The Third Reich

Chapter 1397: Ran away from the circle

General Weber was not so stupid. He went out to chase the retreating enemies. For him, the most important thing was to occupy the city. He came to this goal in the first place.

As for those who retreat, other troops will naturally pursue them, and it is not their turn to pursue them.

The Soviets retreated.

In the past, the German army faced off on both sides of the river in the city, and the German army did not succeed in several storms, but now, when they cross the river again, there is nothing on the opposite side.

Leohard's troops passed by paddling a rubber dinghy. The opposite side was empty. They all retreated last night?

Leohard’s people went ashore, and immediately moved quickly towards the city, occupying those vital departments!

At the same time, the news of the Soviets' breakthrough was quickly reported upward.

Just behind the encirclement, Guderian was thinking about the map.

The Soviets ran away, and when their encirclement was about to close, they ran away!

This kind of encirclement tactic has long been tried and tested. From the beginning of the war to the present, more than one million Soviet troops have disappeared in their own encirclement, but this time, it suddenly failed.

"The Soviets have already figured out our style of play." Klug said: "Our encirclement is too big this time, and our troops are somewhat insufficient. In the swamp area, our troops are not easy to expand, especially due to the tenacity of the Soviets. Resistance caused the encirclement to be unable to close the encirclement for a long time. As a result, the Soviets broke through from our unclosed opening."

In the past, the Soviets did not adapt to their own style of play and wanted to fight on their own. However, after being surrounded, they broke through separately and fell under their own impact.

But now, the Soviets have stabilized from the initial panic, they played in a decent way, and they can actually break through directly when disadvantaged!

Guderian also had a big appetite, and the encirclement was too big this time, resulting in insufficient local forces, especially the swamps here, which made their advance quite slow.

"Order our air force to search for the breakout troops immediately. In order to break through the siege, they even threw away heavy weapons. They must not run far. The air force delayed their actions. Our third armored group moved forward quickly. Surround and annihilate them in the movement!"

Germany still has a strong air power. Using the HS129 in the air is enough to cause a lot of trouble for their retreating troops, and then ground troops will catch up and continue to eat them.

"Order the second armored group to end the battle of Smolensk, and immediately head south, ready to encircle Kiev with the Southern Route Army." Guderian continued to give orders.

They also have a new tactic, which is to go south to reinforce the Southern Route Army and encircle Kiev!

From this experience, if there are not enough troops in the encirclement, the enemy will still be able to break through and run away. Only Manstein’s own army in the south cannot complete this task.

The Central Route Army went south and caught them off guard!

Just doing this, I don’t know if it will be the Northern Army Corps that is the first to hit Moscow! Guderian looked at the map and shook his head. He didn't care about fame, he had enough reputation, and now he only cares about victory!

In this way, it is easy to have cover. They only think that their side is advancing all the way to the east. Who knows that their powerful legion has gone south, and they were caught off guard!

The German army was also swiftly responding. At this time, outside the encirclement, the Soviet troops that broke out were quickly retreating to the east.

The 24th Army.

At the beginning, Timothy had come to four armies, intending to encircle and eat a German armored division from the outside. As a result, there was no progress in fighting more and less, and then, there was a large number of them on their periphery. The German army came up and surrounded them.

Since then, their lives have been difficult. Seeing Smolensk being completely surrounded by Germans little by little, their hearts sank.

Fortunately, the order to retreat finally arrived. In order to avoid being surrounded by the Germans, Comrade Stalin issued the order to retreat.

Fortunately, they also found a path in the swamp!

This is the territory of the Soviets. They have a geographical advantage, they are familiar with the environment here, and there are locals in the group army.

Stiav, a soldier in the 73rd Infantry Division of the 52nd Army of the 24th Army, is holding a long bamboo pole, exploring the way forward.

The bamboo pole plunged into the swamp, testing the depth of the swamp, and then his foot steadily stepped on it.

"Come on, everyone, this is the most difficult section in the swamp. After this section, we can go out." Steiaf shouted.

How to break through the encirclement of Germany is also a big problem.

If you follow the normal route, there must be a large German army surrounded by a large number of tanks. Such a breakthrough is simply a dead end. Even if you go out, you will be chased by the Germans all the way and eaten by mouthfuls. , Can't escape much.

Never closed the opening? There were more Soviet troops there, and the nearby troops were all planning to break through there. When they arrived, they couldn't squeeze through. The Germans responded quickly and they had no chance at all.

Therefore, they can only take risks and walk through this swamp that no one has ever walked before. After walking through here, they successfully went out!

To this end, they threw away all their heavy equipment and hiked through the swamp here.

In fact, they don't have any heavy equipment. They are an infantry group. They are all infantrymen. The only heavy equipment is those heavy howitzers. No matter what direction they break through, they can't escape with the howitzers and must be thrown away.

Now their trouser legs are rolled up, bare legs, stepping on the half-leg deep swamp, and walking slowly, all the equipment is on their heads, everyone is holding bamboo poles, Dive in the mud and walk forward slowly.

The whole army is a long queue. The leader in front has passed the hardest part of the swamp. You can see the hard ground on the opposite side and the woods. Once you enter there, you can easily run. Lost.

And the people behind, haven't gotten down to the swamp yet.

"Well, we are about to cross this swamp. When we reach the woods over there, we will rest for a while." Steiaf said.

As he was talking, suddenly, there was a rumbling roar above his head.

When hearing this voice, everyone suddenly raised their heads nervously and looked into the sky.

In the distance, an airplane was slowly flying in. When they saw this airplane, everyone was shocked.

Frame, German reconnaissance plane!

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