But this can only be a foreshadowing, the most suitable solution is to come up with a semi-automatic one!

Semi-automatic means that during the launch process, the shooter still has to aim at the target until the missile hits. If it is fully automatic, then it will be ignored after launching, and the personnel can retreat after launching the missile.

Now Cyric has proposed semi-automatic control. If this is possible, it would of course be the best, but is it possible?

In everyone's eyes, this is whimsical. As long as you aim at the target, the missile can fly according to its own aim, and everything is adjusted by the internal equipment itself?

Even Dr. Kalemer only dared to think about it when he was dreaming.

But now, Cyric has proposed it, and everyone knows that since he has proposed it, he must have more specific ideas.

"Everyone thinks, for missiles, how to adjust if you want to hit the target?" Cyric asked.

Kalemer certainly has the most say, he immediately said: "Of course it is to adjust the angle to keep the missile on the correct course."

The shooting process is actually very simple. It is to make the three points of the scope, the missile and the tank in a straight line. This is the same as using the notch, the front sight and the bullseye to aim in a line when shooting. on-line.

If the missile deviates from the line of sight, the shooter manipulates the handle on the controller to change the angle of the missile and return to the line of sight.

"Yes, it is to adjust the angle." Cyric said: "We have added an infrared transmitter to the tail of the missile. On our console, we have an additional receiving device to form an infrared goniometer, so that it can be used in the missile. During the flight, the angle of the missile’s deviation from the line of sight is automatically measured."

For semi-automatic missiles, the most important thing is the infrared goniometer. With the development of German electronic technology, transistors can be produced in large quantities, and the performance is particularly stable. In this way, the new automatic control circuit can also be completed.

For designers, many times it is just one click, but Cyric’s click is definitely just right.

In front of Kalemer's eyes, there seemed to be a flying missile. There was a small infrared transmitter at the tail of the missile. In his own receiving system, he could clearly measure the angle of the missile's deviation from the line of sight.

Then, use the circuit again to change the deviation angle into an operation command, and pass it to the missile in front, let the missile control the steering surface to turn, and finally fly to the target!

In fact, it is equivalent to turning the manual control joystick into an automatic control. In this way, there is no need to train the shooter to operate, as long as you can use it.

The complexity of the system is greatly improved, but the complexity of the user is greatly reduced.

"Of course, this is just an idea of ​​mine. There may be many difficulties in it. I hope everyone can overcome the difficulties and realize this kind of semi-automatically controlled missile as soon as possible." Cyric said at last.

"Yes, Head Cyrek, we will not disappoint your expectations." The unspoken Kalemer said so many things that made Dr. Langeweiler curious.

"Head Sirek, you said semi-automatic control, can the missile still be fully automatic?" Dr. Langweiler asked suddenly.

"Of course." Cyric said: "Compared with semi-automatic control, fully automatic is more difficult. This is also the direction we will focus on in the future. For example, in airborne missiles, it is not appropriate for us to use a joystick. It is not appropriate to adopt the current method. We need to use new methods."

Dr. Kalemer listened more carefully.

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